Well the King's week did get better after the Corbyn election tragedy.
Trumpf's debate fiasco just built and built all week.
Not because of any substance from the debate--heaven forfend that substance should intrude on the circus.
- Trumpf just kept revealing his craziness day after day.
- You will all be familiar with his continuous rantings against Miss Universe 1996--20 years ago!
- Leading up to his manic tweets in the middle of the night Friday.
- Nobody can find the sex tapes only he has seen--and we know you are looking!
- They must be hidden with the tapes of Muslim's celebrating 9/11.
- Trumpf has labelled her a "terrible" person and a Clinton Dupe.
- If French or Italian she would have been in Sarkozi or Berlusconni Cabinet.
- Over the week end the NY Times revealed copies of just 3 pages of his 1995 tax returns.
- A $ billion loss carry forward --good till 2013.
- He seems to have NEVER paid federal income tax.
- Watching Chris Christie and Guiliani claim this is genius gives me joy.
You cannot satirise this tosh.
Christie and Guiliani give lie to King Cyclop's claim that anyone but Trumpf would be beating Hillary.
If you follow the press and media closely you will notice that this pair are never seen near sane Republicans --or perhaps the other way round.They are apparently no longer welcome in polite Republican society.
Perhaps I am being a little harsh to Chris "the Bridge" Christie and " a verb ,a noun and 9/11" Guiliani. I forget that each of them were seriously touted as Presidential candidates within the last decade and each of them blew it.They have nothing left but to cling to Trumpf's tawdry coattails.
The Trumpf tax stuff is just building steam.Most journos cannot do the arithmetic but there are plenty of nerds out there who will do the math for them.
King Cyclops himself deserves credit for not boring[yet] the court with his own analysis.Watch this space--what he did may have been legal for the federal tax code --I stress may-- but I will wager it violated New Jersey/New York state codes.I would guess that understaffed state agencies left the auditing to the feds and Trumpf''s personal taxes slid between the cracks.We shall see.
Today he again boorishly mocked Hillary's recent illness and raised the issue of Bill's philandering;as did Guiliani and Ginrich .Nine wives and several accusations of harassment between them.Where is Roger Ailes when Donald needs him.Can't these boys keep all this stuff to themselves?
Nine Wives.Now that shows real belief in "traditional marriage"
Anyone want to bet against Kellyanne Conway quitting as his campaign manger after the next debate?
Needless to say the sanctimonious and the editorial writers are wringing their hands that the pundits,reporters et al are "NOT COVERING THE ISSUES " but focusing on the Trumpf Circus and Hillary's "honesty".
I have news for you. TRUMPF IS the ISSUE.As was Mussolini,Hitler,Huey Long,Franco,Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Berlusconi. Any idea what was Strom Thurmond's or Joe McCarthy's tax policy ?
At least Americans have the chance to stop the disaster.
Just a few words on the infuriating moral equivalence that permeates the commentary on this election.
Last night
Pope Francis--that's the one all we non Catholics like -said:
" I never say a word about electoral campaigns " --Well that will be welcome new doctrine to the Italians,Spanish,Poles,Catalans,Argentines....
“The people are sovereign. I will only say: Study the proposals well, pray and choose in conscience.”
I am not sure the word has got through on those referenda on choice. and same sex marriage.Fair enough the Church is entitled to to stand by its own convictions and doctrines.
But the Reuters reported indicated that " Pope Francis didn’t mention Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton by name, he did say there were “difficulties” with each,"
Well your haplessness THAT IS MORAL EQUIVALENCE.You are the POPE do you really see these two candidates as MORALLY EQUIVALENT ?
Never mind ,I guess you have your own problems.Nor have we heard much from the other major Christian denominations.
Except of course for Southern Evangelical Leaders.
- Wayne Grudem,Southern Baptist ethicist and theologian: "voting for Trump was a morally good choice".
- James Dobson founded the conservative Focus on the Family organisation and the Family Research Council, He is an outspoken campaigner for traditional views of marriage and for Donald Trumpf.
- Jerry Falwell Jnr is the president of Liberty University and son of one of the founders of the Moral Majority movement.
- Robert Jeffress, pastor of mega First Baptist Church, Dallas, serves on Trump's advisory board and has said Republicans who refuse to support him are "fools" motivated by pride.
- Mark Burns runs a Christian TV network is an active campaigner for Trump and in a prayer at the the Republican National Convention referred to Hillary Clinton and the Democrats as "the enemy".
- Jack Graham, pastor of the Prestonwood Baptist megachurch and son of the revered Billy Graham,said he will "champion Donald Trump" after attending a meeting with more than 900 evangelical pastors . "I know that I feel very convinced that it's not just 'Oh, we got to stop Hillary Clinton,' which we do, but that we can champion Donald Trump," "I am convinced he is going to make a great president of the United States."Well daddy backed Nixon and sympathised with Dicky's problem with the Jews---look it up.
- Tony Perkins is the head of the Family Research Council and offered a full throated endorsement for Trump at the Republican National Convention.
There are no evangelical leaders of similar stature endorsing Clinton.
Not all white evangelicals are Christian Bigots for Trumpf--just 74% of them.
On the football front: Spurs won in Moscow on Tuesday and beat Manchester City on Sunday
All in all not a bad week after all.