I know ,I know: "where's your blog?"
Of the very few blogs posted since Biden beat Dopy Donald , the one I cherished was posted [and then reposted a couple of times] on October 3rd 20222!!
It took two years to happen🙈
But in Nancy We Trust.
She engineered the neccessary
To recap :
November 3rd 2020 Trumpfski loses Presidential Election
- Which takes place in the middle of a pandemic--how much we forget.
- January 6th 2021 Trumfski instigates an attempted coup.
- Coup fails but there were at least 6 associated deaths and multiple injuries.
- Almost 4 years later Trumpfski has still not been tried .
- President Biden has a remarkably succesful first 3 years .
- Despite a hostile Publican House and a Senate split 51/49 and then only after the 2022 mid terms🙉.
- By election year 2024,Trumpfski has emerged as the Fuehrer of the Publicans .
- Despite having been convicted of 34 felonies and lost several multi million dollar civil law suits.
- His bluster and the threats from his bully boys and bigotted base totaly cowed "normal" Publican polityicians.
And Biden has tied down the Democratic nomination.
- By mid year it has become clear that Biden's age is showing and he has fallen behind his nasty,dangerous ansd crazy opponent.
- Both will be 80 by the end of their term!!
Putin is still in Ukraine,Hamas & Hezbolah armed by Iran,Israel in Gaza. Genocide and starvation in Sudan not registering on the sole of humanity. A peaceful world order a broken dream. But 43% of US citizens apparently believe that reelecting Loonie Toons is a good idea.
Cyclops despairs of the US electorate[partial explaination of no blog posts] as do all its allies in NATO and Asia.
- AND THEN June 27th 2024 .The first debate.
- Biden's team judge that a debate between the candidates will turn the polls aound.
- The Rest is History.
- Despite a disastrous appearance by Joe Biden he looks immovable as the Democratic candidate.
- Democratic supporters[in both meanings of the word] are in despair and/or panic. Cyclops is no exception👳.
The polls worsen,the money flow slows to a trickle,volunteers aint volunteering👺
BUT in democracies hour of need IN NANCY WE CAN TRUST. She quietly arranges a peaceful,bloodless coup.
Her's is the final appeal to Biden to stand down and save the country,nay the world, from a narcissistic lunatic fascist .
HE understands and makes history.Endorses Kamala ,pre empting feared Democratic Party chaos.
Kamela Who?? Asks the mightily well informed US electorate.
- June 27th the first debate ; September 10th the second.
- 81 days and just two days ago.
- Cyclops had not dared to post ablog ahead of the debate.
The real Trumpfski and Kamela showed up .Hallelujah !!
Our world has changed.
The latest polls : Sept. 11-12 Ipsos Reuters Harris 47% Trump 42% Harris +5%
- So far so good. BUT these numbers reflect that Over 50% of US citizens polled support Trump or CAN'T DECIDE
- As another indicator Trump's media stock symbol [DJT] closed today at $16.08 down from $79.38 on March 1st .
- EIGHTY per cent drop. Trump is blocked from selling his 60+% of the company until September 19th/
- A penny anyone
"Haitians are eating your pets.No really. I saw a woman on TV ,she knew" Donald J Trump[Stable Genius]
A kind Btitish friend had lunch in Florida today and has sent me the Mar A Lago lunch menu
Now Cyclops has a small problem with Trumpfski criticising the consumption of pets. No one is claiming that these unidentified Haitians were eating their own pets. That would be totally inappropriate.
But since Palolithic times Hunter Gatherers have consumed pets belonging to the other. Cyclops parents and grandparents-even unto the 20th generation-as you may remember,come from Der Heim.In fact my paternal grandmother's family was from a Steitle in Poland called Chmielnik.
While I would have known her as Bubba Rosenberg,she was in fact a Kukielka .
[ED; Is there a point to this? Or have you been on the My Heritage internet site again?]
GUILTY But there is a point.
The Kukielkas,and no doubt the Rosenbergs too ,were poor peasants and peddlars. They rarely could afford a chicken for the sabbath meal.Like most of their kind, the main dish on Shabbat was a peasant dish made mostly of root vegetables & any fatty cheap cuts of beef they could buy.-CHOLANT*.
My grandmother [Bubba]passed on the family Cholent recipe. Known in Yiddish as the "Kukielka Yenems Libling Cholent" translates as " Kukielka's other peoples pets cholent
It could be that the "meat" was of questionablre provenance. It had to be Kosher meat so dogs,cats,hamsters and pigs coukd not be used. These pets were therefore safe from marauding Bubbas. Not so pet goats, ducks ,geese or budgerigars . Goldfish and Ornamental Carp were perhaps especially vulnerable. Pet sharks or whales were also safe-i.e. not Kosher .
Cyclops cannot speak for the Shteles of the Pale. But in London there were never sufficient KOSHER pets to ever make Kukielka Cholent. Or could it be that my father's version of the family Cholent was another Bubbamaister.** Not unlike that of the Haitians of Springfield ,Ohio.
*[Cholent is an East European Jewish dry stew; created because Jewish law does not permit cooking on Shabbat.Therefore Jews create meat,root vegetables and bean stews in heavy pots in a low-heat oven overnight. The oven is turned on before the sabbath and left on a low light for 12 hours plus.That way, no need to kindle a fire or light a stove during the hours of Shabbat.The ancient sages ruled that meant the women were not "cooking" on the sabbath.On such sophistry are great relifions built.Ask the Jesuits] ** Bubbamaister yiddish for "old wives tale"