Monday, April 30, 2018

Whats up with the Yidos?

This was drafted but not posted in early April 2018

There is evidence of antisemitism in my Labour Party.

According  to the Jezzites:[ kissing cousin's of the ancient Philistines]
  • Such claims are all got up by a few local malcontents and the financier controlled Tory Medya--[know what I mean/nod,nod; wink wink].
  • Its not a serious problem:just on or two rotten apples and maybe Ken when he has read one of his books.
  • Jezza abhors all forms of racism  and antisemitism,except perhaps that of Ken,George,Hezbolah and Hammas-which is limited to only bad Jews who live in Israel.
  • Not withstanding what someone wrote in their charters.
  • Well maybe it exists in a few pockets .
  • Laura is due to clean out the Great Leaders iconic anorak so that should sort that then.
  • Certainly no Zio problems in any University Labour Clubs,or local constituency party,nor with the odd councillor living North of Watford.
  • Absolutely no problem on a few "closed" face book sites of which the boss et al have been members.
  • Well if the occasional problem nobody ever read them any way.
  • Well if they read them they did not understand the Jew baiting.
  • Well if they understood, its all in the past .
  • Well if not in the past nobody reads them anyway[ED:are we getting a little circular Highness?]
  • What about Jezza,McDonnel, Livingston,Milne,McClusky appearing on platforms with holocaust deniers,9/11 conspiracy theorists and on Persian and Russki TV stations?
  • That can easily be misunderstood or deliberately mischaracterised.
  • Just like that accident in Salisbury.
  • This pantheon of intellectual progressives are very busy men and cannot be expected to know the views and affiliations of everyone with whom they march.
  • Especially those who have been friends and comrades for decades.
Jezza certainly can't be antisemitic his Mum was at Cable Street.
Cyclop's Mum was not,her dad would not let go.
He never let her go to Cable Street--it had a certain reputation for "ladies of the night".
But uncle Lou and auntie Lil sneaked out and were there;never mentioned meeting Jezza's mum.
No big deal really they lived round the corner in Whitechapel and Spitalfields .
Just a short walk on a nice sunny day.

  • The Tories are worse,
  • The Blairites are just exploiting the situation and 
  • The Jews are oversensitive.
  • Probably understandable given 2000 years of European history;
  • But get over it already.
There is no significant problem and that was proved single handedly in  last year's report by Baroness Chakrabati--written when a simple,humble Ms.--and a Lady would not lie.

King Cyclops has a  problem with "None so blind as Will not See" but that's a different belief system.

It used to be so different.
  • Every Labour Cabinet in history contained Jews.
  • We were so integrated into the party that the number of Jewish cabinet members,MPs,local councillors or leaders wives was not even noticed.
  • Except at weddings,bar mitzvahs and shivas where the Tribe marvelled at its presence,contribution and acceptance at and in the  heart of the Labour party.
  • For many: a refuge both real and figurative.
In 2010 the election for the party leader was between TWO Jewish boys !👬 and Ed twinkle toes Balls.
  • Lord knows not Gaitskell,Bevan,Wilson or Healy.
  • Banana Man and his little brother entered round two man to man---
  • Well perhaps yingle to yingle.
  • David [Duvidle] vs Edward [Smuel] Miliband
  • Smuel beat big brother Duvid 
  • The youngest ever Labour leader.
  • Victory was by less than 0.5%.             
                              On such "Differences do Empires fall".

Smuel was party leader between 210-2105.

His legacy was a second place finish to UKIP in the 2014 European;
A loss to the vastly unpopular Tories in  2015;and
A revamped[stupid,ignorant and irresponsible] electoral system for the party leadership.

We now have Jeremy and the Jezzites.
Antisemitism and nastiness at all levels.
Incompetence and Civil war.

What we don't have is King's Cyclop's Labour Party.
100 years to evolve and 3 to destroy.
ED: Anyway Your majesty ;Whats your point?

Sorry got carried away with self pity.
We now have a MAJOR  crisis over antisemitism !!😱

So what do the TWO leading Labour Politicians of Jewish origin have to say?
A party leader and a Foreign Secretary.
The offspring of two Polish Jewish refugees.
A mother who survived in hiding during the Nazi occupation of Poland.
A father who fled Belgium in 1940.
Both these parents lost family in the Holocaust.

For Cyclops their Odyssey's are personal,and familiar.
As a kid in Spitalfields all my parents' friends had such backgrounds.
All had lost family.
Most had survival stories of their own or of close close relatives.
All cherished the Labour Party's embrace.

