Trump says he has no regrets over saying: he wants to “knock the crap"out of protesters, but will not take responsibility for the violence.
him outta there! Don’t give him his coat.”
“I’d like to
punch him in the face, I tell you that.”
“If you see
any somebody throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Just knock
the hell out of them…. I’ll pay for the legal fees, I promise.”
“You know
what I hate? There’s a guy totally disruptive, we’re not allowed to punch back
anymore. I love the old days. You know what they used to do with guys like that
when they were in a place this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher,
No wonder he
claims the Chicago fracas was planned by "Sanders Campaign"---the
Donald Trump
on white supremacists: "I don't know David Duke."
“You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing
am the “least racist person on earth”-DonaldTrump. Well that settles that
then -- but I guess the apple does not
fall far from the tree: The Donald’s dad was reportedly arrested
at a KKK Rally in June 1927, one of seven men arrested “in the
near-riot of the parade.” The men were accused of assaulting a police
officer. He was eventually released from custody, according to news
A NYTimes article claims that "all of the individual arrestees were wearing Klan attire."and the Richmond Hill Record lists Fred Trump as one of the
One should
not put the sins of the father upon the son. Unless of course as Donald has said:
“My legacy has
its roots in my father’s legacy,”
So is he a
chip off the old block?
In 1973, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division sued Fred and
Co. for refusing
to rent black people. According
to the Village
Voice, “the Urban League sent white and black testers
to apartments owned by Trump. The white applicants received
the apartments, while the blacks did not. The Justice Department said
“Racially discriminatory conduct by Trump agents has occurred with
such frequency that it has created a substantial impediment to the
full full enjoyment of equal opportunity.” In
1975, Trump negotiated a
consent decree with the DOJ, requiring them to "advertise vacancies
in minority papers and list them with the Urban League".
But 1978, the Justice Department filed another discrimination
suit against the company, alleging that the Trumps weren't complying with
the original terms of the 1975 Settlement.
The beginning of the ART
1. I want to make my own life a masterpiece.
2. This is the epitaph I want on my tomb:"Here lies one of the most intelligent animals who ever appeared on the face of the Earth."
3. "We are not political whores."
4. "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep"
5. "We do not argue with those who disagree with us, we destroy them"
6. "There was a time when I had 14 women and took three or four them every evening,"
7. “The beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”
Answer at end
Trump is now being compared to Hitler; this is very unfair to his, Trump (f)’s,German heritage.
His role model is Mussolini
“I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell you that,”
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