Friday, November 22, 2019
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sen. Lindsey Graham flip-flops on Trump quid pro quo
It is a parody.Or it would be if Trump had the self awareness to know that which is a parody.
"A day after saying he wouldn’t bother reading transcripts released by House Democrats in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., now says he did read the testimony, and his conclusion is that the administration’s Ukraine policy was too “incoherent” for it to have orchestrated the quid pro quo that is at the heart of the probe."---aol 11/6//19
For the Publicans the Ukraine shakedown has gone from
- It was the perfect phone call to
- Well if it wasn't perfect it was quite normal to
- Well if not normal ,it was normal for Trump to
- Well if not normal for Trump,there was nothing untoward to
- Well if not completely untoward the Democrats are making it up to
- Well if not making it up,they are exagerating to
- Well if not exagerating,there was no pressure on the Ukrainian President to
- Well if not totally pressure free the Kyevian misunderstood to
- Well if not totally misunderstood,there was no demand made to
- Well if not exactly no demand ,it was not a threat to
- Well if not unthreatening it was not a quid pro quo to
- Does not seem like a quid pro quo to me to
- Well if it seems like a quid pro quo its a bad Latin translation to
- What is a quid pro quo?
- Well if it was a quid pro quo then the crooked Ukrainians owe the UNITED STATES a QUO
- If it was a quid pro quo,every body does it to
- Well if not every body does it Obama did it to
- Well if Obama did not do it was only because he was not smart enough to think of it to
- Well if Obama thought of it,he was not Patriotic enough to do it to
- No harm,no foul,no quo,--that's high Diplomacy to
- Well if some harm it was only to US standing and reputation
- It should not harm Publicans and that is what matters
- If it harms publicans that proves it was a Democratic plot
- Well if not a plot then it's their fault for bringing it up and besmirching the USA
- Well if not their fault it must have been a rogue operation,check with Tillerson
- Well if it's not Tillerson then its Guilliani;
- Nobody cares if he goes under the bus
- He has tapes you say?
- Well at least its not President Trump
- Do we hear somebody mention Spence?
- As Sen.Graham now says: can't be Trump/Spence because WH Ukraine policy too "incoherent"--he might want to revisit that logic.
- So the official Publican position is "Mistakes were made" and Ukraine has "our hopes and prayers"
No Quid pro Quo here--just an old fashioned,good old American bribe and threat.
Have you never been to Chicago?
Ironies Abound:
- Trump tries to bribe and strong arm the only Ukrainian leader in history who was not a crook.
- Though desperate for the missiles,with Russkis at their throats,Crimea gone and much of the Donbass region held by Putin thugs still
- Zelinsky demurred.
- Because the Ukrainians did not trust Trump to honour his side of the bargain.
- More extortion was bound to follow. Wise call mate
Friday, November 8, 2019
60 MPs have quit so far
JEREMY demanded an election before another referendum so that the campaign could be about other things.
In the meantime:
Labour clarified its BREXIT policy as
- Negotiate a "new and better" deal with Brussels
- Followed by a "Peoples Vote"
- When Labour would recommend voting against its own deal
- Or not
- Depending on"conference "policy
- Or ,most likely, not recommend anything
- Letting the people decide Ed: come on Cyclops,they did not say that Cyclops: Oh but they did👺 Jeremy calls this creative ambiguity Synonym for crass stupidity Ed: But didn't Lenin say
- "Socialism necessitates the party making choices" Cyclops: Sure, and Corbyn said
- "you cannot be a socialist if you have not read Marx and Lenin". He said"read" he did not say "understood"👿 Ed : Cheap shot your majesty CY : Yep Ed: last intervention CY- wasn't that "new and better"deal slogan one you used for Unilever's RADIANT laundry detergent 50 years ago? CY: No,No,No --that was "New,Better and Brighter" One could never use the word "brighter "around Corbyn. Ed: ENOUGH☝ Not many though. Strangely there are plenty more that believe in BORIS 😖
Jezza's campaign has not got off to any better start than Bosso Boris
- The Labour leader, 70, signed a folded piece of paper for Thomas Chambers,15.
- The paper stated he “supports terrorists”, is an “anti-Semite” and is on the "payroll of Iran TV".
click on image to view video
- Labour’s Diane Abbott confused the party’s Brexit policy by saying the shadow cabinet may back leaving the EU
- rather than Remain in a future referendum.
