Monday, November 5, 2018

Pittsburgh,Trumpfski and the Mid Terms

Its been nearly four weeks and you must be tired of Cyclops predicting the end of Crown prince Muhammad bin Salman

I hear the demands for  mid term election predictions;commentary on the police investigation into Corbynista  anti semitism  and whatever happened to that Mueller investigation?

Patience mes amis  all will be revealed.

But first  a few videos on the Pittsburgh Massacre that struck/moved King Cyclops
It seems that irony is not lost on all  Jews and that the Jewish version will survive this atrocity.

As Doctor Cohen said  the shooter is not a candidate for Mensa but Dr.Cohen is more of a Mensh than King Cyclops could be.

Irony is certainly lost on VP Mike Pence---please watch the "rabbi's" benediction to the end 


This guy really is worth TWO videos

At an event to commemorate a Jewish Synagogue Massacre he blesses all in the name of Jesus Christ the Saviour and then prays for the support of a list of Publican candidates.

  • No that's  NOT irony,  Jezza.
  • No that's NOT a new definition of Chutzpah
  • Its just crazy Mike Pence and the "end of days" crowd.
  • Bring on the RAPTURE  Mike
  • At least that will get rid of the Jews
This "rabbi" surely won't

Of course Trumpfski rose to the occasion.
Taking the opportunity to suggest arming rabbis to protect the congregation.
I assume with Kalashnikovs not a moyles circumcision knife.

Even Trumpfski's crassness could not match KAC stupidity in blaming the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and others on late night comics and the  rise of secularism !?!💀😠   


As to the MID TERMS HRH has nothing original to say:
  • The House will see substantial Democratic gains---a majority of over 25.
  • The Senate will not; probably a net loss of two giving the Publicans a 53/47 majority.
  • Ten Democratic senators are defending in states won by Trumpfski in 2016.
  • I too would love to see Ted Cruz humiliated by Beto O'Rourke; a pick up in Tennessee and in Arizona but fear more likely losses in North Dakota, Missouri and Indiana
  • Sorry that's just the misfortune of the Senate map this year.
  • Would love to be wrong but Trumpfski and McConnell will have two years to stuff the federal judiciary with very,very reactionary judges.
  • With a Democratic House that's all they will be able to do.
  • So they will focus on that and keeping the Trumpfski clan out of prison.
The elections getting the least attention are those for Governors and state legislatures.
These really matter.
  • Led by Stacy Abrams beating the corrupt,ballot rigger Brian Kemp in Georgia
  •  The democrats could reap the majority  of governorships  at last
  • Prediction  27:23 for Democrats
  • Currently 17:33 
Hope springs...