Monday, October 3, 2022



  The White house issued the attached Press Announcement at                             5 PM est , 2nd October 2022

CYCLOPS CONFESSES  that he has been completely wrong footed by this astonishing announcement Weary
  • While Cyclops has  been pushing for this as a strategy to rescue the House and Senate in the mid terms.
  •  He had no idea that the idea had traction in the only place that mattered.
  •  Cyclops had moved from despair in May at the coming  November electoral bloodbath.
  •  He had obsessed --well at least worried about-- the stubborn gap in Biden's  approval ratings and the generic indications in the polls. 
  •  Which have narrowly favoured Democrats since the Row debacle [for the Publicans]  at the Supreme court.                                
  • Cyclops had concluded that the gap was most plausibly explained by "the AGE factor" .
  •  He feared that despite the Publicans fielding crazy election deniers  and Q annon sleepers;
  • Their leaderships pathetic fear of the DONald and 
  • Trumpfski unerring ability to command the headlines in one legal/ethical /political mal feasance after another 
  • That for a portion of the shallow USA electorate that pays alas scant attention to facts ;
  •  The look of  BIDEN would tip the balance the wrong way.
  •  Cyclops could not deny that Biden  press conferences were not Kennedyesque  and                                                       
  • That he shuffled off stage looking like every bodies affectionate but doddery grand father.                                                                                                                                                                                                           
 Much as Cyclops admires Joe: 
He is too old to be credible in 2024 against anyone but  crazy Trumpfski.

  • So no sooner was Cyclops ready to deliver to his adoring masses the sad prognosis :  
  • That the Dems would lose both the House[6 seat swing needed] and the Senate[1 seat swing needed]
Than Joe delivers the attached bombshell * from the Oval OfficeRoseNotesWoman facepalming



 The pundits, prognosticators, puff artists, Publicans and "players"  will have their say in the coming days.
  The Publicans will run around trying to work out who they should be running against now--or do they now need some policiesSpeak no evil

           But my friends, now that Joe has announced he will not run and for the next two will govern only in the interests of the county he lovesVictory hand      


                           *  This just released by the White House

           The President will NOT be a candidate for reelection in 2024

Today President Joseph  Biden   announced that  it would not be in the interest of the country he loved if a sitting President ran for a new four-year term at the age of 82.

He expanded his statement to say that he “knew the pressures and needs of the Presidency and that it would be better for the country if he served the final two years solely focused on the needs ,desires and aspirations of our people .

“By  removing myself from the 2024 election there will be no doubt that the decisions  I take and the policies I propose are in our  nations interest and not designed to help my reelection.

Nor do I believe that anyone over the age of 80 can seriously be considered to be fully fit or suited to be the chief executive officer of the greatest  Democratic Republic yet known to mankind”


“ To believe otherwise would be a delusion , a vanity and a disservice to the country I love

He further called on others of his age to stand aside for the next generation.

He promised to expand on his decision in the coming weeks but emphasized that in his last two years he would work to

·        Continue to grow the economy and expand meaningful employment opportunities for American families

·        Focus on meaningful voting reform and remove barriers to voting for ALL our citizens and the outlawing of attaempts at voter suppression.

·        Support legislative proposals to guarantee the rights of women over control of their bodies free from prurient government interference

·        Propose significant reforms to an out of control and dysfunctional Supreme Court, which has lost the confidence of 3/4th of our fellow citizens and become the most  sectional activist Court in 250 year history of our Republic

·        Maintain and extend our full support to the Heroic defenders of Democracy in the  Ukraine

·        The principles which have impelled  the bi partisan support for President Zelensky and his people are the basis of USA policy throughout the world . Freedom loving peoples will know again that they can look to America as their friend and find succor with our people.

He called specifically on Senator McConnel[80] to join him in a new spirit of  comity and cease to oppose for oppositions sake . To join with Senate Leader Schumer[72] and Leader of the House Pelosi[82] to pursue governing in the interests of all the people.

Adding that leaders of all parties must treat their supports as serious citizens and disavow conspiracy theories,  Q annon, the fake rejection of election results.

Hoping that in future all would  accept the outcome of our legitimate election process and the peaceful transfer of power after elections at Federal, State and Local levels.


At the end of his remarks Biden called for  a healthy turnout in fair,transparent and unfettered elections in the coming mid terms and the universal acceptance of the results by all