Monday, January 23, 2017



         On Woman's March day: 

                           Trumpf To CIA: ''Maybe we'll have another chance" to take Iraq's oil                   

                                                 "TO THE VICTOR GOES THE SPOILS"
                                         " MAYBE WE WILL HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE"
                                                 "We should have kept the oil" 


          Today :
                  The Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmed as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson                        the ceo-god -king of the Sovereign State of Exxxon,
                                    Another profile in courage for little Marco!


                   American boys at Mossul go into battle against ISIS.
                   They will fight side by side with Iraqi boys and Kurdish Pesh Murga.
                   Whose oil do you  think those  boys believe should have the oil?

                                                Feel your sons are safer now mom?

                                                  Trumpf's "got your back" guys.


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