- “I don’t think anyone has said they will vote for Remain, come what may,” she told the BBC.
- Tom Watson,Labour deputy leader, announced he was not standing in the pursue other interests.
- A further hand full of long time moderate MPs announced their retirement.
- With several explicitly calling on Labour voters to "Vote Tory and stop Corbyn"
- A clutch of Labour candidates parachuted in by the Corbynistas were rejected by their local parties and
- Yesterday a further five Corbyn supporters had their party endorsement withdrawn after the press revealed antisemitic or misogynistic social media posts.
- More are expected to be exposed this weekend. It is early in the process but the two major parties are off to poor starts
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Tories 16-point lead
Opinium/Observer poll
- Within hour of his audience with Queen,Minister resigns.
- Minister for Wales accused of lying about about an aide who sabotaged rape trial.
- Jacob Rees-Mogg suggested "victims of the blaze at Grenfell Tower should have used common sense to ignore firefighters' instructions to stay in the burning building"
- Tory chairman "doctored video" of Labour Brexit spokesman.
- “The reason we clipped the video was to make it shorter because Keir’s answers rambled on,”
- Defence Minister attacked own party over the “fake video” row.
- The Government refuses publication of Intelligence report on Russian interference in UK democracy. Johnson wrote: "Corbyn’s vindictiveness not seen since Stalin persecuted the kulaks " Ed: Very erudite; DoesWorkington man know what a Kulak was? Cyclops:Probably don't know who Stalin was-respect Johnson demanded parliament vote for an Election SIX times Yesterday Speaking outside Downing Street
"he did not want to call the election but had been forced to act in the face of Parliament's efforts to block his "great Brexit deal".
"We have a fantastic Brexit deal"
"We have a fantastic Brexit deal"
It seems BORIS is campaigning in True Trumpfski Style Exagerations,lies,contradictions and insults--the works
- In fact he has hailed
Putin's Trump's pledge to do a trade deal as soon as UK leaves the UK.
- He has also refused an electoral pact with Nigel Farage's Brexit Party OOPS US President Trump:
- Boris 'WONDERFUL GUY' ‘Right man for the time’ BUT
- Brexit deal ‘precludes’ US-UK trade agreement
- ‘We can’t make a trade deal with the UK,’ under the Brexit deal AND
- Repeats call for election pact with Nigel Farage Seems Trumpfski's Help could be as useful as it was in Kentucky last night😂
Friday, November 1, 2019
Yesterday Cyclops sent a short email to about a dozen friends.
Several have suggested I share with the usual distribution,as a part explanation to why for the first time in our lives not a single member of Cyclops UK family will be voting Labour.
"Senior rabbi takes unprecedented step of writing to urge congregants to vote tactically against Labour" 'Corbyn-led government would pose a danger to Jewish life as we know it'
Rabbi has apparently always voted Labour.
Obviously this shaman is a Blairite enemy of the people under the influence of the opiate of the masses.
Though I believe the masses use the real thing these days.
Probably one of the Elders of Zion the Tzar warned us about.
The Jews are less than 1/2%--one half of one percent--of the UK electorate.
So even though they own the Press,the Banks and the Broadcasting media;it is unlikely that such an action will affect this Brexit election.
Nevertheless Labour's Stalinist leadership is obsessed with trying to delay The Equality and Human Rights Commission report into Labour Party Antisemitism due by December 9th.
Baroness Chakrabati is not contesting a seat on behalf of Labour.
As the first Peer nominated by "I will never propose anyone for the anachronistic unelected House of Lords" Jezza Corbyn, she is there for life.
As Lady Bracknell did not say
"To have one Female Jewish MP resign may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose two looks like carelessness.Three a malignancy"
Ed: Are there any left?
Cyclops: Left of whom--geddit Ed?
Margaret Hodge [to Corbyn "You're a f****** antisemite and a racist...You have proved you don't want people like me in the party."] soldiers on after an attempt to remove her last week failed.
Just a shout out to my many Labour friends:
Do you remember those far off days when you had no idea Hodge was Jewish and
nobody cared?
Just a shout out to my many Labour friends:
Do you remember those far off days when you had no idea Hodge was Jewish and
nobody cared?
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