It has been six months since my last post.
- I then informed my faithful readers of Joe Biden's pending announcement that he would not run for a second term
- Because no eighty year old should .
- It seems Joe is still teasing us and that formal announcement is still pending.
- Nevertheless watch this space;
- Even if he first announces he will run,
- He will be just testing the convulsion/despair reflex quotient amongst his supporters.
So what brings CYCLOPS back to THE WORD?

- Is it Predictions and exaltations on the DOMINION/FOX "NEWS" law suit?
- Will it cost Rupert [92] $1 billion/2/3 or 4 billion?
- Alas not enough to bankrupt the Murdoch Empire [ net worth $22 billion] .
- Still "where there is death there is hope"
Nope not that
- They have proved they can look after themselves --and
- the Tennessee Republican State Establishment 's self parody is beyond CYCLOPS ability to compete .
So not that.
- Watching various Attorneys' General and
- the Justice Department playing the Judicial two step -
- -after you no after you--has ben galling.
- Then the first case is the politically least important
- Even if it has triggered Trumpfski into his mad clown victim routine.
As CyCLOPS has implored for YEARS "Follow the Money" --or the INSURRECTION
We can all understand that.
- And I repeat WHAT TAKES SO LONG---
- goes for we the citizens as well as the indicted.
- BUT the wheels do seem to grinding and CYCLOPS believes all the cases will be brought:
- Insurrection;importuning an election official;fraud ;classified files etc
May I just live long enough to see thier outcome before Trumpfski is re elected

So not TRUMPFSKI-- despite my prediction that Ivanka will be indicted and convicted and go bankrupt to avoid the fine.
Well will it be the ongoing Abortion Farrago unleashed by the Supremes?
- God bless them.
- Without this we would have a Publican Senate and
- a clear workable Publican majority in the House.
- Nor would we have the idiocy--both social and political-
- of multiple local Publican legislatures driving the abortion wedge deeper and deeper into their own prospects.
- Without the over turning of Roe being settled
- They would not have had time to focus on banning/burning books etc.
Their self immolation is a wondrous gift to behold

their self delusional incompetence makes DEMOCRATS look savvy.
Maybe there is a god---nah

No not the Supremes and Roe--but we are getting warmer;much warmer
Today my joy was unleashed
,my cup runneth over
,my meanness rewarded
BY ???

It seems the humble "my own bootstraps" " affirmative action is an insult" etc etc Justice Clarence Thomas is in the pocket of HARLAN CROW
Who he ?
- Texas Billionaire son of Trammel .
- Financier of Multiple Right Wing organizations and
- Lunatic conspiracy theorists
- He is a founding committee member of the Club for Growth, and
- Has served On the board of the American Enterprise Institute since 1996.
- He has donated over $5 million to Republican campaigns and conservative groups.
- Almost as much as those other Texan billionaires --the KOCH brothers.
- Most pertinently he gave $1/2 million to Ginnie Thomas to push conspiracy theories ,
- Deny election results and
- NOT to speak of any of this to her husband
- In case such issues got to the Supreme Court
Crow is a member of the all-male Bohemian Club where he has hosted Justice Clarence Thomas
According to Politico he provided $500,000 to Liberty Central, founded by Virginia Thomas
Crow has declined to comment on whether he was the anonymous donor in question, telling The New York Times,
"I don't disclose what I'm not required to disclose."
Most currently pertinent and of lascivious interest to the medya:
- ProPublica reported that Crow has given several gifts to Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas,
- including a $19,000 Bible belonged to Frederick Douglass
- He procured Thomas a portrait of the justice and his wife, the painter, Sharif Tarabay.
- Tax filings show that Crow's foundation gave $105,000 to the Yale Law School,
- Thomas' alma mater, for the "Justice Thomas Portrait Fund".
- Justice Thomas has accepted numerous week-long luxury trips,
- Including island-hopping on Crow's super yacht,
- International and domestic private jet travel, and
- Private resort stays.
The Supreme Court has no ethics code--no that is not CYCLOPS editorializing-- The Roberts Supreme Court has had no ethics code.

