Monday, September 26, 2016


Whew.I will not pretend to cool insouciance.

Members of my court have asked me to comment immediately before i had time to soften my words or hedge my bets.Its 10:45 pm East Coast time.The debates finished 15 minutes ago.

The king's kids can be tough bastards.

In my last blog i claimed that --short of an extraordinary incident--the impact of debates  tend to wash out  over a week or so.

Pity. Cos ,buggar the emails,we just watched a debate between a bullying,blustering,bigotted,blowhard,know nothing and a serious ,prepared.intelligent  adult.

Trumpf was bizarre.No doubt his base of "deplorables'' will still cling to his bull.
 But the rest of have no excuse but to come to Hillary  ---warts and all.We just saw a serious future leader of the free world.

One point I would like all my readers to look out for in the next few days of punditry,polls and pontification:
  Trumpf made a comment on USA Nuclear Defence Doctrine.He did not mis speak  or disemble--he simply showed he had no clue what it is.His statement of the doctrine was 180 degrees wrong.The King is not commenting on the doctrines pros and cons just saying this Presidential Candidates does not know what it is.

This is no trivial matter for a presidential candidate of a major party.

I really want to hear from the gaggle of second rate generals,colonels and admirals that have claimed he would be the better commander in chief.

Its 10:59 and  i am finishing this by attaching  a nuclear doctrine url for those interested.

and another as a comment from a leading Conservative Journal

Sunday, September 25, 2016

How Bad can the Week Get ?

This week could really get bad

September 24th. 
Labour loses the Leadership election to the Corbynistas.

September 26th

Poll: Clinton, Trump in virtual dead heat on eve of first debate

                         Pundits ,media treating the whole mishigas as a gladiatorial contest.

                        Hyping the "battle" for the "record" ratings ---

                        with some front row attractions.

                                                                            Jennifer Flowers

  The debates typically make almost no difference -pre and post polls the same after a week.

  This time Clinton is on a hiding to nothing.Trumpf  "wins" if he ends the night without  ranting,drooling or cursing.

  Hillary has been unable to shake off her "untrustworthy" rep and another Goldman Sachs embarrassment to come 

                               Still relying on the Clinton  "lucky/genius" gene.

                                                TREPIDATION RULES

                                                    October 2nd 
                                               Tottenham vs Man.City

  Spurs in second place play City in first;after returning Thursday from playing in Moscow.

I lost the first part of this week's trifecta.Hope springs for Hillary,Spurs and Civilisation.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Time to Panic ?

King Cyclops has just returned from visiting far off lands.

While away I despaired of my Labour Party and shall return to UK for the memorial service.

Back in the US of A ,I find the Michigas continues. And further confirmation that 
“No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
                                                                                                            HL Mencken
Apparently  as true in the middle of the 20th century as it is today

  • Libertarian Party candidate Gary  Johnson does not know the what or where of Allepo. Prior to this mind blank on September 8 he polled at 7%; afterwards a Quinnipiac University poll showed a  leap  to 13%.
  • His display of ignorance is worth a doubling of his poll ratings.
  • The poll indicated that almost 26% of his support came from 18-29 age demographic.     Leading   to the highly numerate journalist tribe to conclude that Johnson had connected with the young voter.
  • Before you despair for the future of the free world, the silver lining  view of  this statistic is that about 80% of the under 30 demographic  does not connect with Gary Johnson.
  • Trumpf’s total ignorance and bigotry seems to poll at 48%.No silver lining .

Despite media medical hysteria, Hillary is not dead-either physically or politically.
But she has weakened in the polls .In late August she had a 10 point lead nationally and was well ahead in the key swing states. Today some polls give Trumpf the lead nationally and is close or ahead  in some of these swing states.
                                       NATIONALLY:                Clinton 47 - Trump 48
                               FLORIDA:                        Clinton 47 - Trump 47
                               NORTH CAROLINA:      Clinton 47 - Trump 43
                               OHIO:                             Trump 46 - Clinton 45

Hillary’s poor campaigning and Trumpf’s resurgence has led several of King Cyclop’s  friends to look into Canadian residency.

My own irritation is with the false equivalency and “even handedness” that the media hides behind in order to appear “objective”.

  •          Trumpf’s bigotry is somehow   equivalent to Hillary’s “deplorables” comment.

  •          Trumpf’s dealings with the Italian and Russian mobs is equivalent to her speeches to Goldman Sachs.

  •          His adoration of Putin somehow the same as the Clinton Foundation taking donations from dodgy heads of state.

  •        His eight years of bigoted birther demagoguery equivalent to her stupidity over the emails.

  •          He displays letter from his allergist confirming   he will be the fittest President in history   is juxtaposed with her near death experience with mild pneumonia.

  •          His claim to feel as fit as he felt at 30 may well be true. We will have to check with the “models” he dated in 1975 to see how he compared then with their 70 year old  “friends”.

King Cyclops does not say that she is innocent of poor judgement, greed,entitlement,hubris or  deceit.The Clinton Foundation is fair game for investigation. But goose and gander. So is the Trumpf foundation.Where is that six foot portrait paid for by his “charity”?

Crooked Hillary compared to Dodgy Donald is no contest.

So do not despair mes  amis there is time aplenty  for the scales to fall from another 5% of American eyes .I  afraid that about 40% are too bigoted,stupid or selfish to ever vote for ANY democrat.So let us settle for the 49%.

Trump remains the least transparent presidential nominee in modern history. The first since in almost 50 years to refuse to release his tax returns and has not verified  the “tens of millions” of dollars donated to charity.

 The press must do its investigations of both of these candidates  and not call a lie “stretching the truth”. It should insist on:

  • Trumpf proving he was not born in Prussia or that he is not , as rumoured, Haitian—just asking.
  • Hillary should prove prove she is from Venus.
  • Producing those tax form .What audit?Has anyone seen ANY evidence that he is being audited ? Not that it matters. She has released 9 years worth. Showing the Clinton’s income, taxes and charitable giving.
  • Proof of his widely touted “charitable”  giving--$10 million in the last 5 years. A person’s charitable giving should be private, you say? The King agrees , unless of course you are running for President and boasting about what a great philanthropist you are. It’s not about the money , it’s about the truth in advertising.
  • We agree that such giving should not be tax deductable. Be as generous as you like with your own money , just not with mine. The court will make those decisions for itself.
  • He wants to see Obama’s college applications, transcripts ,passport applications and criminal record. Fine, let’s see yours. Were you really one of the “smartest” in your class or did Daddy make some special donations to Wharton? Not that it matters ,but there is that “truth” thing again.
  • Let’s see those social security  and AARP discount  cards while we are at it.

Trump has said that Clinton, 68, does not have the “strength” or “stamina” for the presidency and has accused her of being “exhausted” and sleeping too much. Yet she has been on the campaign trail for more events,meetings and travel than the ”fit as when I was 30” Trumpf,69.She has released detailed medical report .He has demurred.

As the King has said before its less "Crooked Hillary" than the “Lucky Clintons”. Do not despair. Trumpf is the only Republican that she could beat.
                        Those debates should prove most edifying.