Tuesday, July 26, 2016


 “My legacy has its roots in my father’s legacy

 "I learned the most from my father,about life and about  business"

“My Dad, Fred Trump, was the smartest and hardest working man I ever knew. I wonder sometimes what he’d say if he were here to see this tonight.”  acceptance speech July 21 2106

A most notable exhibition of filial respect and affection.As it should be.

                      Thou shalt honour thy  father and thy mother.

Frederick Christ "Fred" Trump (October 11, 1905 – June 25, 1999)


The first time the Trumpf  family made news  was in 1927.
The New York Times reported that  Fred Trump was arrested in Queens during a Klan rally of about 1,000 people.At its mid-1920's peak,KKK had up to 6 million  members.

Almost 90 years later,Presidential aspirant Donald was asked to disavow the endorsement of David Duke,a former and unrepentant Grand Wizard of the KKK.

Trumpf Responded: 

 "I don't know David Duke. You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing  about.”


WW II and Trump Service

  • When the U.S. entered World War II,men aged 18 to 45 were made subject to military service. Fred was 36.He did not serve.
  • Unlike  John McCain,the Donald managed to miss out on Vietnam.
  • Four draft deferments for education and medical reasons.
  • An 18 carat gold plated Chicken Hawk.
  • None of his sons served.
  • This is a true family tradition of service.
  • Trump's Grandfather  left Germany in 1885  when 16,the age of Prussian Military Conscription.
  • After making the family fortune running saloons and brothels in the US & Canadian West he returned to Germany in 1904 aged 35.Post conscription age.
  • German authorities determined that Trump had emigrated from Germany to avoid his tax and military-service obligations.
  •  He was labeled a draft dodger and deported to the USA.Those Prussians took this stuff rather seriously.
Trumpf is of course "Big,Very Big,YUUGE on the military and LOVES the troops.

WW II and  the Trump Empire

Fred had a Good War.

  •  He built barracks and garden apartments for US Navy personnel.
  • Immediately after the war  he expanded into middle-income housing for the families of returning veterans.
  • Building Shore Haven in Bensonhurst in 1949, and Beach Haven near Coney Island  in 1950 (a total of 2,700 apartments.
  • All these projects were funded or guaranteed by the government.
  • A  master of state/crony capitalism.
  • President Eisenhower believed Trump was at the top of a list of many builders profiteering through the use of FHA  monies intended to build affordable housing for World War II veterans.
  •  The General apparently had a thing about vets being exploited, calling the builders,“sons of bitches,” .            
  •  Fred Trump was investigated by U.S. Senate Banking Committee in July of 1954.
  • Grilled about the millions in  profit he had expropriated from Beach Haven.
  • In September 1954, 2,500 Beach Haven tenants sued Trump and the FHA, claiming the builder made illicit profits .
  • The builder had received loans for $4 million more than the construction actually cost,and that rents were consequently inappropriately inflated.
  • Folk icon Woody Guthrie,1950's tenant in one of Fred Trump's apartment complexes chronicled his disgust penning lyrics accusing him of stirring up racial hate "in the bloodpot of human hearts"

  Cannot keep a good man down - Back to the KKK roots ?

In 1968 22-year-old Donald joined the family company becoming president in 1974.

The case was settled in a 1975 consent degree described as "one of the most far-reaching ever negotiated". The Trump Management Corporation "promised not to discriminate against blacks, Puerto Ricans, and other minorities."
The agreement covered 40,000 apartments.

The Justice Department subsequently complained that continuing "racially discriminatory conduct by Trump agents has occurred with such frequency that it has created a substantial impediment to the full enjoyment of equal opportunity." 

In 1978, the Justice Department filed another discrimination suit against the company, alleging that the Trumps weren't complying with the original terms of the 1975 settlement. 

It is unfair to use these isolated incidents to claim that the Donald or his Fred had a racial bias.Apple and Tree comes to mind.

The Fathers Fortune

During his life Fred had used his connections to help Donald get projects and had guaranteed loans for Donald to develop the Hyatt Grand Central,Trump Towers and the Trump Casinos.No golf courses.

Fred developed Alzheimer's by 1991.He died in June ,1999,aged 93.

Since his father's incapacity and death Donald has filed 6 bankruptcies.
  • Trump Taj Mahal Associates, Atlantic City casino — 1991
  • Trump Castle Hotel & Casino, Atlantic City casino — 1992
  • Trump Plaza Associates, Atlantic City casino — 1992
  • Plaza Operating Partners, Manhattan hotel — 1992
  • Trump Casino Holdings, Atlantic City casinos — 2004
  • Trump Entertainment Resorts, Atlantic City casinos — 2009
Involving some five billion dollars of  debts.  

Who are his bankers ?!!?

 By the time Fred died he had passed on most of his wealth  .Nevertheless his remaining estate was estimated at between $250-300 million.  His wealth enabled the Donald to Start Big.

Monday, July 25, 2016




The from whom is rather clear.

It seems TRUMP[F] takes the name of the  US President's Home a Little Too Literally. 

