Tuesday, January 14, 2020


      Tomorrow HRHKC meets with four of his most senior                  advisers to solve the world's most intractable problems.
  1. Oil Prices
  2. Iran
  3. Mourhino
  4. In Pelosi We Trust
  5. Impeachment
  6. Wag the Dog II/Nuclear Annihilation
  7. Death of Labour Party
  8. Scottish Independence
  9. Irish Unification
  10. E.U.Implosion
Once we get past Mourinho there may be no time left to save the world from Nuclear Annihilation👺

The group meets under its nom de guerre --Der Alter Kackers.
Tomorrow's location is in the back room of a nondescipt pizzeria located in a small strip mall close to Langley.
The group never comprises more than six of its ten members at one time.
Tomorrow it will comprise an Englishman,Irishman,American of Welsh origin and an Egyptian.There is no Scotsman.

 Cyclops is not at liberty to elaborate on the Kackers plans for oil prices,Iran or Irish Unification.                                   But Plans There Are. 

The current intention in dealing with Nuclear Annihilation is for the group to keep its fingers crossed and pray for the men in white coats to get to the W.H. ASAP.

The alternative was to petition the Senate Publicans to do their duty to the the constitution and to [WO]Mankind. Der alte put more faith in crossed fingers.🙈

We also concluded that Mourinho's Tottenham winning the 2020 Champion League was a shoe in so we may just agree that by acclaim.

Tonight the Democrat Presidential Contenders "Debate" in IOWA on CNN.💥

Biden still leads the polls there and nationally.
Warren has panicked and played the Misogyny Card on her "best friend" Alte Sanders.🙉
She peaked in November but  has not recovered from the MEDYA finally reading her Health Care Plan.And analysing  it.
Sander's plan is even less realistic/attractive but nobody cares as his polling is driven by his groupies and "socialist" nostalgia. Nobody expects him to  get the nomination🙊

Biden's numbers have remained firm;thanks to Trumps constant attacks?
Cyclops feared that his son's foolishness,regular senior moments and poor debate performance would do him in--but no;it seem filial loyalty,governing experience,decency and being Barack the Blessed VP has valency💪

Butticieg doing white well and Klobichar  [8%]keeps chugging along.
She won't get the nomination but VP and then president in 2024?

                               Warren -- Sanders will give each other BIG HUG tonight.
                               Sander's "people" will never forgive her back stab nor its instrument.

               AFTER the debates we move on to the MAIN BOUT on the card for this First Quarter

                                                             IN NANCY WE TRUST
                               CYCLOPS is proud to maintain this MANTRA--IT WORKS
   To those Democrat Senators and various pundits who thought PELOSI had misplayed her hand by delaying the impeachmnet trial--PHOOEY.

                                        DON"T BET AGAINST THE MASTER MISTRESS
      McConnell said: 

  •  'The prosecutors are getting cold feet in front of the entire country
  •  [they are] second-guessing whether to send articles to the Senate
  • He  pushed for a short trial
  • Immediately
  • Without witnesses    
  • Rejected calls for Trump officials to testify 
  • He declared"Everything I do during this, I will be coordinating with White House counsel,”                                                                                                                                                                                         The Cognesenti wisely opined that McConnell                                                                 "had the votes"                                                                               and could not see how Pelosi's refusal to play ball with his timetable could work😡                                            Well as CYCLOPS said           
                                                              IN NANCY WE TRUST                                    
    •                         She has delayed sending the articles till later this week.                     
    •                         John Bolton announced he will testify   
    •                         At least four Publican Senators indicate they will vote against a                                         quick dismissal 
    •                        "GOP senators reject plans to dismiss Trump impeachment"
    •                         Without a trial
    •                        Even more will vote to call Bolton and 
    •                        Other witnesses

           Trump has for weeks been demanding a trial  and complete "vindication"
           Today not so much.  "Senate should not call witnesses and should dismiss impeachment"
            It seems he has lost faith in McConnell's promise that "its all under control"

    McConnell (R-Ky.) has announced  the Senate will begin its trial next Tuesday, when the chamber considers the rules package to govern the trial.

     Pelosi's delays have meant inter alia  

    1.              Seventy five percent of Americans want a proper trial
    2.             No instant dismissal
    3.             Witnesses will be called 
    4.             Trial will continue past the scheduled State of the Union
    5.            February 5th

                                                 IN NANCY WE TRUST

      CYCLOPS hears that savvy Publican operatives are maneuvering to have this year's State of the Union Address cancelled.
    They fear a Trump meltdown if it takes place while the Senate Trial is in Progress.

