Friday, July 1, 2016


The King did NOT see this coming!!


Boris Johnson says he is out of Tory party leadership race after Michael Gove challenge --the Guardian Newspaper

Boris Johnson did not make a noble sacrifice - he threw in the towel because he was beaten-Daily Mirror[UK largest circulation tabloid]. 

 For those who do not know:
 Michael Gove is the current Secretary of State[cabinet member] for Justice--no really.
Previously he had been Minister for education and Chief whip.
 He has been a close friend of David Cameron and Boris Johnson for over 20 years .
He is 'cerebral' and passes for an intellectual in the Conservative Party.

He campaigned alongside Bonking Boris for Brexit.He then announced his support for Boris in the internal Tory Party election to succeed Cameron.
It was expected he would lead Boris's campaign and then become Chancellor of the Exchequer[Finance Minister]. 

                     It seems he changed his mind.

   OK But Why Did  Bonk[ers/ing] Boris Quit the Race ? No one really knows and the speculation does not add up.

 He did not want the job of PM after all   --     they have to be kidding.
  •  He had a crisis of conscience about destroying a fellow Old Etonian --they do not do "conscience" at Eton.
  •  We now know what happens when the dog catches the car.
  •  He panicked at the thought of leading the Brexit negotiations--he could have delegated that to Gove;then dumped him from the Cabinet when he failed to square the circle.
  • He never wanted or expected to win Brexit referendum and was just positioning for the succession to Cameron in three years--sounds plausible.-OOPS-.But anyway why does that mean he has to give up the pretense and drop out?
  • He knew he would win and was terrified of the prospect of becoming the Tory Jeremy Corbyn.A laughing stock despised by eighty per cent of his parliamentary colleagues.Too late now.
  • His wife of 23 years MARINA WHEELER QC is not comfortable with the role,exposure and lack of privacy that comes with being the PM's  wife.--They just realised that?After 8 years of London Mayor,Buffoon Boris ?
  • He thought he would not have enough time to finish biography of Shakespeare--he really is writing one.
  • He thought that with Gove's entry into the race the Tory Party's Brexit vote would be split and he would lose to Theresa May.But the election system is a process of elimination  though successive ballots until two candidates remain to be sent to the party membership for a final vote.Surely it would be expected that he would beat Gove--"he who wields the knife shall not wear the crown"--and gather up his support against the leading Remain candidate.
  • He had major and swift buyers remorse and as a result is sacrificing his political ambitions to save the nation--still kidding.
  • He consulted with his doppelganger Donald Trump who advised him that UK PM was penny ante stuff and that he should syndicate his own reality TV show.
  • He plans to run for President of USA  instead.Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was born June 19,1964, on New York's Upper East Side.Really he is a native born US citizen.The first step will be to run as Trump's VP candidate.He has shown the Donald his birth certificate--long form.
  • He has been struck by Colpo di Fulmine[lightning bolt] for Theresa May and is terrified it might not be reciprocated if he ran against her.He has been watching endless re runs of Michael Corleone in God Father II.
  • He is bored.
  • Bonk[ers]s Boris IS actually CRAZY.
Whatever the reason he has severely damaged his party--cf: Donald Trump--and they will never forgive him.Michael Heseltine a Tory Grandee who served in Mrs.thatcher's Cabinet was interviewed last evening on BBC TV. 

For the UK the whole referendum process has at least produced elements of a silver lining.

The three Bullington Club [all male Oxford "dining club",by invitation only--unless the son of an Earl] Old Etonians have now been ruined --politically that is,money will not be a problem.

 PM Cameron has arranged for 3 referendum in 5 years.Scottish Devolution,on an Alternative Voting System and on Brexit. Prior to that there was only one nation wide vote,1975,in my lifetime.I am very old.Each of these were held so that Cameron could duck a political problem he did not have the wit,courage or perspective to resolve through Parliament.These referendum have no place in the British Constitution and are anathema to the concept ,tradition and wisdom of  a representative democracy.They were not binding on Parliament.

He got lucky on the first two but did not learn from the mess created by that on Scottish Devolution.Despite a narrow victory for his side he put his nations entire cohesion at risk.This last on Brexit he lost.He has created a serious political,economic and social mess.Not just for Britain but for the whole of Europe and has put the world economy at risk for another recession.All to buy some time within his own Lillipution Party.It is the end of his political career.Cry no tears for the over promoted PR man.

George Osborne has been perhaps  the worst Chancellor [Minister of Finance] since WW II .He had plenty of competition.His stupid fixation and refusal to increase public spending on capital projects has been a major recent cause of  national disaffection.He tried to scare the British into voting his way and in final desperation threatened  an austerity budget of  spending cuts and and increased taxation.How little he understands of the people he sought to rule.

In the space of a year he has gone from the overwhelming betting  and pundocracy   favourite  to succeeed his Eton/Bullington chum Cameron; to hustling for any kind of  place at the table..He will be lucky if he gets a spot in the next Tory Cabinet.It is the centenary of the the Somme.Osborne represents that grand tradition of his class.A Donkeys Lording it over British Lions.

Then there is Boris.Enough said.He knifed his Eton/Bullington friends in the vainglorious pursuit of  power,fame and position.Ditching a lifetime commitment to Europe in the process.Come the day he has no idea what he wanted to do with the power.Lenin could have written a Tract just on Boris--but then Lenin could write a  tract on anything.The Bolshies were big on Tracts.Pity Jeremy can barely understand reading one--but I digress.Boris  lost "it" when it mattered.Wellington said that Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.This European adventure not so much.

                                                                             A LEAVING GIFT

 I propose a national whip round for their farewell gift.

   A Single Pig to share--as in their good old days.
CAMERON gets the HEAD---of course.Plus one Testacle for the PR man evader..

BORIS  gets/is  a HAM-geddit--,the snout and the other Testacle for the election ducker.

In each case one ball is better than no balls at all.

They can each get some Tripe to boost their intestinal fortitude.

Georgeous GEORGE gets  the pork belly and a case of Diet COKE to break his 5/2 diet fasting.
He also gets the a pigs ear to aid him in listening to his fellow Brit

Could Boris's crash be a Harbinger for his mate TRUMP.Here's Hoping.

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