His Major Policy to deport immigrants certainly resonates with some segments of the population.

What is less clear is the period of American History which is the Paradise of his dreams.

Friday, July 22, 2016


                                                THE PUBLICAN  CONVENTION


The highlight of the first day was meant to be Melania's "first lady' speech.
It worked.Well crafted,well presented light stuff on her immigrant background,aspirations, her love of children and her hubby:The Donald.
Americans love this schmaltz in a way Brits do not get.Rather like we do not get the love affair with their guns.

Anyway no sooner had the convention closed for the night than all hell broke loose about a half dozen sentences of boilerplate having been lifted from Michelle Obama's speech eight years earlier.Its PLAGIARISM the media screamed/exulted/despaired/ejaculated--choose your own verb.Well yes it was.

But it hardly rose to the significance of stealing the life's work of a Nobel Laureate.

Needless to say Michelle Obama made no comment and no objection.She probably privately called Melania to sympathise.After all there are worse things for a beautiful,intelligent billionairess to worry about.She is married to Donald trump.


The plagiarism row played on and on and on.Never mind that President Trump wants to deport 11 million Mexicans,dump NATO's principle commitment,ban Muslims coming to America,scrap trade treaties and on.The real issue de jour was that incompetent staff work has failed to scrub a few lines from a puff speech.

All this was compounded,to the obvious[and justified]glee of the medya by the totally incompetent handling of the glitch by the Trump campaign staff.They tried to blame the candidates wife!

We were by now well into farce territory.

this is a convention photo taken by the New York Post.
                              Safe to say there is a Black Elevator[only one and very small]
                              No Hispanic elevator, just an endless corridor leading to a wall.


The campaign finally dumped the problem at the feet of a mid level aide who said she had inadvertently lifted the sentences from the Michelle Obama speech when she and Malania were reviewing what other candidates wives had said.No one believed her for a second,nobody could credit why the campaign team took so long to come up with this fiction.She offered to resign,Donald graciously refused and every body lives happily ever after.Except for NATO that is.

Speech day slots for several Publican big beasts.Texas senator ["Lying Ted'] Cruz gave a rabble rousing address but omitted to endorse the nominee.As a result he was booed from the stage,his wife had to be escorted from the hall by security and even the Texas delegation got into a snit with him.

This kind of drew attention away from the "unity" thing and Donald jnr's. speech.Very rude of Ted to drop something in the punch bowl and he may find himself not popular at future parties.

By about 11 pm Trump was finally able to introduce his running mate.Mike Pence.Pence began his speech by introducing himself as " a Christian, a Patriot and a Republican--in that order".This is what passes for oratorical flair in these parts.It went down very well and he continued in this vein.He knew his audience.

                                    some churls seem to have a problem with their banner

I cannot see the problem myself

We had hoped to hear from Queen Sarah Palin by now.Alas it was not to be The Donald informs our court that she was reported to be too tired and emotional to make the trip from Alaska."Which is,I promise you,a long way a way and shares a border with the kingdom of my friend the "strong" Vlad the Putin"


Final day.All focus on the Fuehrers Candidates speech .Also that of daughter Ivanka .An intelligent,attractive and warm  34 year old young woman.She is also a Jewish ,West Side New York Liberal--just view her speech .
 Ivanka Trump Says Her Dad Will Fight For Equal Pay And Child Care.Who knew!! Those polish illegal construction workers must have been delighted.

Her speech was greeted in raptures by the convention.Whipping works so much better if you do not listen to the words.After the election,Hillary should offer her a policy job in the department of HHS.

Then came Big Daddy's speech.You will have read the reviews.http://variety.com/2016/tv/opinion/donald-trump-acceptance-speech-republican-national-convention-1201820141/    ;    http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/trump-succeeds-in-delivering-speech-no-one-will-want-to-plagiarize   ; http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-republican-convention-day-four-20160721-snap-story.html
We live in the worst of times and we live in even worster times.Is that plagiarising Dickens?Be afraid be terribly afraid.Only I can save you.The immigrants are coming The immigrants are coming.This guff went on for an hour and fifteen minute.Longer than Obama and Romney combined in 2012.

Plenty of journos and blogers commented ,choose your own poison.

As you may be aware King Cyclops grew up in humble circumstances the son of Jewish Refugees in East
London.Now Bengali then Jewish and Irish.The currency at the time was not decimalised and was denominated in pounds,shillings and pence.Yiddish frequently found its way into the neighbourhood vocabulary.Hence the Yiddish/English term TRUMPENCE was a common part of our patoi.

I was reminded of this when I saw the campaign  poster.

Trumpence meant "not much".Seems to be precisely what this ticket is worth.

Trumpence :definition from the urban dictionary

The amount of return on investment in a con job.

As in :         I knew it was too good to be true, it's worth trumpence.


King Cyclops would just like to explore a little side phenomenon..Trump blames Americas ills on two caricatured villains: Hillary Clinton,a woman, and on  Immigrants.He has worn his misogyny on his sleeve throughout the campaign. Yet he has married three times ,TWICE to immigrants.

