There is talk of mutiny in the Pacific Fleet. 

This time not the Czarist Fleet of 1917
But the US Fleet of 2020
Tsar Nicholas sent his peasants into battle with pitchforks and scythes.
Tsar Kim Il Trumpfski has sent doctors, nurses and orderlies into battle without masks and protective clothing.
- He has told the rest of us to wear masks while outside.
- While announcing he will not himself use one.
- Not a flattering look with Orange face and Golden Cockscomb?
- Can't get a mask? Use a scarf !
- Better yet join a [virtual] home-craft klatch and make a mask
- From materials in every pantry.
- No bread ? Eat cake
Ivanka has helpfully advised Mothers to teach kids words to "Ring around the Rosie"
A Ring-a-ring-a-rosies A pocket full of posies A tissue, a tissue We all fall down
While Husband Jared Kushner has Clarified :
“The notion of the federal stockpile is that it’s supposed to be our stockpile. It’s not supposed to be states’ stockpiles that they then use.”
With such family leadership America can again be the Arsenal of the World

Or at least create videos on how to home craft masks and robes

April 22nd is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladamir Ilich Ulyanov.
Marx and Engels expected the revolution to start in Germany or England long before it would liberate the surfs of backward Russia.
However the WW I slaughter of Russian Soldiers and starvation of Russian Civilians created a " revolutionary situation".
The incompetence and corruption of the Tsar, the nobility and the military high command paved the way for revolution and a Bolshevik takeover.
A "revolutionary situation" was of course defined defined by Lenin in 1913 in his article "Маёвка революционного пролетариата" (Mayovka of the Revolutionary Proletariat).
This tract is currently being studied by the Sander's campaign team:and being explained in words of two syllables or less to Jeremy Corbyn. The Anglo Saxon world is entering such a "revolutionary situation"
- Just as the Bubonic Plague led to end of the Crusades,
- The fall of Constantinople and
- The political rise of Islam
- The Black Death wrought dramatic change in the middle ages
- Martin Luther,the Reformation and
- The break up of the Holy Roman Empire
- Corbyn has awaited a "revolutionary situation" his entire life.
- Alas tomorrow he will no longer be leader of Labour Party.
- The tragedy,the irony ,the pathos--so unfair
- The Labour Party is announcing the winner of leadership election
- Tomorrow,Saturday,
- The Jewish Sabbath
- Such savvy sensitivity by the Corbynistas.
- No problem then with anti semitism investigation by the Race Relations Commission. Due by end of month
But CYCLOPS digresses:
Lenin's birthday may coincide with 50,000 US death mark .
UK with a fifth of the population. could be 25,000
More than Italy, China,France et al.
In the US
- A brave battle ship commander puts welfare of his sailors
- Ahead of his career .
- Covoid 19 spreading in close quarters on his Aircraft Carrier
- Nearly 200 cases
- He begs W.H. to relieve the crew and
- Quarantine them
- Implying the Navy and
- The President have failed the crew and
- Put their lives at risk
He is fired for "poor judgement".
The reaction of his crew in video below
- These and others in Guam may become
- Today's equivalent of the
- Soldiers and Sailors of St.Petersburg
- the heirs to 1917
- The modern day Kronstadt Garrison
AVANTI Workers of the USA Unite
Overthrow Tsar Donald the Terrible
You have nothing to lose but your home made masks
Make America Great Again
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