That means Cyclops and his generation have obligations .
To be fulfilled with diligence and gratitude.
These obligations are not simply to family,tribe and ethnicity.
But also to the British Labour party.

The Cyclops family was not wealthy,well educated or even tall.                                                      Labour provided us all with: 
  • Shelter-subsidised council flat above the fruit market;
  • Sustenance--ration books,child benefit  and                                                                            Free/subsidised milk and school lunch from the age of four to eighteen.
  • Education-free state schools from four to eighteen;                                                                      Free university tuition and a living stipend.
  • Even free vacations-through the"Children's Country Holiday Fund" initiated by Clement Attlee when he was social worker at the local Toynbee Hall charity settlement .
The Miliband boys grew up in a comfortable,intellectual,socialist and secular home.
Blessed with articulate,learned,loving well integrated parents.
Perhaps not much yiddishkeit but still Jewish refugee parents.
The family was respected and protected in the bosom of the post war Labour party
They have obligations.

Duvid said on Twitter: 
“It’s terrible that the leadership has brought our party into such gross disrepute. At least now the veil of unctuous denials, whitewash reports, diversionary attacks, has been breached. Now we need actions to haul ourselves out of the depths.”

Edward Samuel  has yet to speak.🙉
Smuel your legacy has been dreadful.
You opened the door to this michigas.
Boychik you have AN OBLIGATION

NU ?

Come on you spurs ,Ryan,Korea etc.

No postings since Ryan announced escape from Trumpfski,Congress and the Media.
He had already escaped truth and consequences.Now he has fired the House Chaplain;apparently too much preaching about the poor.
Trouble is the bloke is a Jesuit,no vows of silence for him Speak no evil; "Poverty" sure ,"Silence" not so much.
My catholic friends tell me these chaps have a reputation/habit of "Truth to Power "within the Church.Oh dearSmiling face with halo.

My lack of posts is due to 3 things in ascending order of importance.
  • The Mishigas [madness] is so difficult to keep up with or to satiriseHear no evilWalls are closing in on Trumpfski. 
  •  Been busy pulling the royal USA tax filings together. Rendering unto Caesar and all that. Finally sent Virginia forms yesterday.
  • Too discombobulated by the football results .
 In the space of 8 days Spurs,4th in Premiership, lost to MU in semi-final of FA cup and dropped 5 out of six points in league.All because Pochetino is Broigas with Toby Alderweireld and did not play him.Sorry Mauriciohe is the best defender in Europe .Neither of the two MU goals get past him.
Made same mistake benching Alderweireld against Juventus in Europe.Now struggling to hold on for Champions League in Europe next season.

Chelsea,5th,won their semi-final and both their Premiership games closing the gap with Spurs to 5 from 10 points.They then won yesterday so gap is down to 2.
Jose Mourinho's Man.Utd.not only beat Spurs in FA Cup but today beat Arsenal in 93rd minuteSee no evilSpurs now won't catch them for 2nd in Premiership.
Spurs have to beat Watford tomorrow AND bottom placed West Brom next week.
Or depend on Liverpool or Chelsea stumbling. 
Fortunately,Chelsea play Liverpool next Sunday--they both can't win,    Can They?

I said the football had distracted me! What do you fixate on at the weekend?

So Crossed fingers.Cyclops has decided not to catch up on, USA cabinet resignations,withdrawals and corruption.Nor on Trumpfski's lawyer Cohen pleading the fifth--before being asked any questions in courtSob--;nor  the Donald's idiotic live phone calls to Fox news;not even the mystery of weeks of total silence from Jared and Ivanka.They like Mnuchin,Mulvaney,McDonnel and More must just be grateful for the distractions provided by Pruit,Cohen and Trumpfski himself.

We have even managed to avoid comment on the Macron/Trumpfski bromance,Alpha grooming or dandruff control.The French must have a word for it. Maybe more than one.

Nor is Cyclops going to comment on Labour Party antisemitism,Trumpski's planned day trip to UK. Brexit faux pas,British desultory pursuit of Russki assassins and Putin's oligarch friends.The royal wedding,births or baptisms.

HRH will even,for now,forbear from speculating on the silence of Saudi Prince Mohamad bin Sultan since reports of gunfire in Riyadh. Rumour's were whispered of attempted coups or assassinations.
Probably just a Yemeni wedding celebration.

No rather the Palace will conduct a small experiment of dialogue and analysis.The next post--hopefully tomorrow--will address the recent events and coming negotiations over the future of the Korean Peninsular.Nukes,reunification,China,American Hegemony.All very complex and important.