 So how come he chose immigrant women for two of his first three wives?

  • Both wives were born into communist regimes.
  • The first in Moravia in  Czechoslovakia,now the Czech Republic and the second in Slovenia inYugoslavia,now Slovenia.
  • Until the collapse of the Hapsburgs during WW I ,both areas had for centuries been integral parts of Austria.

  • The Donald's grandfather was from  Prussia, a part of Germany very close Austria,culturally,militarily,socially linguistically and in political attitudes.
  • Both very reactionary and at the centre of Germanic Nationalism,anti semitism and conservatism.
  • Perhaps Donald does not feel people of German/Austrian heritage and culture are the kinds of immigrants he objects to.

King Cyclops first interaction with a Slovene was back in 1972.The country was still communist and part of Yugoslavia.The King was attending  a month long seminar on Urban Planning in Saltzburg. There were attendees from across europe-EAST and WEST.The location was at Schloss Leopoldskron for hundreds of years the palace of the Bishops of Saltzburg. Until commandeered by the US Army in 1945.It was now owned and run by a US Foundation.

There I met a Slovenian architect.It was clear he wanted nothing to do with the Serb and Croat aparatchiks in attendance.He assured me that Slovenia was not like the rest of Yugoslavia but still culturally Austrian and anti communist.He skied most week ends crossing the Austrian border at will.His family obviously lived very well with several residences and servants.I believe that his parents were well established within the local Nomenclatura.
The quirk of this divertion is that the Sclosss was in fact the location where,in 1965, the musical The Sound of Music was filmed.My Slovenian colleague was very amused by this as he assured me Slovenes identified very much with the Van Trapp family.With much more legitimacy "than [other] Austrians who were nearly all Nazis anyway", he assured me.He often hummed "Eidelweiss" after a few stein in the bier keller at the Schloss.

I was not surprised therefore, that at the end of the Publican Convention Melania the Slovene, led the Von TRU[mpf]P family on stage to rapturous applause as they sang a medley from the Sound of Music.
The VON  TRU[mpf]P Family

Whether the Donald saw the irony of playing captain Von Trapp is not known.

Monday, July 18, 2016


   The coup in Turkey  may  prove an historic tragedy.Erdogan aspires to be the modern successor to the Ottoman Sultan.We face the the loss of  a potentially democratic,secular and prosperous Islamic nation to a despotic,mysoginist,Islamist, demi Caliphate controlled by a paranoid dictator and his bully boys.

Turkey as tragedy .Labour Leadership tragedy moving to farce.Trump[f] farce looking to become tragedy.

What can I say about the spiralling demise of the Party of my youth, the dying movement which brought us Opportunity,Emancipation,Education and a Universal Health Service.The propogator and defender of democracy and pluralism not just at home but throughout the old empire ans beyond.

Nick Cohen feels our pain https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jul/16/corbynism-sounds-death-knell-for-labour  expressing it better than I.

I hope we are wrong.Ruth Davidson --a Scottish Tory-- sums up the current situation.

“That’s the difference between our two parties. Labour is still fumbling with its fly while the Tories are enjoying their post-coital cigarette – after withdrawing our massive Johnson.”

The Tories are in the second week of a new Prime Minister and government in place.
We cannot figure out how to dispatch Jeremy Corbyn and his brain-Seamus Milne.
Have yet to settle on a single leader to yield the sword.The two in the frame will not  take a place in the Pantheon of Labour Heroes.This is the best we can offer!! But thanks anyway for the effort Angela and Owen.

Where did you say Ed Miliband is?

I grew up to Atlee,Bevan,Gaitskell,Wilson,Castle and Healy.Even the second rank Crossman,Crossland,Callaghan,Kinnock and Benn  were giants compared to Miliband et al.

Tony Blair: Despite leading us to three election victories and almost fifteen years in " at least better than the Tories "government ;Iraq and your greed and self agrandiesment after you left office condemns you to the ignominy side of History.

Gordon brown I knew Dennis Healy,I respected Dennis Healy--you know the rest.It could have been so much better.

The withering of industrial unionism has replaced Erny Bevin,Hugh Scanlon,Jack Jones and Joe Gormley. with a blustering bully Len McClusky.He holds on to power by destroying effective democracy in his       public sector union.He is determined to do the same to the Labour Party.

The union no longer provide ballast and there is no strength left in the parliamentary leadership.
An organisation that can be taken over by Corbyn and his crew had to be in a very ,very  bad place.

I know King Cyclops is very old and living in the past.I have been told by old friends and activists "This is no longer the party you remember comrade" "We knew Jeremy when the party was the progressive force of UK politics and did not take him seriously enough to even think him a joke".

 No longer. This coup against Corbyn will fail even if it wins.I worked in abrewery.This lot has proved it cannot organise the proverbial piss up.

Maybe tomorrow will bring a better day.
If Labour could recover from Ramsey McDonald maybe it could recover from Jeremy Corbyn.
I know its not the same.
Still too soon to die .
If we have to start again and build a new party of the left to replace Seamus Milne and his ilk on one side and the Tories on the other ,then so be it.



