Thursday, August 31, 2017


                                               The Royal Procession
The King has returned from a Royal tour of his lands to the East.
We stopped at St. Michael's Island and Village to review the preparations for Princess Rachel's nuptials.
 We found no saints in residence.
We were able to  confer with sundry merchants and providers of victuals.
She is betrothed to the American Commoner Matt Ney.
Inter Alia he is a renowned Soccer [its America] Coach.
He may look forward to the title of Lord Ney Keeper of the King's Balls.

The royal party sojourned at the Royal Fishing Lodge on the Atlantic coast.
The Princelings[age 4&2]  trained in the Manly Arts and cuddled their Mum,
while being spoiled by two sets of Grand Parents.
While there, Cyclops received emissaries from various Democrat strongholds, received entreaties from others and worked the phone--only one at the Lodge.

                           The Consensus : THE COUP is COMING

                                                      COUP to “SAVE the NATION from TRUMP”                                  
We progressives had been planning a strategy based on keeping TRUMPSKI in place at least till the November 2018 Congressional mid term elections.

This optimised the chances for the Democrats taking the Senate and even the House.
There are also 34 Governorships up for contest--most currently Republican.

But the Permanent Powers of the Deep State have almost completed their task of moving the key pieces into place for a coup to keep democracy safe..

The Junta
                                         A Junta of Generals are in Key Positions
  •                          General Kelly controls the White House
  •                          as well as the Department of Homeland Security
  •                          General "Mad Dog" Mattis is Secretary of Defence
  •                          General  McMaster heads the National security council
  •                          General Dunford is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
   These Four served together in Iraq and have taken control of the Afghan War from Trumpski                                 

                          McMaster                              Kelly                  Mattis               Dunford
  They are  the opposite of the deranged jingoistic red neck know nothings that dominate the Trump base.They are "Patriots" who have to take this action to prevent the total collapse of US Military and Diplomatic influence caused by Trumpf and his fealty to Putin.

 Lists of trouble makers on the left and right have been collected by the FBI and Homeland Security under the guise of legitimately needing to identify potential terrorists. Lists from Charlottesville, Black Lives Matter ,the Militias and Antifas have been added to the membership lists of the ACLU, Amnesty International and the NAACP. The Generals are also likely to intern the leaders of the National Rifle Association whom they regard as dangerous gun nuts.

The Family
Preparations have been made to isolate the Presidents' family.The Junta is considering going along with the Kirshner's -JARED and IVANKA--absconding to Israel under the Jewish People's Right of Return. This would simply bring forward Jared's plans to avoid incarceration for fraud, money laundering and corruption .Ivanka would avoid imprisonment over fraud and treason related to Baku and daddy's Moscow dealings.
 The Generals view the couple as too stupid and too discredited  to pose any threat from exile and this avoids making them martyrs.

For similar reasons,some believe that the General's would not care if Donald jnr.and Eric vanished to an extradition free locale.
They also believe that Melania is too beautiful and too shrewd to have got involved with Trumpf's business corruption. She will get by on what is left of the Trumpf "billions"and can be trotted out as an example of the Junta's mercy.
The other daughter --what's her name ?

Constitutional Image
They Generals have decided not to rule as a formal Junta--the Greek, Chilean and Argentine precedents are not good.
Preferring to use "blow dried" Mike Pence as their "Constitutional Puppet".
Pence is being boosted as "sane and suitable" with carefully prepared photo ops in Houston, Charlottesville and other "crisis points". This in contrast to Trumpf's self absorbed posturing on the same issues.

They had considered cleaning house completely by dumping Pence and going to third in line Paul Ryan. It seems that the generals judge Ryan too sneaky and have not been impressed with his ability not to be "available'" at awkward times.
Including when they have approached him with their plans. They prefer to keep him in his current position knowing that he can be bought off with some grand standing tax changes.

They are also comfortable with McConnell staying put as they cannot find any discernable principles that would prevent him being a good partner.
They also believe he knows his way through the legislative stuff  and can put "the lipstick on the pig'.

They probably believe that they need to just keep up the charade of a Pence Presidency until 2020 by which time they will have engineered the re election of the Nation's real First Family.

Jeb Bush is with Bush XV1 and VX111 in Kennebunkport Deux Eglises.Before Bush the eldest was the 41st President he had been Vice president,Ambassador to China ,Head of the CIA and General Secretary of the Republican Party.In November 2000, as governor of Florida,Jeb himself  oversaw the "Hanging Chad/Butterfly Ballot" fight in Florida that,with the help of his father's appointed Supreme Court,delivered the Presidency to George Jnr. George in turn oversaw the "weapons of mass destruction" dossier that justified the Invasion of Iraq.

                    This is a family that knows how to Conduct Coups.

                                   What about the Mueller Investigation?
 The plan is to let this go the distance [except for anything on Pence]

Why not?
  •                                  A "good circus"
  •                                 No love for Putin
  •                                 Hate traitor Flynn
  •                                 Despise  Mannafort et al
  •                                 The truth on the Trump Corruption justifies his removal
  •                                 Can claim "Rule of Law" paramount
  •                                 Finishes off the Kirshners
The Mechanics
                                      Impeachment                too long
                                      Military                         too dangerous
                                      Men in White Coats     so appropriate

Asked and answered

So when  will the men in white coats show up?
Enough time for Mueller's team  to leak damning corruption stuff on Trumpf himself as well as the rest of family.
After Grand Jury indicts Flynn and Mannafort.
After Trumpf approval ratings dip below 30%.
With enough time before the 2018 elections  for Pence and the generals to claim they are cleaning the stable

                         By end of February 2018 at the latest and Thanksgiving 2017 earliest.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

General Kelly has resigned as WH Chief of Staff.

