What can one say? It is very difficult to satirise a campaign that is conducted as parody.
Each day seems to bring a still more damning revelation or outrageous, idiotic statement from the Trump campaign:
- Obama founded ISIS. With of course the direct assistance of Sec. Clinton.Given the opportunity by right wing talk show hosts to correct the statement to "enable the growth of Isis" Trump doubled down and insisted that he meant "founded".
- Trump's National Spokesperson blames Obama for the invasion of Afghanistan. She did not seem to know that this took place seven years before he was elected.
- Trump calls for "extreme vetting" of all entrants to the US.He does not of course say what this means. Presumably there will be a question like "are you now or have you ever been a Muslim" or "do you plan to impose Sharia Law in the United States"perhaps we will see again on the entry card form a demand to know "whether you intend the violent overthrow of the United States Constitution".
- Trump claims he could only lose in Pennsylvania if the 'vote is rigged".Getting in his excuses early.
- Trump said that highly paid corporate executives “get away with murder” on their taxes while boasting that he pays as little as the law allows. At the same time, he has insisted that his federal income tax payments are “substantial.”He still refuses to release his returns.
- Two days ago the Financial Times published a full one page reporting of Trump's business dealings with the Russian Mob. In this case did not mean with the Russian government or Putin directly. According to the FT, the "Trump Soho" development was funded with shady money. It of course, like many of Trump's business initiatives went bankrupt. Apparently 95% of deposits had to be returned to condominium buyers.
- There will be much more on TRUMPf's Russian connections
- Ties to the Italian Mob in New York being held back till closer to the election.
On the same day as the FT article it was revealed that Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort had received over $12 million of secret payments from President. Yanukovych of the Ukraine. He of course denies receiving such "cash" sums. Now the fact that Manafort had sold his sold his soul to to the Ukrainian dictator is not news. He has in fact sold it many times over to a series of despots. This is how he makes his living.
Nor is it surprising that Yanukovych so grossly overpaid. It was just the people's money. Manafort can be bought for much less than this.
It may not be widely known to King Cyclops readers but back in the day the King was the chairman of a large[by Ukrainian standards] commercial bank from Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. The area is now now under threat of annexation from that cuddly Mr. Putin.During the period when I was involved with this bank the board had to deal with a number of irregular loan activities. The original founder of the bank became Minister of Finance.
During this period several journalists were murdered by the Kuchma regime.State assets were plundered by a small group of Oligarchs linked to the then president,including Kuchma's son in law.
These same oligarchs later joined with Putin to fund Yanukovych, then the governor of Donetsk, to run for President.In 2004 his first opponent VictorYushchenko[a good guy] was subject of an assassination attempt during the election campaign.Yushchenko was confirmed to have ingested a dioxin contained in Agent orange.

He suffered disfigurement as a result of the poisoning,but still beat Yanukovych.
In 2010 following her loss to Yanukovych the second,Yulia Tymoshenko[not such a nice lady]was imprisoned for seven years on trumped up charges--pun intended.
It seems Manafort left the Ukraine in February 2014
A favorite story in my time there is of cooperation between Ukraine and the Bush administration.At the time Ukraine was on an international blacklist as a centre of money laundering.This was very inconvenient for the transfer of money from the then president's clicque.The Bush administration was actively seeking to expand the "coalition of the willing" in Iraq. The Kuchma government sent a single antiaircraft battery with 30 troops to join in the occupation.Ukraine was removed from the blacklist. Cost them a lot less than they later paid Paul Manafort.]
I thought that nothing would astonish me about Ukrainian off the book payments,corruption or violence.The Manafort revelations/accusations have shocked me .Less about the money but rather what he did for it."The senior Ukrainian prosecutor alleges that in 2006 Mr Manafort orchestrated a series of anti-Nato, anti-Kiev protests in Crimea led by Viktor Yanukovych’s pro-Russian Party of Regions — now designated a criminal organisation. The protests forced planned Nato exercises there to be cancelled. No charges were pursued because of a lack of evidence after Crimea was annexed. "
If true--are you betting against it?-then this is Treason.No really it is Treason.
I guess Paul Manafort is looking forward more to his Tax Audit than to the coming National Security Investigation.Probably not good for future assignments.
BREAKING NEWS--as I edit this, news is breaking of a Trump campaign shake up sidelining Manafort. No doubt more revelations to follow.
Lets hope Kuchma, Yanukovych or the Ukrainian Oligarchs did not make donations to the Clinton Foundation!!
The TRUMPf implosion has led to Publican politicians heading for the hills.Do not confuse this with conscience,good taste,respect for their own dignity or patriotic duty.