Is the transfer window open .Perhaps we could buy Ruth Davidson to run for leader.
 Curriculum vitae
Born November 10, 1978 Education Knowepark Primary School; Buckhaven High School; Edinburgh University
Career She worked as a radio journalist at the BBC, joining the Tory party in 2009 before being elected as an MSP in Glasgow in May 2011. She became leader of the Scottish party in November that year leading them to overtake Labour in the Scottish Elections.
Partner Jen Wilson

It reads like a Labour MP,except for that bit about joining the Conservative party.
  Feisty,smart ,funny lesbian.She doesn't do tea.The Scottish TU leaders should love being led by her.Me too.Probably our best hope of bringing Scotland back into the Labour fold.

What have we come to when their young talent is so much more interesting/competent/savvy  than ours.



KING CYCLOPS comes from a great and honourable tradition of gallows humour.

We are struggling to see the funny side of the coups in TURKEY and in the UK LABOUR Party.The Trump[f] coup a little easier-but not without misgivings.

But needs must.

Here we are with turmoil, terrorism, war, distress and economic dislocation; nary had a coup since the Egyptian military threw out the Muslim Brotherhood in July 2013.

No coup in Syria,Iraq,Saudi,Iran,Brazil,Venezuela ,Burma, Bangladesh ,Luxembourg or France[just kidding mes amis,its planned for after Le Pen wins the presidency].

Now three come along at once.


·        Second largest Army in NATO.
·        Largest military in the most volatile region in the world.
·        Critical Strategic Location.Borders with Russia, Syria, Iraq,Iran and the not yet created Kurdistan.

·        Major NATO air base, with Nukes.
·        Centre of Western Operations Against Isis.
·        The once and future hope for the most important Secular, Democratic, Muslim    State.
·        A “functioning” Democracy.

 There have been four effective coups since 1960.The military has seen itself as the protector of the Ataturk revolution and the guarantor of a “secular” state.

Erdogan has maintained a grip on power for thirteen years in an increasingly polarized  state. Despite early expectations within the court of King Cyclops of some sort of military move against Erdogan,none had materialised.This despite several unprecedented purges of the Armed Forces, an increasing Islaminisation of the State, renewed confrontations with the Kurds[“Mountain Turks”] ,the Army’s embarrassment with the blind eye turned to Islamic militants moving across loosely controlled borders and a spate of internal terrorist attacks.

Nevertheless my court and our wide network of international intelligence contacts were taken by complete surprise. We proved to be as much in the dark as the CIA and US State Department.

Once alerted early Saturday morning [Ankara time] of tanks on the street,the King himself followed events through his direct briefings from Al Jazeera,the BBC and CNN.

We assumed the coup would unfold much as those in the past. The Army would be in control by Monday, Erdogan’s para military police disarmed and the government and leaders of other political parties under arrest.

 This is really heavy stuff!

Within twenty four hours it was clear the coup attempt had failed and Erdogan was in Istanbul ordering the arrest of a long list of military officers,judges and his other “enemies”. A major Purge is now underway. http://www.jpost.com/International/Analysis-Why-the-Turkey-coup-failed-and-whats-likely-to-come-next-460561

Our court is stunned. We did not anticipate the coup and even less that once launched it would fail within within a day  

The King, his Sisters and many of our closest confidants have been educated in a set of British assumptions about history, politics and administration. The most importance of which is “The Cock Up Theory of History”.

Under the CUTH dogma the working assumption is that when things do not work out as planned or expected, there has been a cock up—unintended incompetence, bad planning or just bad luck. Often described in official documents as SNAFU—Situation Normal All F****d Up.

We assumed that this is what we were observing with the plotters in Istanbul and Ankara.

After about 48 hours members of the court were  reviewing events,receiving dispatches and raising questions.  http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/interrogation/2016/07/why_turkey_s_latest_attempted_coup_was_different.html    

Where was the overwhelming force?

In earlier coups there were hundreds of tanks and thousands of troops on the ground immediately. This time there were too few troops to control the para- military police and the soldiers seemed to be posted at photogenic but non strategic positions such as the Bosphorous Bridges.

Why had Erdogan not been arrested in the first hours?

He was holidaying on the Black Sea; the military had to know the location of the head of state. His personal security could not have been sufficient to withstand an army unit. This is always near the top of the list in coup manuals.

Why was social media not blocked?

Troops had taken control of TV and radio outlets. It is a minor matter to shut down social media and telephony—ask your cable company or Mr.Putin. Erdogan’s call to the streets came via a “face time” call to CNN Turkey to which a woman presenter  had returned within a couple of hours of the studio being cleared by soldiers. 
They apparently forgot to turn the lights out [or destroy equipment—standard coup operational procedure] or to put a guard on the door.

 Why had the coup leaders not appeared on TV to declare Marshall Law and to claim legitimacy?

We still do not know who they were

How was Erdogan able to fly so quickly into Istanbul?

