I was sent this by one of my closest expert sources on the Gulf, the ruling families; and money and influence in Saudi Arabia and the Emirates.
" As predicted in your columns "
Then There Was One: Saudi Prince All Alone Near Summit of Power
Unlike Nostradamus, Cyclops does not write in Quatrains nor are his predictions wrapped in ambiguous ,interpretable Latin riddles. His predictions are clear and typically have a time line.
We have been predicting the inevitable fall of 31 year old Mohammad bin Salman .
[see blog post 19 October 2016, [https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=2068364936548789578#editor/target=post;postID=4114740923333601981;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=61;src=postname ]
Last month he ousted his cousin 57 years old Prince Mohammed bin Nayef .
See blog post June 22 2017[http://kingcyclops.blogspot.com/2017/06/suspicious-saudis-sensationally-say.html]There immediately followed the declaration of a diplomatic war with neighbouring Qatar ]
Crown Prince Nayef had been summoned to see King Salman and told to resign on the pretext of his alleged drug addiction .
This resulted from injuries sustained from an Al Qaeda suicide bomber's assassination attempt.
bin Salman will be overthrown in a new PALACE COUP by February 2018

ben Kuchner bin Sultan
At about the time that best pal Jared is flown to Sing Sing

ben Kuchner bin Sultan
At about the time that best pal Jared is flown to Sing Sing
Oil prices will spike up or dip down as the case may be
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