It's been a while.
Very difficult for a blogger who fancies himself writing with a wry sense of humour to compete with the self parody ofTrumpf tweets.Keeping up with this dangerous narcissist would be an almost full-time job.
I will eschew writing the standard New Year's blog predicting the future or reprising the past.
Rather I will start the year by simply responding to requests for comments on the latest UN resolution condemning Israel and the spat between Netanyahu and Obama/Kerry.
First if I might,I attach two URLs.The first,a column in the London Times by one of their regular columnists--Melanie Phillips.This is in the form of a letter to Theresa May that is rant against Obama and an unpleasant attempt to delegitimize Palestinian aspirations.
The second is a short article in the Daily Beast sent to me by a passionate Zionist reader.It is by a Palestinian activist Maajid Nawaz and is intelligent, balanced and wise.It gives one continued hope that sooner or later there will be two states and two peoples living in peace-- however fraught.
Part of the foundation of Nawaz's piece is a criterion King Cyclops typically uses when looking at the latest shenanigans by the Israeli government,Palestinian spokesmen,Downing Street,the Arab League, the UN, the White House,innumerable columnists and lobbyists :
Does what ever is being said, proposed or done make the two state solution more or less likely.
More is good. Less is bad. The King is ultimately a simple soul.
I am at a loss to see how yet another UN resolution helps,anymore than Netanyahu's provocative finger to the U.S.
It seems the original sponsor,Egypt,saw things the same way and tried to table[remove from the agenda]the resolution.Too late.
So one of the UK Duchesses --who is increasingly frustrated by Theresa May's incompetence--wanted the King's view on the UN resolution and the UK role in its drafting.So here be it.
- Melanie Phillips is nuts .
- Theresa May is ignorant,inflexible ,shallow and out of her depth.
- The F.O.[foreign office] never much liked Jews--pushy people--romantically Arabist and desperately hanging on to the USA coattails.
- Delusions of glory and influence.
- Some still trying to be the Greeks to the Pax Americana Romans--too many classicists not enough economists I guess.
- Obama and Kerry are irked and annoyed with Netanyahu's posturing and pandering to the Israeli right and its religious fanatics.
They misjudge him--its not just pandering,he really does want to destroy a two state solution
[of course O and K understand this hence their frustrated belligerence].
- But Chaver Barack,pique is not policy.

- Netanyahu is a nasty piece of work who happens to be articulate in American English.
- No doubt his provocative siting of settlements on the border of Ramallah has nothing to do with the investigation of his family's finances by the Israeli police-- he, Putin and like-minded crooks love a good distraction for the masses.
- The Israeli electorate did not used to be that dumb, we shall see-- hope springs!
- Trumpf is a wise,subtle,learned and patient peace maker.
- For those Israelis who think a Trumpf presidency is in their interest I have some shore front land to sell you in the Sinai.
- The resolution is grand standing,unnecessary and unhelpful.
- Building more settlements in provocative areas is even more so.
- All-and I mean ALL-informed observers know that these settlements will be dismantled if a two state solution is agreed .
- Netanyahu's anger reveals his weakness, lack of a coherent foreign policy and economy with the truth.
or perhaps just convenient posturing.
- King Cyclops understands the weakness of men[ generic, women just as bad]
As a postscript,after I had drafted the above,Therese May has taken issue with Obama and Kerry criticism of the Israeli government-- on the rather strange and spurious grounds that one should not criticize the internal politics of an ally.
Much less Boris who seems to be on his Christmas Hols.Not a peep throughout the fuss.No problem, Boris,nothing much happens at this time of year.
Have these British Trumpf Panderers lost all sense of perspective and judgment?
Humiliatus est quam Leo