The coup had closed Istanbul International and all other airports across the country.The whole country was a no fly area.Yet Erdogan was able to find a plane, crew and an unguarded airport.He flew in to Istanbul airport to rally his forces and show himself to the people. His was the only flight to land within a forty eight hour period.

Why were the police so brave in battling the army?

Despite Erdogan’s build up of his para military police they are massively out manned and out ordinanced by the largest army in Europe. This is a seasoned military engaged in combat with the Kurds, Isis and the Syrian army. This is no bunch of pussies.A coup should have rolled over the police in hours.Standing up against the military would have looked like a suicide mission.

Six thousand plotters?

As we edit this post, Erdogan's forces are reported to have rounded up eight generals hundreds of officers,several thousand troops and two thousand judges.It seems all these lawyers were very good at keeping the coup secret.Certainly the president has been very good at preparing lists.

The coup was planned and the counter coup spontaneous?

Yet media outlets have been closed more effectively than the coup plotters managed.
The coup leaders have been arrested while Erdogan and his entourage were not.
Erdogan is all over the TV and social media,while we never saw the faces or heard the names ,ranks or objectives of the plotters.
The para military is in control of all strategic points.

Erdogan is demanding the USA extradite Fethullah Gulen an ex ally and now arch enemy. Gulen in return has accused Erdogan of staging a fake coup as an excuse to impose autocratic rule on Turkey. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/07/16/alleged-mastermind-attempted-coup-turkey----cleric-living-quietly-usa/87176144/

As one travels east from London the CUTH dogma weakens.Alternative theories of plots, schemes and conspiracies emerge. By the time one reaches Istanbul, Cairo or Baghdad it is gone—replaced by a fervent belief in CONSPIRACIES. This new dogma PARANOID CONSPIRACY THEORY [PCT] is dominant across all sections of society.

King Cyclops is not comfortable to abandon the CUTH assumptions of a lifetime

                   YET?             PCT RULES-OK?

Thursday, July 14, 2016

What did she mean by that?

              Boris Johnson made foreign secretary by Theresa May

On hearing of  the death of French Foreign Miinister Talleyrand,the 19th century Austrian diplomat Metternich is said to have asked;
                                    “What did he mean by that?” 

This is the same question King Cyclops asks of Theresa May.

                     What did she mean by that?

 So why did she do it?

  1. She does not care what foreigners think
  2. Sly way to annoy David Cameron in revenge for leaving her at the home office for six years
  3. She thinks that its apposite for the FO to be headed by a Johnson 
  4. He will be mostly abroad and she id not want a Johnson near her
  5.  Her way of showing the world she has a sense of humour  
  6.  MI 6 needs  a firm hand                                                                                                                                                                
  7. She felt sorry for him being ridiculed for bottling the leadership campaign 
  8. Its consolation for Trump choosing someone else as his VP running mate
  9. She ha studied Machiavelli and expects the job will give Boris enough rope to hang himself
  10. He will be treated as a fool and a half wit by his counterparts and he deserves  that fate
  11. He will vanish into oblivion or be humiliated as a national embarrasment
  12. To put Smersh off the scent 

                                She thinks he will be good at the job--nah!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016



At Least We Cheered Up the Spanish.Must be the Thought of Fewer of the British Elite Holidaying in Costa Booza.
[its a must watch!!] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfqSFQlDae8

It Seems that Britain's Best Friends Were Horrified by the Result.



The Joy of the Brexit Winners Knew No Bounds




                                   THESE TWO ARE REALLY DISAPOINTED TO SEE UK LEAVE



Monday, July 11, 2016



 “The way they have managed this in the past week – their inability to have their coup after 10 months of plotting, which was all planned out – I'm not convinced they would run a good leadership election. If they can’t run this coup and they ran three bad election campaigns last summer, I’m not convinced they would run a good campaign.”
                                              James Schneider, national organiser  Momentum,on BBC:

Corbynistas claim to speak for "Labour" cos 200+ thousand members,associates and three quiders voted for him at the trough of Labour's despondency after the disastrous Miliband leadership.They dismiss the 7+ Million labour voters represented by the 80% of MP s and shadow cabinet members elected a month earlier.
Lies,damned lies and statistics.

"The first casualty of War is Truth" --make no mistake this is an intra party war between Democratic Socialists, and the Leninists,Stalinists and Trot Fantasists [Corbyn,Milne,McConnel,Galloway, Livingston et al].

 King Cyclops does sometimes despair of  the sensible "adults' in the Parliamentary Labour Party. Piss up in a nunnery comes to mind[I do love my vulgar mixed metaphors].If you need to kill the King then kill the King--do not be conned into interminable "unity"discussions with his henchmen and the bully boy McClusky. What on earth is there to agree on?

If Corbyn goes then they have lost their power.They do not care about the survival of the Labour party,let alone Democratic Socialism.They are revolutionary fantasists.As good Leninists they must first destroy those closest to themselves so that the proletariat has no choice of factions to support. That's YOU comrades.