    Perhaps it could be arranged for the second day of Bolton's testimony to be given on the morning of  February 5 th.
         P.S.         Susan Collins polling:   35% approve;50% disapprove 
                          She trailed a "generic Democrat opponent 44:41 .


    CYCLOPS Returns Jan 5th

    Sorry for my absence. Travels,Boat,Grand Kids,Flu Smiling face with horns

    Not really missed much except for UK election rout,Demise of Europes oldest Labour Party, Trump Impeachment,Pelosi playing Trump and Mcconnel to a fare thee well,Mourinho turning Spurs around-despite playing Aurier and absence of Hugo lloris. And Oh yes Trump wagging the dog.The last a bit extreme; assassinating Iranian general Soleimani in order to get Netanyahu re elected and to cover up Ivanka's Baku Trump Tower deal with the General's construction company.

    This post concludes with the following questions:

    Given this and putting yourself in Boris' shoes. 
    Why on earth would you oppose a second Scottish Independance vote?Followed by one a few years down the road for a United Ireland?
    In order to "Preserve the Union"?
    Instead of the English subsidising the Scots and Ulstermen why not let that honour be given to the beloved EU?

    I hope that encourages at least a few of you to read on.

    Last post was:      
                        Bonkers Boris or Crazy Corbyn? on 11th December .

                                    MESSY BREXIT ATTEMPT😝
                                     ON DERISORY TERMS FOR UK😒
                                     MYTH OF USEFUL/FRUITFUL  TREATY WITH USA EXPOSED WITHIN                                                 WEEKS   😰
                                     ALL JOHNSON PROMISES DITCHED    😈
                                     LIFE MOVES ON🙈🙉🙊
                                     EXCEPT FOR LABOUR😠
                                     STALINISTS CEMENT THEIR CONTROL💪
                                     OVER A FACTIONALIST CULT💩    "
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Got first part of that prediction wrong .
                  But stand by the rest.We will see.

    The day after the poll results were finalised, Cyclop read the following wonderful piece by Janice Turner in the London Times.
                    "Corbyn is clueless about the working class"

    She excoriated Corbyn and his ilk.Ending with this rallying cry:
     "It is time for every dispossessed Labour member who left because of antisemitism or Momentum bullying to rejoin. .....Let centrist entryism begin."
    Cyclops was moved to write to the Times in his birth name
                 Agree;  this was brilliant. From the heart.
         I can visualise her at kitchen table PC just flowing.
         It may be too late,but back into the Valley of Labour we must charge🏇🏼🌺🙋‍♂️
         Workers by HAND and by BRAIN. 
         Jew and Gentile, Hindu and Muslim, Indigenous and Foreign Born; 
         Social Democrats and Democratic Socialists.  Decent progressives all.
          Let us join together as zealous citizens, extreme in our reasonableness,
           passionate in our moderation
          Back to the party whence we came, faith of our fathers.
          A debt to honour.Children of Atlee and Wilson, Proud to Repay.
                                             EXPEL THE STALINISTS
                              AVANTI                MARCHAN                       THEY SHALL NOT PASS  

                The Times algorithm let my comment stand 

    Emotional blighter that Cyclops ne Kuczynski.

    ALAS 20 years of formal education and 60 of "seeing it as it is"  soon took its toll.
    The Bonkers Bonker victory is even more dramatic than it appears.                           


    • Conservative


      365 seats to Labour 203 with a majority over all parties of 86.
    • Take out the 59[6 Tory and ONE Labour] SCOTTISH seats after Scotland leaves the Union and Tory overall majority goes up to 139Hear no evil
    • After Irish unification-- 18 seats in Ulster-- it goes to 157Raised hands
    • From a total now of 650--77=  573 seats left in the Westminster[now English/Welsh] Parliament.

    • In Northern Ireland,for the first time in history Irish Republican won more Westminster seats than the  Unionists
    • 10 to 8Victory hand  the DUP only beat Sinn Fein by a single seat.
    • All the Irish parties supported staying in the EU
    • A united Ireland far behind?

    • Of the 533 seats in ENGLAND:Tories 345 vs Labour 180
    • 2:1    
    • Labour only won in Wales  22 seats to Tories 14 Plaid 4  
    • Labour fiasco--deserved.
    • Worst outcome since any one still sentient was born.
    • And all this before parliamentary redistricting for the next election.
    • The independant Boundary Commission has recommended that Wales loses 11 of its 40 seats.All Labour.
    • There goes the neighborhood.
    Given this and putting yourself in Boris' shoes. 
    Why on earth would you oppose a second Scottish Independance vote?Followed by one a few years down the road for a United Ireland?
    In order to "Preserve the Union"?
    Instead of the English subsidising the Scots and Ulstermen why not let that honour be given to the beloved EU?