Biden leads Trump, 51 percent to 43 percent, among registered voters — essentially unchanged from Biden’s 8-point lead last month, 49 percent to 41 percent.
The electorate continues to disappoint 

Trumpfski has had a month of disasters and horrendous revelations and still over 40% of those contacted tell pollsters they will vote for Trumpfski
- Pathetic Publican Convention
- Story after story revealing Trumps disastrous COVID response
- Politicos lying, bullying and covering up at the CDC,WH,COVID Task force and Surgeon general's office
- His neice's book including devastating quotes from his sister.
- Woodward book and Trumpfski on TAPE confessing to lying and diminishing the Trump Plague
- Atlantic Magazine exposing his disdain for those who served, died and lost limbs .
- Confirmed by multiple news outlets and sources.
- Barr openly corrupting the justice system ,belittling career lawyers at the DOJ and starting blatantly partisan investigations
- Cohen's revelations on corruption, payoffs, bigotry and racism inside the Trumpfski Business and Clan
- Brazen misinformation ,voter suppression and scare mongering led by Trumpfski with the active support of Publican Senators and local office holders.
- Loss after loss in the courts on tax returns, immigration, refugees, sentence rigging etc.
- Followed by Barr perverting DOJ resources to defend Trumpfski's personal cases and burying the issues by bogging them down by appealing again and again.
Now trying to exploit the death of another Great Citizen by appointing a lackey to SCOTUS
Most damning of all Trumpfski and his henchmen inciting violence ,chaos and mayhem to suppress and discredit the vote
These are Trumpites on Saturday blocking the path to early voters at Virginia polling site Just the Brown Shirts Missing

Perhaps Ivanka's Gold deign is on back order in her Chinese sweatshops
All in the family 

National Polls on August 21st [two days before RNC Convention] BIDEN 49 TRUMP 41
September 21st [taken just before death of RBG ] BIDEN 51 TRUMP 43
It seems 40% of adult Americans are bigoted, greedy,stupid, resentful, racist, deluded or live under rocks. Some, all of the above. But most of them do not live in the Real America --where you and I live.
How deplorable are they ? " Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’ Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1945
Keep liberty alive🌹
If we all Just vote once between Today and November 3rd ;
we will save civilisation.
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