 Either the putchists represent "Real Labour "or they don't .Choose one of the adults[ it will not be someone that King Cyclops admires but so what!] and get on with it.I have arranged for Jeremy to receive asylum with Mugabe or in his choice of Venezuela,Cuba,North Korea --whichever economic system he admires the most.

His friend in the Kremlin has indicated that there is no Moscow Gold available for a counter counter coup.Putin has no liquidity apparently.His adviser at Goldman Sachs told me its all tied up in Trusts in Panama ,the Caymans and Cyprus.The Swiss were a little fussy about all the blood on the notes in the suitcases.

   In response to my blogs calling for the defeat of Jezza I have received a large number of email and telephonic responses .I will post  a melange of these in a seperate note but I would like to share one received from North London today.

JC -North Islington

"Greetings comrade Cyclops.Forgive me not using a regal honorific but you know how I feel about monarchies.Although I must say your blogs do not feel very comradely.Who writes them for you?Seamus does my speeches and stuff  and clears them with "old friends" so that I can read them out loud.Very sound stuff .It's as though he can read my mind;knows what I think before I do!

  It has  been over 40 years since we worked together in those two 1974 election campaigns.Are you still a loser?I heard you left the country to "study" at the centre of  the Nixonian Imperialist Empire.It seems from your blogs that they have you thoroughly brain washed.All that stuff about Burke and Representative Democracy. Perhaps you were in the bag before you even left Blighty.

I do remember you banging on about social markets and individual consumer choice determining what was produced in a market regulated by rules,protections and laws .Rather than the  preferable system of production being decided by worker cooperatives supervised by local party committtees.You also had those ringing phrases about a Labour Government being less committed to uniformity of outcome than to equality of opportunity, allied to  universal health care,free education and a robust social safety net.

You never had a real understanding of the needs and desires of the proletariat.Let alone of the critical role of the party in interpreting and moulding those needs.I do remember that rather  nice line about "free choice  not being  in conflict  with social justice".I have used it myself over the years.I even suggested Hamas put something like it in their charter.

    Is it true that you live in a palace,close by the CIA HQ in Virginia?That would be handy for someone with your foreign policy views.You always had a thing about the Soviets being repressive and using the Warsaw Pact as an instrument of aggression.Whereas it was of course a bastion of freedom standing four square against Western imperialism.I do remember you claimed to think Kissinger,Nixon,Pinochet and the Greek Generals were bad guys.But you also thought that about Mao,Kim Il Sung and Comrade Brezhnev.

We always thought your views were formed by your father's experience under Stalin and his Social Democratic leanings rather than a rational ,dialectic  analysis ..We sympathised with your psychological need to honour your father but hoped you would mature out of this to a better understanding of scientific materialism ,class realities and the needs of the Soviets to protect its people from the Capitalist Aggressors.

From your blogs I see that this has not been the case and that you still see the Soviets Putin as the bad guy in Georgia,Chechnya,the Ukraine,Moldova and in his support of Assad in Syria.Well I am proud to say my views have not changed an iota since we worked "together" in Hornsey and I hope to see the fulfillment of my dreams in party policy before the next election.

But I fear that I have digressed widely from the purpose of this email to you.I suppose I have been deflected by sentimental memories of our fight together for the miners against Heath,the three day week and Tory policies.

Your blog has been very critical of my leadership and of my closest associates.You seem to believe the Tory and Blairite lies about the bullying of  Labour MPs,a shambolic leaders office,ill thought out policy positions, a deliberately incompetent campaign in favour of party policy to remain in the EU,and our incompetent opposition to the Tory government .You also have been taken in by the Zionist campaign about anti semitism in my inner circle.

    I call on you now in the name of loyalty,solidarity and unity to stop your negative blogs and join me in consolidating my power in the Labour party. It is 35 years since a dozen of us took over the Islington North Constituency Labour Party This allowed me to be installed as the Party candidate, and thence the the MP for Islington North.This gave me the platform to extol progressive views on and support for otherwise unpopular causes; such as  helping my friends in Hamas and opposing Israel, NATO and the USA in all their endeavours.

I have been able in my time as an MP to proudly vote against the policies of  three Labour Prime Ministers more times than any other Labour MP as well as doing my best to oppose other party leaders who would have been apologists for the capitalist system.I failed in my attempts to undermine the UK's position  within that capitalist club masquerading as the EU--until now.Join me in the name of loyalty .Help me in in my mission to transform the Labour Party into something you never conceived of in your wildest dreams."
                                                        Yours in solidarity JBC

 Well there you have it.A plea for loyalty and unity.Let us hope that by the time you read this the "plotters" will have called McClusky's bluff  and there will be a single candidate to oppose Corbyn. Let us also hope that the Trades Union Movement gets it mojo back and joins the struggle against those bent on destroying our party.

  And a  special call out to Labour supporters  in North Islington--Bougeoise and Proletarian,Workers and Students,Men and Women ,Jews and Gentiles, even any Soldiers and Sailors who may be around..The next October revolution is on the horizon .Many of you have been dormant: getting on with your lives of work, family ,faith and football.Some are  three quidders,others are lifelong members frustrated with Miliband and the weakness of the alternatives .

