Thursday, May 18, 2017

"This is not the end of the beginning .It is the beginning of the End"

"This is not the end of the beginning .It is the beginning of the end"
                                                                    Churchill after victory at El Alemein[misquoted]

 Former FBI director appointed 'special counsel' to oversee Trump-Russia investigation   ABC    Congress welcomes Robert Mueller as special counsel
 Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Appointed To Lead Russia Inquiry                         NPR     Trump denounces expanded Russia inquiry as a 'witch hunt'                                LA TIMES                                                                                                                                                                          Cyclops'predictions are coming to pass thick and fast.The King has not predicted that Trumpf would be removed by IMPEACHMENT but by the men in White Coats.See blogs 22,27 & 31 March .

                                                             I still adhere to that prediction.

"The King predicts that by year end Trumpf  is taken away by the men in White coats,is indicted or dies in mysterious[polonium] circumstances."    31March2017

                                    The Palace Coup

 Trumpf leaves for his first overseas tour this weekend.
Saudi Arabia,Israel,the Vatican and Nato in Brussels--
what could possibly go wrong?   

Where there is an ineffective parliamentary system for ousting unpopular,awkward or failed leaders then change has often been effected through the COUP.

  • Often bloody and violent;and occasionally instigated by foreign powers .
  •  In the twenty years between the CIA assisted overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 and of  Chile's Allende in 1973 there were over 100 coups attempts--most of them successful.
  • These in countries in Europe,Asia,Africa,South and Central America
     There have been about 150 in the forty five years since Chile.

                    But none in North America  or Australia--YET

Africa has a civilised tradition of staging some of its coups while the head of state is travelling for summit meetings,medical treatment or just on holiday.
  • Nigeria/1966         President Nnamdi Azikiwe President  from 1963 to 1966.
  • Ghana/1966          President Kwame Nkrumah while on official visit to Vietnam. 
  • Libya/1969           Officers led by Col. Muammar Gaddafi, ousted King Idris –in Turkey for medical treatment
  • Uganda/1971       President Milton Obote removed in coup.led by Idi Amin,;Obote was attending a Commonwealth Heads of State conference in Singapore.
  • Gambia/1981      President Dawda Jawara. while in Britain to attend wedding of Charles and Diana . 
  •  Sudan/1985        President Nimeiry ousted while on official visit to the U.S., 
  • CAR/2003          President Ange-Felix Patasse at conference in Niger     
  • Mauritania/2005 President  Sidi Ahmed Taya in Saudi Arabia for funeral of King Fahd 
  • South Africa/2018  President Jacob Zouma while in a sauna in Sweden.
This system has the advantage of allowing the ousted leader to keep his offshore accounts,properties and wives.Setting a decent precedent for the next chap..

While the media,pundits,lawyers and good government mavens are discussing the ins and outs of impeachment there is a cabal dining in George Town finalising the details of the Pence Presidency.

They plan for Trumpf to be taken ill after the State Dinner in Riyadh and to resign for the good of his health.

If not then to have an epiphany at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem,convert to Judaism and seek the right of return to his new,ancient homeland.

Failing that,after being blessed by the Pope perhaps he will resign to pursue a life of contemplation on an Italian mountain top.

If none of this happens then it's Polonium at NATO HQ in Brussels 

If he is crazy enough to return to the USA then it will have to be the men in white coats.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017


CHUTZPAH is a Yiddish word that has found its way into the English vernacular.

Simply translated it means audacious cheek.

Best exemplified by the timeless example of a son who murdered his parents for the inheritance.
On being convicted for his crime ,he threw himself on the mercy of the court proclaiming
                 "please pardon me I am a penniless orphan"

Now that's CHUTZPAH

 That example has now been Trumpfed.

Towards the end of the campaign Trumpf  praised FBI Director Comey for his courage and independence in pursuing the Clinton emails
       "the greatest political scandal since Watergate"

Within two days of taking office he re-appointed Comey for seven years.

