This one will
NOT be Kafkaesque
If you have not followed the inexorable progress to Trumpfski's impeachment,I must assume you live under a rock in Pyongyang.
Given that all are aware of the House impeachment "inquiry" [you say in and I say en--lets not give the whole thing up] his "great and unmatched wisdom" alongside his "undeniably wise and stable genius|",King Cyclops will refrain from cheap cracks about the incoherent BS emanating from Trumpfski,Guilliani,Barr, assorted Publican Senators and miscellaneous toadies.
Though the repeated yelling of "there was no explicit quid pro quo"
will join the hallowed
" It depends on what the definition of "is" is"
" The checks in the mail"
" Of course I will respect you in the Morning"
" I am just fascinated by your mind"
" This is a price I can only offer to you"
in the Valhalla of Eternal Truth
This note is just about whether or not The Trumfskians can successfully ignore Congressional subpoenas for both documents and witnesses.
The Forces of Justice and Righteousness [hereinafter-the Democrats] want to hear & see witnesses and documents confirming the malfeasance of the forces of darkness and destruction [hereinafter-the Trumpfskians].
Many wise,prudent and gentle sages [MSNBC commentators] have declared that :
if we only had the single memo summarising the Trump/Zelensky phone call -DAYENU
if we only had tape of Trumpfski's WH lawn call for China to investigate Biden -DAYENU
if we only had Guiliani rantings on both CNN and FOX -DAYENU if we only had Guiliani shouting"of course"he demanded Ukrainians investigate-DAYENU
if we only had Trumpfskian refusal to follow constitutional obligations -DAYENU
if we only pursue the Ukraine episode -DAYENU
No more information is needed .
Move to impeach.
CYCLOPS has consistently maintained two things
CYCLOPS has taken advice and counsel from several of the sharpest prosecutorial minds of their respected generations.Not just Jack McCoy.But other active prosecutors whose identities must be protected.
He has also watched over 400 episodes of Law and Order .
The unanimous conclusion is that Jack Mccoy would already have had the subpoenas enacted or the scoff laws behind bars.
More subtlety :
- the hearings in the House are the equivalent of a grand jury seeking information before a decision to indite.
- The Trumpfskians can delay and obstruct until a judge forces them to appear or provide as the subpoena demands.
- The Trumpfskians can appeal all the way to the Supremes
- This takes time
- Several of CYCLOPS interlocutors are still puzzled why it is taking so long.
- Surely in cases of National Import the procedures can be expedited.
CYCLOPS contact with the sharpest mind makes the following point however.
- Once the house votes to impeach,
- An indictment is sent to the Senate for trial.
- Justice Roberts presides
- He presumably will decide that the process will proceed under the normal rules of US jurisprudence.
- That was what happened in the Clinton trial under Justice Rehnquist. The game moves to a new stage with other rules.
- Under trial rules if the prosecution--or defence-wish to see a document or hear a witness then said document or witness must be produced or be in automatic contempt .
- The attorneys must introduce this into evidence or call the witness immediately.
- No time for review unless the judge so grants.
- Once introduced the evidence/transcript is part of the public record . Et Voilas all is open to the wicked Medya and their Fake News Outlets 💪