The Polls tell the story
In the so-called battleground states she leads in
Virginia by 14%
North Carolina by 15%
Pennsylvania by 9%
Colorado by 14%
Florida by 9%
Georgia by 8%
New Hampshire by 15%
Michigan by 10%
Pennsylvania by 11%
This allows for a hell of a margin of error.
Current release of the FBI notes seems to make it clear that not only have the Publican's made a mountain out of a mole hill but also the FBI overreach in its investigations.No wonder that they did not want to release these notes.
The latest on the emails apparently vindicates much of what she has been saying. The three "smoking gun" emails were NOT headed classified, but each had apparently a single paragraph with a small "c" attached. This indicates confidential NOT classified.
No doubt when we get to see the actual paragraph we will be able to find the information therein freely available from Google.
King Cyclops has for some time urged the Clinton campaign to find a way – legally – to get the three emails in question into the public domain. This will show one way or another whether she is telling the truth or the rePublicans have been flogging a dead horse.
King Cyclops now calls upon the FBI itself to release the three emails into the public domain.
Did Hillary make a serious mistake running an independent server? Yes
Has she regretted this and apologized for it? Yes
Has this cost per very dearly in this election campaign? Yes
Is this an indication of her mindset and paranoia? Yes
Has the email "scandal" been a major cause of her negative 60%+ poll ratings for her "honesty the and trustworthiness"? You bet.
Is this part of what makes her a lousy candidate? Yes
Does this make her less trustworthy and honest than Donald Trump? You must be kidding.
Is this too low a bar to be taken seriously? Absolutely.
Would King Cyclops prefer Joe Biden? Which Democrat would not.
Does the Cyclops court intend to vote for Hillary Clinton? Of course, Biden is not running .She will probably make a better president than Bill, and certainly better than Reagan, Bush and Bush.
If you did not know the candidate was Hillary Clinton but a generic Democrat running with essentially the same platform, attitudes and approach how big a lead does King Cyclops believe such a candidate would have? 12% nationally and a little under 20% in several of the so-called swing states.
King Cyclops continues to be astonished that roughly 40% of those polled state that they would vote for Trump . His Majesty can understand that the 40% of the population which fears Clinton or Democrats in general will not vote for her. But vote for Trump?
A whole swathe of "evangelical"voters are indicating that they are more bigoted, resentful and hate filled them they are "Christian".
The King still fears revelations around Clinton Foundation Donations.
Conflicts of interest among staff who simultaneously worked for her as Secretary of state and personally.
Links between The Podesta Group and Yanukovych could be very embarrassing
What passes for standard practice in the Clinton Milieu still shocks ordinary Democratic supporters.
To my Publican readers.Do not despair just yet.
Where there's death there's hope .
Trump may die.The Campaign may die.The horse could die.
Hillary could die – but that would not help you.
Maybe you should despair.
King Cyclops has for some time urged the Clinton campaign to find a way – legally – to get the three emails in question into the public domain. This will show one way or another whether she is telling the truth or the rePublicans have been flogging a dead horse.
King Cyclops now calls upon the FBI itself to release the three emails into the public domain.
Did Hillary make a serious mistake running an independent server? Yes
Has she regretted this and apologized for it? Yes
Has this cost per very dearly in this election campaign? Yes
Is this an indication of her mindset and paranoia? Yes
Has the email "scandal" been a major cause of her negative 60%+ poll ratings for her "honesty the and trustworthiness"? You bet.
Is this part of what makes her a lousy candidate? Yes
Does this make her less trustworthy and honest than Donald Trump? You must be kidding.
Is this too low a bar to be taken seriously? Absolutely.
Would King Cyclops prefer Joe Biden? Which Democrat would not.
Does the Cyclops court intend to vote for Hillary Clinton? Of course, Biden is not running .She will probably make a better president than Bill, and certainly better than Reagan, Bush and Bush.
If you did not know the candidate was Hillary Clinton but a generic Democrat running with essentially the same platform, attitudes and approach how big a lead does King Cyclops believe such a candidate would have? 12% nationally and a little under 20% in several of the so-called swing states.
King Cyclops continues to be astonished that roughly 40% of those polled state that they would vote for Trump . His Majesty can understand that the 40% of the population which fears Clinton or Democrats in general will not vote for her. But vote for Trump?
A whole swathe of "evangelical"voters are indicating that they are more bigoted, resentful and hate filled them they are "Christian".
The King still fears revelations around Clinton Foundation Donations.
Conflicts of interest among staff who simultaneously worked for her as Secretary of state and personally.
Links between The Podesta Group and Yanukovych could be very embarrassing
What passes for standard practice in the Clinton Milieu still shocks ordinary Democratic supporters.
To my Publican readers.Do not despair just yet.
Where there's death there's hope .
Trump may die.The Campaign may die.The horse could die.
Hillary could die – but that would not help you.
Maybe you should despair.
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