     Some have voted for Corbyn thinking it could be fun and "what harm could it do?".You know who you are.You have seen the consequences.Now is the time to get serious.The last fight is at hand.
" Granny ,what did you do when the Labour party disintegrated and left us with twenty years of regressive ,conservative governments?".

If Jeremy and a dozen obsessives could take over your CLP thirty five years ago --they did not even have a Minyan as several were women--then surely you can summon up a couple of dozen per ward and take your party back.


This time it really is for the children and grand children;and us too.

Friday, July 8, 2016


"Jeremy Corbyn has hailed a 100,000-strong surge in Labour members since the EU  Referendum"
                                                                                                                    The Guardian July 6th

"Labour membership surges by 100,000"  --                                                 New Statesmen July 6th

Labour party membership: 100,000 people set to rally behind Jeremy Corbyn--London Evening Standard

This "news" is of course repeated gleefully across the Tory press and the cable news on TV.

The source for this nice,large,number is somewhat vague.Most of the medya simply quoting some other outlet  which in turn implies it got this "inside " info.from 'Labour Sources".Also that favourite for journalists without a source: " labour officials have been contacted".

No doubt  confidential "labour sources" are giving this 3 carat  gold info.to their friends.Seamus Milne[Corbyn's Brain} is a Guardian journalist of over 20 years and is still officially on their payroll.He is also Corbyn's chief of staff and "adviser"[think: Rasputin/minder/svengali/ protector and guru] .

This surge in membership is spun as being a response to the Parliamentary Vote of No Confidence on June 28th.By the 5th of July claims were appearing across the Tory Medya that over 100,000 new members had joined the Labour Party. They were "overwhelmingly"Corbyn supporters joining to prevent the"Parliamentary Coup" against Jezza.

"New members thought to be preparing to vote to keep Jeremy Corbyn as Labour Party leader, in defiance of the party's MPs"                                                                                                     The Independant

"membership rises by 100,000 as loony left try to rescue Comrade Corbyn" --The Sun,Tabloid

"The “vast majority”of new Labour members..express a preference are backing Jeremy Corbyn"
                                                                                                                         HuffPost UK .

This "news" is of course repeated gleefully across the Tory press and the cable news on TV.It is used editorially as an attempt to panic the "Labour MP and Shadow Cabinet Rebels".The Tories are tearing themselves apart but have always had better survival instincts.There is no sweeter dream for the Telegraph, the Mail and Murdoch's Times & Sun,than an adult Thatcherite, Theresa May running in an election against a divided Labour Party notionally "led"by Clueless Corbyn.Even King cyclops may believe that would be the end of the party whence he came.

 The Party membership offices have been open for 5 days since the motion of  no confidence supported by 80% of Labour MP s. New members can APPLY to join the party either through the party office in Newcastle or on the internet.The internet applications then have to be processed by hand--in Newcastle.

Even in this befuddled Labour Party not just anybody is eligible to join--note  that Boris & Govesy--although the 3 quid electors can be/and have been just about anybody with the price of a pint.Ed Milliband,what can you have been thinking ! Did not your Marxist Daddy teach you that the Party is the vanguard of the proletariat not the vehicle of the Trot Entryists.

Sorry I digress but when you think that the Milliband boys pass for the intellectuals in the modern Labour movement!We were supposed to be the party of the workers by "hand and by brain".

Let us s assume there were 7 days between the 'Parliamentary Coup" and the" informed sources" leaks on 24 hour internet driven new membership numbers. I calculate that means 10 new applications every minute

Further there was a maximum of 5 x 8 hour days for party workers in Newcastle to BEGIN reviewing the applications.That means 7 every 10 seconds. I hope no one needed a comfort break.

I know ,I know-- its all being done by computer.

                                                     VERY IMPRESSIVE

 A great deal of  importance is being drummed up on these DRAMATIC numbers of newly minted socialists, marching pitchforks in hand to the CORBYNISTA banner.PROFOUND conclusions are being drawn by pundits across the spectrum from the extreme right to the excitable left--sans the sensible writers in between.

King Cyclops therefore instructed his courtiers to track down ANY official/knowledgible source for the totals and more importantly the documentary evidence suggesting that the "overwhelming" mass of them have listed themselves as Corbyn supporters.

We have found none--unless a single journalist at the Huffington Post will suffice.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016




“Getting rid of Corbyn will be the easy bit. Coalescing around a SINGLE alternative will now test those who care more about the Party and its most vulnerable supporters than their own Lilliputian ambitions”


It's 10 days since the results and Jezza is almost gone. Ninety percent of the shadow cabinet has resigned-including replacements for the replacements!
An 80% no confidence vote from MPs.His entourage refuses to let him meet on his own with other party leaders, lest he sees reason. They know with him gone it’s the end of their puny power. They care nothing if the party is destroyed in the process.