What is Kim up to?
What do the Chinese want?
And the Japanese?
Does Trumpfski understand?  [sorry silly question]
Does he deserve Credit? 
Does he deserve or Blame?
A Nobel peace prize?
What does denuclearisation mean?
To whom?
Is it good?
Can it be bad?
Short term vs long term?
and on.

Cyclops will post,as best he can,a short thought piece on what many believe is the most important and dangerous issue of the day.

That competes with Saudi coups;Syrian repression and murder;genocide in Yemen,Gaza uprising; Russian revanchism; Iran;Taliban;and on and on.
Even the Royal Wedding guest list.

We will invite recipients of the post to chime in--or just write--with their insights and comments on the logic.I know this sounds a bit pompous but the Palace has not found the TV/Press punditry very cogent or savvy on this subject and there are people on the posting list who are likely to have meaningful contributions.

Lets see. Those of you who  cannot bear the thought of Cyclops trying to be analytical or serious --let alone portentous--are pre warned to avoid posts headlined KOREA

Come on you Spurs  

Thursday, April 12, 2018

RYAN 🐔 Gone ; Good Riddance, Mr. Speaker

                       Paul Ryan has announced that he will not be running for the Congress of the USA
                       Perhaps the worst kept secret in Washington.
                                             Say it ain't so Paulie !

  He announced proudly that he has achieved all he set out to do when he came to Washington 25 years ago.
  •                    Screwed the feckless poor out of health care.
  •                    Stopped the abuse by the disabled,infirm and mentally disturbed.
  •                    Halted the flow of the taxpayer ' god given dollars to local government                           where 
  •                    it was wasted on education,homeless shelters,local police and  teachers                       salaries.
  •                    Restricted the right to abortion.
  •                    Diverted money that would otherwise be wasted on feeding children                             and pregnant single parents                                                                                                                                   
  •                   In order to help needy oil and coal  companies.
  •                   Almost single handedly crusaded for giant multinationals to have the right                    to repatriate offshore funds tax free.  
  •     He had helped the president destroy programs to reform immigration and to break the government's promise to young people brought to the US as infants.  

               Ryan noted that he was  "proud of what this congress has achieved" 
               and what he himself had spent half his life working for .                                 

  • The largest tax cut for corporations and the super rich in American History.
  •  Massive increases to Military Weapons Procurement despite protestations     from  short sighted generals/admirals that much was not needed,did not work and led to vast waste.
  • A massive increase in Federal deficits and debt
  • Proudly forced through despite an economy in boom.
  • Inheriting  full employment,low inflation and increasing productivity.
  • These brave changes in the face of resistance from economists,the Federal Reserve and sundry "experts".
            Ryan wanted to emphasise that he was leaving Washington before he became a "professional politician" and while he remained an humble outsider from Wisconsin.
 He had bravely toiled for massive tax cuts for Twenty Five years --straight  out of college.
He cited a desire/duty to "being with his family " "My kids will only have known me as a weekend dad, I just can't let that happen."
There has yet to be any reporting on how his teenage kids feel about the change.
Ryan is a devout Catholic and emphasised that he wanted to inculcate to his children important values                                           
                             Speaking Truth to Power

He stressed that as a man of faith he believed that if his children could fake these virtues as well as had their father then they too could have a blessed and rewarding life.

He refuted the scurrilous rumours, fomented by the Republican House Majority and by the forlorn Senate Leader Mitch McConnell,that he was somehow abandoning a sinking ship.
Running away from a demented President or sliding out from under the coming Publican cataclysm.
All in order to be "viable" for a future Presidential run.

                              " I'm not going to run for president" he chortled.

His staff has briefed that a month before the mid term elections Ryan will enter a monastery for 60 days of meditation and prayer.He will take vows of silence and not be available to comment on worldly matters.

He firmly believes that it is easier for a Publican politician to enter the rear end of a camel than to enter a partnership at Goldman Sachs[aka heaven].
Cyclops believes that it is preposterous to suggest that Ryan 🐔🐔🐔is  wimping out now in order not be embroiled in the inevitable  Publican civil war after the elections.

Nor does HRH believe that Ryan intends to benefit excessively from the largess that he has bestowed on the super wealthy,oil companies,banks and greedy multinational corporations.
He would not be so crass as to leave the speakership,abandon his colleagues,enter a retreat,mentor his children and then hit the speaker circuit,take on multiple boards,offer high level "strategic' advice or receive  consultancy retainers with private equity firms and investment banks.

He would not compromise his soul for a lousy $10 or 20 million a year.

P.S. A scanned photocopy of some back of envelope calculations have been sent to the palace in a plain brown envelope.