Trumpf's first cabinet nominee was Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
He was immediately caught in a lie about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador.
An FBI probe was launched reporting directly to Comey.
The investigation broadened to cover all alleged contacts between the Trumpfians and the Ruskies.

The FBI Director-Comey-reports directly to Jeff Sessions.
The AttorneyGeneral had to "recuse" himself from any involvement in the investigation.

The FBI reports on this to the deputy Attorney General;that's the one who replaced  Sally Yates because she told Trumpf his Presidential Order banning muslims from seven countries was illegal.She also warned Trumpf about General Flynn and his escapades on the Ruskie payroll. Total bad egg-off with her head!

Anyway yesterday ,after Cyclops sent you all a post saying the noose was tightening on Flynn and the Russian Roubles[he actually took dollars]Trumpf fired Comey.

Could this have anything to do with the FBI Russia investigation?
Do not be so ridiculous ,we have been assured that this is not so by no more reliable source than Kelly Anne Conway herself. She had emerged from her complex cave of contemplation to ensure that there would be no misunderstanding.

He was fired on the written recommendation of Attorney General Sessions--yea verily he of the recusal--on the express grounds that Comey's behaviour in the investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails went beyond the bounds of his authority.

                   Now that's CHUTZPAH.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Brexit & Labour

There have been requests for comments on UK elections and to take pity on my Gaelic brothers dilemma whilst their old imperial masters screw up Erin's Isle with their hasty and ill advised Brexit.

England's political/economic decline may create an opportunity for the Scottish Nats but risks a severe economic blow to Ireland--the UK is its largest[by far] trading partner.Not to speak of potential unintended consequences on the border and a revival of Protestant fear and extremism.Inevitably leading to a Republican[Irish that is] reaction.

Well to bring the two together ,just a couple of quick comments on the Labour Party's handling of the Brexit issue--obviously by far the most important piece of the election battle.

To remind my readers: it is the official policy of both the Trades Unions and the Labour Party to Remain.
This based on a judgement that this would be best for the protection of organised labour and the rights of workers;as well an economic neccesity for the country.

They have been less concerned with retrieving "Parliamentary Sovereignty" for Westminster.

So does Corbyn and the Labour leadership seize the opportunity to constructively criticise Theresa May and her "hard Brexit"  and make the case for greater compromise and ,above all,an opportunity for the people to vote again once the outcome of negotiations is clear?


Brexit---Labour "policy" :

 The people's Referendum voice is as a commandment from the Lord..Fifty two must forever beat the 48  no second thoughts allowed.

Cyclops notes--

 " the people have spoken-the bastards"- democratic candidate beaten by Tricky Dicky in race for the senate in California

 "one  man,one vote ,one time"  --Uncle Joe in the Baltics post WWII

"When the facts change ,I change my mind"   --JM Keynes

"Brexit means Brexit" Theresa  May[or not]

"If you say so"--Cyclops

Thus Corbyn manages to take a hopeless  cause--cos of him--and makes it worse!

Now if  May gets the expected  large Brexit supporting majority,Labour is screwed.

If she stumbles and wins less overwhelmingly. Labour cannot claim any credit cos it parroted the same policies on /Brexit.

The Liberal Democrats will get the Remain boost/credit ;if not the seats.

Either way Corbyn will be blamed for being an idiot generally and for not leading on what is Labour Party and Labour Union policy.

By being "me too" on the "people's will" on Brexit.Labour loses what ever happens.

Rather than losing in the election, and Corbyn nobly taking the blame,allowing  the rump of the party to  be in the position of having righteously advocated its policy,speaking for the  48 and picking up the pieces for the "nation" after the inevitably disastrous outcome of the negotiations.

Labour was going to lose anyway. Now it will lose without honour, consistancy or logic ;and will  be in a weak strategic position to credibly attack May's government .When it does--as it will-- call for a second referendum and/or  opposes the agreement in Parliament it will be attacked for opportunism rather than grudgingly respected for consistency and foresight.

