Sen. Lindsey Graham flip-flops on Trump quid pro quo
It is a parody.Or it would be if Trump had the self awareness to know that which is a parody.
"A day after saying he wouldn’t bother reading transcripts released by House Democrats in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., now says he did read the testimony, and his conclusion is that the administration’s Ukraine policy was too “incoherent” for it to have orchestrated the quid pro quo that is at the heart of the probe."---aol 11/6//19
For the Publicans the Ukraine shakedown has gone from
- It was the perfect phone call to
- Well if it wasn't perfect it was quite normal to
- Well if not normal ,it was normal for Trump to
- Well if not normal for Trump,there was nothing untoward to
- Well if not completely untoward the Democrats are making it up to
- Well if not making it up,they are exagerating to
- Well if not exagerating,there was no pressure on the Ukrainian President to
- Well if not totally pressure free the Kyevian misunderstood to
- Well if not totally misunderstood,there was no demand made to
- Well if not exactly no demand ,it was not a threat to
- Well if not unthreatening it was not a quid pro quo to
- Does not seem like a quid pro quo to me to
- Well if it seems like a quid pro quo its a bad Latin translation to
- What is a quid pro quo?
- Well if it was a quid pro quo then the crooked Ukrainians owe the UNITED STATES a QUO
- If it was a quid pro quo,every body does it to
- Well if not every body does it Obama did it to
- Well if Obama did not do it was only because he was not smart enough to think of it to
- Well if Obama thought of it,he was not Patriotic enough to do it to
- No harm,no foul,no quo,--that's high Diplomacy to
- Well if some harm it was only to US standing and reputation
- It should not harm Publicans and that is what matters
- If it harms publicans that proves it was a Democratic plot
- Well if not a plot then it's their fault for bringing it up and besmirching the USA
- Well if not their fault it must have been a rogue operation,check with Tillerson
- Well if it's not Tillerson then its Guilliani;
- Nobody cares if he goes under the bus
- He has tapes you say?
- Well at least its not President Trump
- Do we hear somebody mention Spence?
- As Sen.Graham now says: can't be Trump/Spence because WH Ukraine policy too "incoherent"--he might want to revisit that logic.
- So the official Publican position is "Mistakes were made" and Ukraine has "our hopes and prayers"
No Quid pro Quo here--just an old fashioned,good old American bribe and threat.
Have you never been to Chicago?
Ironies Abound:
- Trump tries to bribe and strong arm the only Ukrainian leader in history who was not a crook.
- Though desperate for the missiles,with Russkis at their throats,Crimea gone and much of the Donbass region held by Putin thugs still
- Zelinsky demurred.
- Because the Ukrainians did not trust Trump to honour his side of the bargain.
- More extortion was bound to follow.
Wise call mate
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