“The way they have managed this in the past week – their inability to have their coup after 10 months of plotting, which was all planned out – I'm not convinced they would run a good leadership election. If they can’t run this coup and they ran three bad election campaigns last summer, I’m not convinced they would run a good campaign.”
James Schneider, national organiser Momentum,on BBC:
Corbynistas claim to speak for "Labour" cos 200+ thousand members,associates and three quiders voted for him at the trough of Labour's despondency after the disastrous Miliband leadership.They dismiss the 7+ Million labour voters represented by the 80% of MP s and shadow cabinet members elected a month earlier.
Lies,damned lies and statistics.
"The first casualty of War is Truth" --make no mistake this is an intra party war between Democratic Socialists, and the Leninists,Stalinists and Trot Fantasists [Corbyn,Milne,McConnel,Galloway, Livingston et al].
King Cyclops does sometimes despair of the sensible "adults' in the Parliamentary Labour Party. Piss up in a nunnery comes to mind[I do love my vulgar mixed metaphors].If you need to kill the King then kill the King--do not be conned into interminable "unity"discussions with his henchmen and the bully boy McClusky. What on earth is there to agree on?
If Corbyn goes then they have lost their power.They do not care about the survival of the Labour party,let alone Democratic Socialism.They are revolutionary fantasists.As good Leninists they must first destroy those closest to themselves so that the proletariat has no choice of factions to support. That's YOU comrades.
Either the putchists represent "Real Labour "or they don't .Choose one of the adults[ it will not be someone that King Cyclops admires but so what!] and get on with it.I have arranged for Jeremy to receive asylum with Mugabe or in his choice of Venezuela,Cuba,North Korea --whichever economic system he admires the most.
His friend in the Kremlin has indicated that there is no Moscow Gold available for a counter counter coup.Putin has no liquidity apparently.His adviser at Goldman Sachs told me its all tied up in Trusts in Panama ,the Caymans and Cyprus.The Swiss were a little fussy about all the blood on the notes in the suitcases.
In response to my blogs calling for the defeat of Jezza I have received a large number of email and telephonic responses .I will post a melange of these in a seperate note but I would like to share one received from North London today.
JC -North Islington
"Greetings comrade Cyclops.Forgive me not using a regal honorific but you know how I feel about monarchies.Although I must say your blogs do not feel very comradely.Who writes them for you?Seamus does my speeches and stuff and clears them with "old friends" so that I can read them out loud.Very sound stuff .It's as though he can read my mind;knows what I think before I do!
It has been over 40 years since we worked together in those two 1974 election campaigns.Are you still a loser?I heard you left the country to "study" at the centre of the Nixonian Imperialist Empire.It seems from your blogs that they have you thoroughly brain washed.All that stuff about Burke and Representative Democracy. Perhaps you were in the bag before you even left Blighty.
I do remember you banging on about social markets and individual consumer choice determining what was produced in a market regulated by rules,protections and laws .Rather than the preferable system of production being decided by worker cooperatives supervised by local party committtees.You also had those ringing phrases about a Labour Government being less committed to uniformity of outcome than to equality of opportunity, allied to universal health care,free education and a robust social safety net.
You never had a real understanding of the needs and desires of the proletariat.Let alone of the critical role of the party in interpreting and moulding those needs.I do remember that rather nice line about "free choice not being in conflict with social justice".I have used it myself over the years.I even suggested Hamas put something like it in their charter.
Is it true that you live in a palace,close by the CIA HQ in Virginia?That would be handy for someone with your foreign policy views.You always had a thing about the Soviets being repressive and using the Warsaw Pact as an instrument of aggression.Whereas it was of course a bastion of freedom standing four square against Western imperialism.I do remember you claimed to think Kissinger,Nixon,Pinochet and the Greek Generals were bad guys.But you also thought that about Mao,Kim Il Sung and Comrade Brezhnev.
We always thought your views were formed by your father's experience under Stalin and his Social Democratic leanings rather than a rational ,dialectic analysis ..We sympathised with your psychological need to honour your father but hoped you would mature out of this to a better understanding of scientific materialism ,class realities and the needs of the Soviets to protect its people from the Capitalist Aggressors.
From your blogs I see that this has not been the case and that you still see
But I fear that I have digressed widely from the purpose of this email to you.I suppose I have been deflected by sentimental memories of our fight together for the miners against Heath,the three day week and Tory policies.
Your blog has been very critical of my leadership and of my closest associates.You seem to believe the Tory and Blairite lies about the bullying of Labour MPs,a shambolic leaders office,ill thought out policy positions, a deliberately incompetent campaign in favour of party policy to remain in the EU,and our incompetent opposition to the Tory government .You also have been taken in by the Zionist campaign about anti semitism in my inner circle.
I call on you now in the name of loyalty,solidarity and unity to stop your negative blogs and join me in consolidating my power in the Labour party. It is 35 years since a dozen of us took over the Islington North Constituency Labour Party This allowed me to be installed as the Party candidate, and thence the the MP for Islington North.This gave me the platform to extol progressive views on and support for otherwise unpopular causes; such as helping my friends in Hamas and opposing Israel, NATO and the USA in all their endeavours.
I have been able in my time as an MP to proudly vote against the policies of three Labour Prime Ministers more times than any other Labour MP as well as doing my best to oppose other party leaders who would have been apologists for the capitalist system.I failed in my attempts to undermine the UK's position within that capitalist club masquerading as the EU--until now.Join me in the name of loyalty .Help me in in my mission to transform the Labour Party into something you never conceived of in your wildest dreams."
Yours in solidarity JBC
Well there you have it.A plea for loyalty and unity.Let us hope that by the time you read this the "plotters" will have called McClusky's bluff and there will be a single candidate to oppose Corbyn. Let us also hope that the Trades Union Movement gets it mojo back and joins the struggle against those bent on destroying our party.
And a special call out to Labour supporters in North Islington--Bougeoise and Proletarian,Workers and Students,Men and Women ,Jews and Gentiles, even any Soldiers and Sailors who may be around..The next October revolution is on the horizon .Many of you have been dormant: getting on with your lives of work, family ,faith and football.Some are three quidders,others are lifelong members frustrated with Miliband and the weakness of the alternatives .
Some have voted for Corbyn thinking it could be fun and "what harm could it do?".You know who you are.You have seen the consequences.Now is the time to get serious.The last fight is at hand.
" Granny ,what did you do when the Labour party disintegrated and left us with twenty years of regressive ,conservative governments?".
If Jeremy and a dozen obsessives could take over your CLP thirty five years ago --they did not even have a Minyan as several were women--then surely you can summon up a couple of dozen per ward and take your party back.
This time it really is for the children and grand children;and us too.
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ReplyDeleteAnd then what? Angela Eagle? Andy Burnham? Tom Watson? Hardly political giants any of them Return to your realm King Cyclops. Your surfs and peasants need you....