  Ryan driven tax relief to Large Corporations  and the super rich are estimated at 1 1/2 Trillion Dollars --per year.
The Koch Brothers alone are estimated to benefit from the changes by at least one billion.

A 1% commission on 1 billion= $10 million
A  1/1000th% commission on $1.5 trillion= $15 million.

Still it's too far fetched that a USA politician could be thinking like that.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Labour Antisemitism

      Apparently there is evidence of antisemitism in my Labour party.

According  to the Jezzites:[kissing cousin's of the Philistines]
  • Such claims are all got up by a few local malcontents and the financier controlled Tory Medya--[know what I mean/nod,nod; wink wink].
  • Its not a serious problem:just on or two rotten apples and maybe Ken when he has read one of his books.
  • Jezza abhors all forms of racism  and antisemitism,except perhaps that of Ken,George,Hezbolah and Hammas-which is limited to only bad Jews who live in Israel.
  • Not withstanding what someone wrote in their charters.
  • Well maybe it exists in a few pockets .
  • Laura is due to clean out the Great Leaders iconic anorak so that should sort that then.
  • Certainly no Zio problems in any University Labour Clubs,nor local constituency party,nor with the odd councillor living North of Watford.
  • Absolutely no problem on a few  "now closed" face book sites of which the boss et al have been members.
  • Well if the occasional problem nobody ever read them any way.
  • Well if they read them they did not understand the Jew baiting.
  • Well if they understood, its all in the past .
  • Well if not in the past nobody reads them anyway                                                                [ED:are we getting a little circular Highness? Cyclps:round & round we go👈]
   The company we keep ?:
  • Jezza,McDonnel, Livingston,Milne,McClusky appear on platforms with holocaust deniers,
  • 9/11 conspiracy theorists and 
  • On Persian and Russki TV stations?
  • That can easily be misunderstood or deliberately mischaracterised.
  • Just like that accident in Salisbury.
  • This pantheon of intellectual progressives are very busy men and cannot be expected to know the views and 
  • Affiliations of everyone with whom they march.
  • Especially those who have been friends and comrades for decades.
Jezza certainly can't be Antisemitic :                                                                                                                                        His Mum was at Cable Street.
  •  Cyclop's Mum was not. 
  • Her dad would not let her go.
  • He never let her go to Cable Street--it had a certain reputation for "ladies of the night".
  • But uncle Lou and auntie Lil sneaked out and were there.
  • No big deal really they lived round the corner in Whitechapel.
  • Just a short walk on a nice sunny day.
  • Never mentioned meeting Jezza's mum.

 And your Mother:
  • Anyway the Tories are worse,
  • The Blairites are just exploiting the situation      and 
  • The Jews are oversensitive.
  • Probably understandable given 2000 years of European history;
  • But get over it already.
There is no significant problem and that was proved single handedly in  last year's report by Baroness Chakrabati--written when a simple,humble Ms.--and a Lady would not lie.👸

King Cyclops has a  problem with "None so blind as Will not See" but that's a different belief tradition.🙈

The Miliband Boys
In 2010 the election for the party leader was between TWO nice Jewish boys !👬 and Ed twinkle toes Balls.
  • Lord knows not Atlee, Gaitskell,Bevan,Wilson or Healy.
  • Banana Man and his little brother entered round two man to man---
  • Well perhaps yingle to yingle.
  • David [Duvidle] vs Edward [Smuel] Miliband
  • Smuel beat big brother Duvid 
  • The youngest ever Labour leader.
  • Victory was by less than 0.5%.             
                              On such "Differences do Empires fall".
                      Labour now have a MAJOR  crisis over antisemitism !!😱

So what do the TWO leading Labour Politicians of Jewish origin have to say?
  • A party leader and a Foreign Secretary.
  • The offspring of two Polish Jewish refugees.
  • Father a leading academic and Marxist intellectual 
  • Who fled Belgium in 1940.
  • A mother who survived in hiding during the Nazi occupation of Poland
  • Both lost close family in the Holocaust.

The Miliband boys grew up in a comfortable,intellectual,socialist and secular home.
Blessed with articulate,learned,loving well integrated parents.
Perhaps not much yiddishkeit but still Jewish refugee parents.
The family was respected and protected in the bosom of the post war Labour party

The boys have obligations.

Duvid said on Twitter: 
“It’s terrible that the leadership has brought our party into such gross disrepute. At least now the veil of unctuous denials, whitewash reports, diversionary attacks, has been breached. Now we need actions to haul ourselves out of the depths.”

Edward Samuel  has yet to speak.🙉

Smuel your legacy has been dreadful.
You opened the door to this michigas.
Boychik you have AN OBLIGATION

NU ?