 General Kelly has resigned as WH Chief of Staff.
  Dr.Sebastian Gorka appointed with immediate effect. 
 commentary to follow
The King received this information from associates under deep cover in the White House.
The News Flash was issued before  the Bannon Trumpski Regime had informed Kelly or made its own announcement.
When this was brought to the SUPREME LEADER'S attention he went into
                                              " a total paranoid meltdown"
The decision was immediately frozen ,while a floor to floor search for the "traitorous leaker" was undertaken by a unit of the Gestapo Order of Vitez . 
The change had been deferred but by today, the terrorist attack  at the Battle of Charlottesville has taken the front page and may lead to a radical rethink.
This has been a dramatic week even by Trumpski standards:
  • VP Pence accused of preparing for 2020 bid for Presidency 
  •  Panics at revelation that he raised more money than Trumpski
  • Trumpski threats to Nuke North Korea 
  • "fire and fury the likes the world has never seen" and "locked and loaded" 
  • Warnings that fit the GREAT LEADERS self image .
  • And terrifies the sane leaders of every country on the planet.
  • Kim Yong Un threatens Guam
  • Trump tells Governor of Guam that this weeks news would be good for tourism
  • This was followed by threats touting" a military option" for Venezuela
  • Attacks on Mitch McConnell for failing to repeal and replace Obamacare
  • FBI dawn raid on Mannafort home Trump tweets “pretty tough stuff”
  • Found time to attack Sports Illustrated  article that claimed he lied about his golf scores

               And now the Nazi march and terrorist attack in Charlottesville

 Trump's luke cold condemnation of the violence at the march and his refusal to condemn as terrorism the car attack that killed one,put seven in critical condition and hospitalised a dozen more  has created a firestorm amongst REPUBLICAN Senators and Governors. This is straight out of the ISIS playbook.

Bannon has told Trumpski not to worry about the condemnation by the very right wing Senators from Florida[Rubio],Cruz[Texas],and Utah[Hatch].
  •    "Rubio is just playing to the Yids and Spics in Miami"
  •    "Cruz is a Cuban carpet bagger and not a true son of American Soil'
  •    "Hatch represents those  Christian heretic Mormons who are probably a lost tribe of Israel'
"No one in the WH worries about what Senators from Jewyork think--sorry about that Jared"

By the way Trump has yet to make any comment on the fire bombing of a Mosque at Bloomington ,Minnesota.The  FBI has been instructed to investigate whether it was a false flag operation by the "left".

                                   Not to worry the firing of Kelly has just been delayed


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

General Kelly Walks on Water

         General John Francis Kelly appointed W.H. Chief of Staff

The King will scream if one more pundit pontificates on what a "great patriot and honourable man "is General John Francis Kelly.

When will Americans understand that their generals are no less or more "political",patriotic,self serving,venal,vain,honest,noble or stupid than their senators.

How many Flynns have to be indicted,Sexual Predators exposed or Procurement Officers given jobs with Martin Marietta before parts of the  populace ceases to hanker for the man on a white horse.

The new chief of staff is the quintessential military politician.
You do not get to the top of the US military on your combat record.

Since this "extremely honourable  patriot" [Does this imply there are members of the military High command who are not patriotic and honourable?]was anointed Secretary of Homeland Security he has faithfully and cynically carried out all of Trump's bigoted anti Muslim and anti immigrant directives and been an enthusiastic supporter of the WALL.

While on  service in the Obama administration he was the Military's most enthusiastic supporter of keeping Guatanamo open.
He has kept his head down except for 
  • TV appearance in May to endorse  Jared's attempt to open back channels through the Russian embassy
  • “I think that any channel of communication, back or otherwise, with a country like Russia is a good thing,” “It doesn’t bother me.”
  • Praising Trumpski in that infamous cabinet  NORTH KOREAN STYLE  love fest and 
  • Promoting a policy of separating illegal immigrants from their children as "a deterrent".
          This is the man many pundits are looking to to protect our democracy from Trumpski

One more thing.

Kelly's appointment to chief of staff came last Friday.

 "Kelly called Comey to express anger over firing,sources say"  "Kelly called Comey afterward and said he was considering resigning"
  •    What a brave and honourable man .
  •     A true patriot putting his own position at risk for a principle.
  •     Even such cynical liberals as King Cyclops must respect such honour.

  •   I do not recall hearing about this at the time or since. 
  •   Why now? 
  •   Does this put the good general in a  positive and admirable light?
  •  Who were these "sources" that "leaked' this conversation to CNN?
  •  There could only have been two men in this conversation.
                                             Are there any tapes?

Apparently there is a cottage industry of sources confirming the "reluctance"of General Kelly taking this or that post or considering resigning on some issue of principle or other.

No doubt these sources are well informed.
All cyclops knows is that 
  • The General took the DHS job and made the trains run on time--back to Mexico.
  • He now has the Chief of Staff position  and no doubt those train schedules will improve.
  • There is no record of Kelly resigning-ever, over anything.
                                           AT LEAST HE IS NOT A POLITICIAN