"This is not the end of the beginning .It is the beginning of the end"
Churchill after victory at El Alemein[misquoted]
Former FBI director appointed 'special counsel' to oversee Trump-Russia investigation ABC Congress welcomes Robert Mueller as special counsel
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Appointed To Lead Russia Inquiry NPR Trump denounces expanded Russia inquiry as a 'witch hunt' LA TIMES Cyclops'predictions are coming to pass thick and fast.The King has not predicted that Trumpf would be removed by IMPEACHMENT but by the men in White Coats.See blogs 22,27 & 31 March .

I still adhere to that prediction.
"The King predicts that by year end Trumpf is taken away by the men in White coats,is indicted or dies in mysterious[polonium] circumstances." 31March2017
The Palace Coup
Trumpf leaves for his first overseas tour this weekend.
Saudi Arabia,Israel,the Vatican and Nato in Brussels--
what could possibly go wrong?
Where there is an ineffective parliamentary system for ousting unpopular,awkward or failed leaders then change has often been effected through the COUP.
- Often bloody and violent;and occasionally instigated by foreign powers .
- In the twenty years between the CIA assisted overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 and of Chile's Allende in 1973 there were over 100 coups attempts--most of them successful.
- These in countries in Europe,Asia,Africa,South and Central America
There have been about 150 in the forty five years since Chile.
But none in North America or Australia--YET
Africa has a civilised tradition of staging some of its coups while the head of state is travelling for summit meetings,medical treatment or just on holiday.
- Nigeria/1966 President Nnamdi Azikiwe President from 1963 to 1966.
- Ghana/1966 President Kwame Nkrumah while on official visit to Vietnam.
- Libya/1969 Officers led by Col. Muammar Gaddafi, ousted King Idris –in Turkey for medical treatment
- Uganda/1971 President Milton Obote removed in coup.led by Idi Amin,;Obote was attending a Commonwealth Heads of State conference in Singapore.
- Gambia/1981 President Dawda Jawara. while in Britain to attend wedding of Charles and Diana .
- Sudan/1985 President Nimeiry ousted while on official visit to the U.S.,
- CAR/2003 President Ange-Felix Patasse at conference in Niger
- Mauritania/2005 President Sidi Ahmed Taya in Saudi Arabia for funeral of King Fahd
- South Africa/2018 President Jacob Zouma while in a sauna in Sweden.
This system has the advantage of allowing the ousted leader to keep his offshore accounts,properties and wives.Setting a decent precedent for the next chap..
While the media,pundits,lawyers and good government mavens are discussing the ins and outs of impeachment there is a cabal dining in George Town finalising the details of the Pence Presidency.
They plan for Trumpf to be taken ill after the State Dinner in Riyadh and to resign for the good of his health.
If not then to have an epiphany at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem,convert to Judaism and seek the right of return to his new,ancient homeland.
Failing that,after being blessed by the Pope perhaps he will resign to pursue a life of contemplation on an Italian mountain top.
If none of this happens then it's Polonium at NATO HQ in Brussels
If he is crazy enough to return to the USA then it will have to be the men in white coats.