South Korean President Moon Jae-in said U.S. President Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize
Moon knows what works💝
Moon knows what works💝
Three weeks ago Kim announced a unilateral cessation of nuclear AND missile tests.
Three days ago Kim invites world press to view the destruction of North Koreas nuclear test site.
Before the June summit with Trump
- Both announcements were greeted by shock and hosannas.
- Incredulity and applause from most pundits.
- He also released 3 American nationals who should not have been in prison in the first place.
- “North Korea invites world to watch closure of nuclear test site”
Trump himself of course took credit for all of this.
- Fulsomely praised Kim
- While deriding Obama, Clinton
- He has had his staff prepare his Nobel acceptance speech.
- No doubt jointly with Kim.
- Trump bombastic and arbitrary.
- Kim smiling and conciliatory.
- Trump has cancelled the Nuclear Treaty with Iran and
- Demeaned six past Presidents.
- While Kim and Moon of South Korea have smiled, held hands and danced back and forth together over the Korean demarcation line.
- Perhaps the most significant story of all seems to have fallen between the cracks.
- Certainly ignored by the Trump crew.
- It began to do the rounds a couple of weeks ago and now seems to have been confirmed. collapseite/
- Apparently the mountain under which the tests took place has imploded from within.
- North Korea now has its bomb.
- [India, Pakistan and Israel stopped their testing short of half a dozen and have been recognised as nuclear powers]
- It can no longer use the test site.
- Another could take three years to develop.
- It gets a face to face diplomatic triumph [its own term] with the US.
- A major objective of Kim’s father and grandfather now achieved
- They had been seeking such recognition for four decades.
The two sides have agreed to meet in a month in Singapore.
- Trump coming to Kim.
- In Asian diplomacy that stuff really matters.
- Singapore has a 12 hour time difference with Washington.
- With Pyongyang its 2.
- Who worked out those logistics.
What could possibly go wrong?
It seems little fat boy/rocket man could teach the stable genius in the White House a thing or two.