"Some UK election polls show huge Corbyn surge. What is going on? " Concerned Irishman
"What with that and Jezza’s car crash interview, I think a blog is needed.But go for a long walk first." Duchess
"May Cratering " Optimistic Labour Remainer
According to some polling Theresa May may has blown a 27 point lead over Labour's worst leader in history.The polls are showing Labour within the margin of error in the popular vote.
- Theresa May could lose 19 seats in the election, according to a new projection which predicts a hung parliament.
- Labour is closing the gap on the Tories
- Theresa May gave a speech on Brexit today after missing the TV debate last night.
- Latest poll – Conservative 42%, Labour 39%, Liberal Democrats 7% (YouGov).
Daily Express June 1
Is this due to a sudden previously unsuspected genius within Corbyn that has ignited the hopes,passions and ambitions of working people up and down the land?
Has his,and Dianne Abbott's,hidden charisma,vision,grasp of policy and fiscal wisdom been now revealed?
Give his highness a break!
The extraordinary switch in electoral fortunes is entirely due to the Prime Minister running the worst election campaign since...... well ever! And boy does she have competition in that hall of shame ---Brown,Milliband,Clinton and that is just the last decade.
She took a 27 point lead against the least credible Labour candidate in history and assumed it was all over.
- First she was helped by the usual idiotic statements from Juncker and other EU "leaders",
- Then by rifts in the opposition,
- Stellar performances by Diane Abbott ,John McDonald and Jezza himself.
- McDonald the only one of the three who could take a stab at basic arithmetic or even remember the cheat sheets.
- But unfortunately no one liked what he was offering.
How do you take advantage of such an opponent?
Well first you refuse to participate in any debates or other face to face interactions--just in case it became clear how hapless the other side is.
You proceed to give the impression that you are above such things,apparently forgetting we are not electing a queen but a prime minister.
You over script and over choreograph your appearances.
As the debates approach you give the clear impression that the real reason for non participation is that you are bottling it.
You also completely ignore the concerns and anxieties of the electorate.
You insist on a hard Brexit when half the country wants to remain and most of the rest want to leave but are apprehensive about the details and consequences.
You round that off with the Manifesto policy from Hades.
To fall on those unfortunate enough to suffer but not asking those of us lucky enough to be spared,to contribute.The lottery from the NASTY PARTY.
No sooner does she announce this ill thought out bombshell--heading for the heart of her core constituency--than she backtracks and abandons in the face of the first sign of uproar.
A true Portrait in Courage .
Well Cyclops what is going to happen?
Given my recent track record why does anyone want my prognosis?
If you must!
Goldilocks Scenario
- The Tories lose seats and there is a hung parliament.
- Corbyn does little better or little worse than Milliband.
- The majority in Parliament---Labour+SNP+WELSH NATS +LIBDEMS +KENNETH CLARK --is against BREXIT :hard ,soft or sunny side up.
- MAY is dumped by the rabble-ie the TORY PARTY.
- MERKEL offers an olive branch to UK :join her in reforming the EU,resisting PUTIN and out lasting TRUMPF.
- Labour wakes up to realise that they could regain power if they chose a leader with any sense or appeal to its traditional constituency,the educated and the sane.Even the Jews.
- Labour dumps Corbyn.
- With the added bonus of no more TV appearances by Dianne Abbott
The Nation is Saved
- Despite the polls May triumphs with overall majority.
- Corbyn refuses to resign .
- Labour implodes.
- May proceeds with her clueless Brexit negotiations--based on fantasy,ignorance and small minded fear for her own position.
- She appoints Nigel FARAGE as ambassador to USA in order to get "closer" to TRUMPF.
- She continues to dream of a "New Atlantic Alliance" with Herr TRUMPF - - to be joined later by Narendra MODI and DUTERTE of the Philipines.
- [Cyclops is aware that India is not on the Atlantic but is the British Foreign Office?]
Thus do great civilisations expire