Bring on the bloodbath.
After the election,either get rid of Corbyn,Abbott et al and rebuild the Party on the basis of parliamentary democratic socialism ; 
or  lose to them in the next leadership contest and watch the Labour party sink to oblivion .
Then  the sane non infantile  left will have to join with liberal progressives to create a new party.

Thems the choices.

Who thought Cyclops would need to get involved all over again at his age?


p.s.  Yes I am still a party member . International  Royalty Branch.Well past my membership Jubilee.

Saturday, May 6, 2017


Apologies to those who have requested "wisdom" on the 
            French Second Round

            Labor's slaughter in the Municipal Elections

     and the rePublicans self immolation on health care.

 The King has been visiting his birth land,the Ducheses and those whence he came.

Unfortunately on his arrival Cyclops was afflicted with the dreaded Lergi  and was out of action for a few days.

So just some snippets

National Health Service

I'll save the NHS shaggy dog story.Suffice to say:

  • Admin/organisation for minor ailments awful bordering on perverse
  • Treatment excellent
  • Cost ridiculous--no fee for doctor,treatment or meds !--I am a foreign non tax paying visitor.
  • I was only asked my name and age.No address,nationality, insurance record or means test.
  • Walk in to clinic and get treated - -for free because of age !


  • Spurs lose to Chelsea in FA Cup semi final on April 22nd
  • Arsenal beat Man.City in FA Cup semi final on April 23rd
  • Spurs beat Crystal Palace on 26th April
  • Spurs beat Arsenal on  Sunday 30th April
  • Spurs lose to West Ham on May  5th & will not catch Chelsea now.
That's us done for the season .
Chelsea for the double.
Or arsenal win the cup and us nothing--again.

 French Elections

On arrival one Duchess  upbraids me for my over the top jubilation that Macron wins first round and 75% of French do not vote for Le Pen.
She points out that 75% still voted for Le Pen,Opus Dei or a nihilist grandstanding Trot.
She is not impressed by a Blair-very lite-Macron.Anything but Le Pen is fine as far sit goes but it hardly bodes well for the future of France,Europe or the UK.

I had to concede that her judgment was more balanced and serious than my premature jubilation.
On to the second round tomorrow--- Le Pen  a Bas !

The Counselors of Cowper Street

These great elderly seers from the Bethnal's Green,Shore's Ditch and the Parish of Spitalfields have been advisers to the crown lo these 60 years.They are responsible for most of Cyclops errors and failings; while as with the Donald the King alone has earned his triumphs and conquests.

They --Alan the Baker;Harry of the Hills and old testament Simeon were in attendance,while Paul the Miller "Laboured" mightily for the party of the North and Kaye man Tony the same in the South. David everybody  remains down under-- gave me great counsel on events in the old country.
{alright I know this blather is meaningless and of no interest to those who did not go to an East End grammar school in the 1960s--its ,just a little self indulgence}

Anyway,all lifelong Labour supporters, they see no hope.Recognizing that we are all closer to the end than the beginning they had hoped to bequeath something better to future generations than Trumpf,May,Merkel,Mammon and Mediocrity.They beseeched[poet's license]Cyclops to return from Great Falls beaucoup Eglises to save THE PARTY ,the Nation and Humanity;but alas the King is too old and Corbyn et al have destroyed too much muscle,sinew and bone--Milliband and his "reforms"proved as daftly intellectual as his dad.

To Better Days

Between the Lurgi,Tottenham,Labour,May,the Middle East and Trumpf Cyclops has had
better months.

Never mind heading for Chichester--Roman capital of the English Mycenae-to discuss a memorial to the Jewish deserters from General Ander's Polish army during WWII.Genuinely upbeat heroic story--for another time--and back to London to see Arsenal lose to Manchester United.

Will smell the roses before I return to the Palace across the Pond on Wednesday.
Just in time for the next round of Trumpf Dystopia-the series.

                                C'est la Guerre .Vive la France  Demain.