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Digression on the Structure of the Market
The oil price is not set in an atomistic competitive market
but in a highly political Oligopolistic World. The market structure in early 20th century US,before JD Rockefeller burnt, bullied and murdered his way to
controlling the entire US industry ,could be described as competitive. There
were many producers and low barriers to entry.That pre Rockefeller
consolidation era had great volatility at mostly low prices--driven down to the
marginal cost of the last barrel produced.
This is very different from the current oligopolistic
structure of the world crude oil market; heavily influenced by a single dominant
state with objectives well beyond profit maximisation and concerned with
sovereign survival.Rockefeller used price and customer discrimination not just
to maximize profits but also to ruin competitors so as to maintain long term
control .Saudi dominated OPEC tries to behave much as the industry behaved
under Rockefeller’s control before Standard Oil was broken up by Teddy
Roosevelt’s Trust Busters.
In 2014 & 2015 Total World Production was a little under 78 million bbl/day.
Crude exports were about 42 million/bbl per day. OPEC exports were 60% of
that,25 million bbl and Russian exports a little under 5 million or 12%.Within
OPEC Saudi, UAE & Kuwait acting in concert accounted for almost 13 million
bbl/day of the world crude oil trade-30%.

If one could
Imagine Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait et al with a similar resource ownership
structure as currently exists in the US natural gas and fracking industry we
might envisage an oil price at under $40 indefinitely.Middle East oil reserves
and production would be a multiple of today and tar sand, deep water, Arctic,
Siberian and distance landlocked reserves would stay in the ground for a long
time to come.
Each producer
sells into a competitive market; the resulting low price is evident --at a calorie
equivalent sometimes as low as 20% of the price indicated by the Oil Market. At
$50/bbl the energy equivalent of 1000 cu. ft. of gas would be $8/1000 cu. ft.[just divide the barrel price by 6]The
current US spot gas price is $2.So many
producers and the allied fracking
revolution having a dramatic impact on reserves,there has been significant price
volatility in the last five years –but with a significant downward trend.
In Europe the contract prices for Russian gas is much closer to the energy equivalent oil price -a monopsonist seller.In January this year when spot prices for crude oil was $30/36 bbl the energy equivalent gas price would be $5-6/k cu.ft. and Russian natural gas was just over $5/ k cu.ft.Giving those segments of US industry that are energy
intensive or using natural gas as a feed stock a huge competitive advantage.
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