As Promised Yesterday.
- Why has trumped invoked the Defense Production Act and not used it?
- Why the extraordinary disparity in testing between USA & everywhere else?
- Why the confusion and truth of Italy/USA banning flights from China?
To answer Q 1 :
CYCLOPS,and no doubt you,has been receiving multiple solicitations for masks
"Order Your Mask Now And You'll Also Receive The Ultimate Coronavirus Prevention Kit
SPECIAL OFFER: Mask (50% Discount Per Unit)"
SPECIAL OFFER: Mask (50% Discount Per Unit)"
Almost as many as for critical supplements:
Maximize Your Sexual Pleasure with Bluoxyn!
- Prices for a single mask range from $12 to $90.
- The worst are the "cheapest" cons.
- You will never get a mask but
- Some Ruski,Nigerian,Londoner or Floridian
- Now has your credit card details.
Amazon has stopped selling masks,gowns etc..
Ditto EBAY
The real scandal is in the "legitimate " institutional market.

Cyclops posts below bullets from a Washing Post article of yesterday
- 3M … will almost double production of the masks over the next year,
- To an annual rate of 2 billion masks worldwide.
- 3M factories in South Dakota and Nebraska now producing 35 million N95 masks a month
- i.e.8 million a week
- They also manufactures the masks in Europe, Asia and Latin America. “
New York Gov. Cuomo (D)"
- Urged the federal government to take control of medical supply acquisition and distribution,
- “States driving up prices competing for masks and other gear”.
- “The states simply cannot manage it,” .… “
- In some ways we are savaging other states.
- I'm competing with California and Illinois and Florida.
- And that’s not the way it should be.
- “Price gouging is tremendous problem .… getting worse. ..
- Masks we were paying 85 cents for.
- We’re now paying $7. WHY ?
- 3 M said “has not changed the prices it charges for its respirators [masks] but
- The company cannot control the prices dealers or
- Retailers charge for 3 M respirators.”
CUOMO and governors from California to Illinois to the Carolinas urged President to use the
Defense Production Act to
“order factories to manufacture masks, gowns and ventilators,”
and to distribute the goods in an orderly fashion.
SO WHY has "10 out 0f 10" Trumpfski, who has preened and likened himself to a “WARTIME PRESIDENT”, not done so.
As a perspicacious CYCLOPS devotee emailed to the Palace:
I am sure you are ‘following the money’
KIM IL TRUMPFSKI really liked the notion of authorising THE ACT.


Then some "old friends" aka Koch Industries aka Donors aka "The Piper Payers" called the W.H. and gently pointed out what the ACT entailed 

1. President can ORDER KOCH INDUSTRIES American Companies to produce masks,hand sanitizers ,gowns ,respirators etc.
2. Government can order this production prioritised over more profitable products
3. Can instruct to whom the products are sold and delivered
- This would stop profiteering
- Eliminate competition between the States to jump the queue.
- Stop Selling on EBAY, AMAZON and
- By direct solicitation
- This would become a CRIME.
This information apparently shook the Trump University President Emeritus
He was not told this
Fire somebody
NOT Jared

He had reminisced with his pals that back in the day he would have branded
- Trump Masks
- Ivanka designer Trump Surgical Gowns
- Trump Hand Sanitiser
- Trump Protective Gloves
- Trump Socks
- Trump Virus Resistant Underwear
Endless opportunities 

"I gave up so MUCH to become President" 

The boys are really not up to these opportunities of a lifetime

But EMPORER President KIM IL TRUMPFSKI does not have the heart to stop donors
others pursuing the American Dream.
And that kindella is how the Defense Production Act,used by Presidents TRUMAN, EISENHOWER,KENNEDY,NIXON, REAGAN AND BUSH, transmogrified into

Q 2& 3 after a break for LENIN lemon tea

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