Under new rules that went into effect 30 days ago: [coincidence Justice Roberts??]
- Justices must disclose many forms of gifts they receive;
- BUT exceptions exist if a gift of food, lodging, or entertainment
- is deemed "personal in nature" and
- the hospitality has been directly offered by an individual
- who has a personal relationship to the government official in question.
Clarence and Harlan insist that they are "close personal friends" and Clarence has implied that he "was advised"--by whom?--that
this luxury travel on a super yacht through the Indonesian archipelago need not be declared .
- There is NO EVIDENCE that Harlan had befriended Clarence BEFORE he became a SUPREME.
- Nor have they claimed such an ancient affinity.
- Cyclops might guess that Harlan did not mix in Clarence's exalted milieu.
- Legal experts cited by ProPublica say that Thomas did not disclose the gifts,
- Violating a financial disclosure law and ethical norms for judges.
According to Crow, he has "never sought to influence Justice Thomas on any legal or political issue"
Well thats alright then

But today --OH BE STILL MY HEART-- PRO PUBLICA reported that
- Crow had quietly paid Thomas for property occupied by Thomas's mother's home
- Unreported :despite law requiring disclosure of property sales by public officials.
- These transactions MUST be reported on all public officials annual financial disclosures
- A rule apparently even for the SUPREMES.
- This 2014 sale was NOT listed on Clarence's annual forms
- Despite the property being listed in earlier years
As the propublica article in the url below makes clear:
- CLARENCE must have forgotten this rule and
- the continuing subsidies from Crow companies to his dear old mum
- She appaarently has continued to live in the house rent free since the sale
- Major renovations and repairs have been paid for by Crow companies.
Lest even my most loyal readers think Cyclops cruel,mean and parsimonious.
- We have no objections to this arrangement and
- Believe it would be malicious and unkind to have evicted Mrs.Thomas.
- We just believe the arrangements should be declared and
- Potential conflicts noted when issues of interest to Harlan reached the Supreme Court.
- Just as we believe overturning ROE was malicious and unkind ----
- the campaign for its repeal was funded ,inter alia , by one Harlan Crow.
Crow said he bought the property with the intent of later turning the home into a public museum dedicated to Thomas.
Allegations have risen across the medya that
- Crow has been "subsidizing the lifestyle of Thomas and his wife"
- As Thomas continued to support conservative causes on the Supreme Court.
Please, please read the propublica piece below
But ,I hear you say,
"We know you despise Clarence and Ginnie,but why such animus to Harmless Harlan.
A presumably unassuming and misunderstood Texas Billionaire philanthropist "

Ah well, these Texas Billionaires come larger than life not like your garden variety billionaire

Now CYCLOPS knows that it is an axiom of US political debate that one should NEVER mention Hitler or the Nazis as you will be deemed to be desperate and must be losing the argument.
However ,It seems Harlan has a passionate, intellectual soft spot for---you guessed it --- Hitler Memorabilia

Crow's Dallas residence is home to an extensive collection of Nazi memorabilia,
- Including two paintings by Adolf Hitler and
- A signed copy of Mein Kampf.
A visitor to Crow's home is quoted in the Washingtonian piece above :
“I still can’t get over the collection of Nazi memorabilia,” says one person who attended an event at Crow’s home a few years ago and asked to remain anonymous. “It would have been helpful to have someone explain the significance of all the items. Without that context, you sort of just gasp when you walk into the room.” One memorable aspect was the paintings: “something done by George W. Bush next to a Norman Rockwell next to one by Hitler.”
Well far be it from me to draw spurious connections between:
- A shy collector of historic memorabilia who happens to own
- Two of Hitlers original paintings
- A signed copy of mein kampf.
- Apparently one of only three in existance.
- Is a major funder of far right organizations and conspiracy theorists
- Is presumably an admirer of fellow industrialist Henry Ford ad
- Believes Trump should be President.
Such innuendo does NOT confirm that Crow is a Racist ,a White Supremacists or a bigot
- The man is ,after all, a personal friend of only the second Black Man to have been elevated to the Supreme Court.
- Cyclops has no doubt that some of his best friends are Jewish
It is odd though that he apparently never invited Ruth Bader Ginsberg to join him and his mates at the Bohemian Club.
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