The Unions will desert him and he will be gone by Friday. His leaving is as incoherent and pointless as his leadership has been over the last nine months.

 Angela Eagles is touted as the “unity” candidate .She has been in parliament for 16 years w/o making much of a name for herself or serving in the Blair/Brown governments. She is described as “soft left” and in order to prevent a schism it seems the parliamentary party is willing to back her without opposition. It seems the Labour movement is in an era of lowest common denominator politics. This is the progeny of Atlee, Bevan, Gaitskell, Wilson, Castle, Blair and Brown? Dennis [Healy] where art thou?

The only named alternative I have heard from old friends is Yvette Cooper. She was in the Blair government and Gordon Brown’s Cabinet.as was her husband Ed Balls, making them the only ever married couple to serve in a British Cabinet.

She is a smart, focused politician but ran a poor, diffident campaign for leader against Corbyn last year. She is a Blairite and therefore will probably not run in the current climate.

It is interesting that the two leading candidates for leader are women; one married to a woman and the other to Ed Balls. The party has come a long way, at least on gender and sexuality issues.

PREDICTION 2                 JUNE 13


      " 51 per cent vote LEAVE                                    
      49 per cent vote REMAIN ......                                
  .... Prime minister Cameron resigns.The queen calls a new election.
       Sterling falls 15%,the markets crash,mortgage rates soar,retail sales decline,manufacturers lay off workers.

       Much popular consternation and the opinion polls show electorate has massive buyers remorse and has apparently changed its collective mind.

  All three major parties Tory,Labour ,LibDems now led by three "unelectable" leaders campaign to overturn BREXIT and to REMAIN.

 Do you think Nigel Farage will be the new UKIP Prime Minister?
Do you find these scenarios outlandish? The imagination of a crazed mind?A recipe for chaos?Only too plausible?

  All of the above"



FARAGE---GONE.Cyclops did NOT predict that one.

AND these?                                    ---JUNE 18
  • A UK vote to exit, would lead to calls by the far right for immigration referendums in Holland, France, Italy, Denmark and even Germany. It could unleash centrifugal forces tearing Europe apart and with that global chaos.
  • Could we count on the "statesmen" of Europe to act together in the common interest? Recent events cannot give confidence.
  • Would the panic of Capital bring on a recession?
  • Would Putin resist the temptation to cause mischief in the "Old Empire"? 
  • Would President TRUMP (f) do a deal---just kidding.

PREDICTION 3                            --JUNE 26

"A Tory party leadership election between two Old Etonian Chums:

Bonking Boris  -LEAVE
Gormless George -REMAIN


The answer is Theresa May
  • She is NOT an Old Etonian,its all male and the only way she would have got in would have been as a serving wench. 
  • For those with no clue about the minutia of  British Politicians.Think Margaret Thatcher with fashionable shoes.

  • She is currently Home Secretary.
  • Smarter and tougher than the Posh Boys and will make mincemeat of  Clueless Corbyn in a general election.


BORIS & OSBORNE  both dropped out before the contest STARTED.The Bookies,Pundits and Polls triumph AGAIN.

     THERESA MAY---running as the new Thatcher- GETS HALF OF the Tory MP vote 166 versus 165 for the       other FOUR.
      FOX  & CRABBE[not an Aesop Fable] drop out throwing their support to MAY.

        GOVE [48 votes] & Andrea Foursome  LEADSOM[follow others?    66 votes]   still in the 
       frame.Gove running as the Assassin and Leadsom as the other Thatcher---think Ronald Reagan to Republicans,just the Brits do not name airports after movie stars.
 It looks like they are heading for a run off between 2 women candidates from State Grammar Schools.Will make a YUUGE change after a Tory government run by POSH BOYS from  ETON,OXFORD & the BULLINGTON CLUB.

EITHER would eviscerate dear Jezza if he were around.


     JUST  a last piece of not so Trivia:WHO SAYS THERE IS NO PROGRESS?


                      EAGLES and COOPER--both women ,one married gay.Both for REMAIN


                   MAY-REMAIN      ;   LEADSOM--LEAVE


   RUTH DAVIDSON, REMAIN. Woman,State Grammar School,non OXBRIDGE and married to a Woman.


  NICOLA STURGEON-REMAIN.Woman ,State Grammar  School and non OXBRIDGE.


NATALIE BENNETT .REMAIN.State educated Australian born journalist.Well known LGBT rights campaigner



  1.   JEAN CLAUDE JUNCKER will dumped as President of the European Commission BEFORE the UK invokes ARTICLE  50.

  • He consulted with his doppelganger Donald Trump who advised him that UK PM was penny ante stuff and that he should syndicate his own reality TV show.

  • He plans to run for President of USA  instead.Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was born June 19,1964, on New York's Upper East Side.Really he is a native born US citizen.The first step will be to run as Trump's VP candidate.He has shown the Donald his birth certificate--long form.

In the meantime: Remember Parliament has not voted yet. Whatever the idiot Jean Claude Juncker  may want. We are still fully paid up members. The fat lady has yet to sing.