The last published poll before the election gave MAYNOT a 7% lead over CORBLIMEY
"Given my recent track record why does anyone want my prognosis?
If you must!
Goldilocks Scenario
- The Tories lose seats and there is a hung parliament.
- Corbyn does little better or little worse than Milliband.
- The majority in Parliament---Labour+SNP+WELSH NATS +LIBDEMS +KENNETH CLARK --is against BREXIT :hard ,soft or sunny side up.
- MAY is dumped by the rabble-ie the TORY PARTY.
- MERKEL offers an olive branch to UK :join her in reforming the EU,resisting PUTIN and out lasting TRUMPF.
- Labour wakes up to realise that they could regain power if they chose a leader with any sense or appeal to its traditional constituency,the educated and the sane.Even the Jews.
- Labour dumps Corbyn.
- With the added bonus of no more TV appearances by Dianne Abbott
The Nation is Saved "
hmmm ?
Cocky Sod Old Cyclops !
Was that a prediction or a"scenario"?
Oh ye of little faith--go back two posts and judge for yourself.
See "UK General Election in One Week--June 1 Blog Post"for the King's reasoning wisdom words.
Anyway I used to be a politician[am now regally above all that] and take credit regardless.
NO POINT in rehearsing here again the analysis of MAY'S dreadful JUNE[sorry can't help the MAY/JUNE stuff the key board goes on automatic.]
Many pundits have gone over the same ground.The real issues are what does this mean and what is next.
But first a tip of the crown to Jezza and his campaign staff.
He really did play way above his abilities/expectations.

Now if they could politely ask Jeremy to step aside in favour of a Labour leader who could actually win King cyclops will be forever in their debt.
Could make King Cyclops a believer-- in YOOF not JEZZA.
So what next ?
Despite everything this was a BREXIT Election.
It is now commonplace to assume MAY will be gone by the Autumn.
By the time this is read it may be done.
As I said last week
"The majority in Parliament---Labour+SNP+WELSH NATS +LIBDEMS +KENNETH CLARK --is against BREXIT :hard ,soft or sunny side up.

NO POINT in rehearsing here again the analysis of MAY'S dreadful JUNE[sorry can't help the MAY/JUNE stuff the key board goes on automatic.]
Many pundits have gone over the same ground.The real issues are what does this mean and what is next.
But first a tip of the crown to Jezza and his campaign staff.
He really did play way above his abilities/expectations.
- She spoke boring platitudes to small uninterested audiences--very bad TV
- .His campaign rolled out large numbers of passionate supporters in Labour strongholds--very good TV
- He was animated,comfortable,tuned to his support and generous in his platitudes/promises.
- She wooden,brittle,obtuse and unforgivably shallow--on Brexit [her excuse for the election] social care and even terrorism.

- I guess Brexit does not now mean Brexit ,
- Hard has gone soft
- Enough is Enough is about her future.
- IMPORTANTLY THE TEAM AT MOMENTUM really did an extraordinary job targeting,communicating with and turning out the largest YOOF vote in UK history.
- The turnout among those 18 to 24 estimated at 72 per cent compared to 43 per cent in 2015.
- Over a quarter of a million under 25 registered to vote on the last possible day.
- an exit poll suggests turnout among under-35s rose by 12 points compared with 2015,
- The survey said nearly two-thirds of younger voters backed Labour, with Brexit being their main concern.
- The swing to Labour in seats where Remain won +55% averaging seven points,
- Even among those 35 to 44 : Labour 50% Conservatives 30%
Now if they could politely ask Jeremy to step aside in favour of a Labour leader who could actually win King cyclops will be forever in their debt.
Could make King Cyclops a believer-- in YOOF not JEZZA.
So what next ?
Despite everything this was a BREXIT Election.
It is now commonplace to assume MAY will be gone by the Autumn.
By the time this is read it may be done.
As I said last week
"The majority in Parliament---Labour+SNP+WELSH NATS +LIBDEMS +KENNETH CLARK --is against BREXIT :hard ,soft or sunny side up.
- Their time is coming--see early 2018,if not sooner.
- The Tories will engage in a bitter,but short, civil war and select a Remainer in all but name.
- The ultra Tory Brexiteers conduct internal guerilla war.
- An olive branch will be proffered from MM [Merkel/Macron] .

- A very soft Brexit will be pursued to the point where it will be concluded that UK might as well stay.
- And help Reform
- All dressed up with the UK,FRANCE,GERMANY,ITALY and ANOTHER joining a HIGH LEVEL EUROPEAN STUDY of EU REFORM or whatever.
- Seeing the lay of the land and following a further six months of Corbyn leadership "success" in Parliament and on TV talk shows ,the party finally elects A.N.OTHER .
- He/She defeats a shamed ,broken ,divided Tory Party.
- If not, with Corbyn as leader, Labour is outflanked on "competence",Taxes,NATO etc.
A friend has counselled his majesty that it is :
"doubtful that any other leader but Jeremy could win from here or could have brought us to this point"
- He is in delusional mode.
- Corbyn certainly "exceeded expectations".
- However,the King judges. sorry, but A.N.OTHER. should have beaten MAY.
- Just as almost any other DEMOCRAT would have beaten TRUMPSKI.
- Jezza may or may not "retire " before the next election but
- I am afraid ,he just LOST to Theresa MAY.
- He did better than anybody imagined --and I do mean anybody--
- against the worst TORY CAMPAIGN/CANDIDATE since the Reform Act [1832].
- LABOUR won fewer seats and attracted a smaller share of the vote than the REACTIONARIES --even in SCOTLAND.
- DESPITE YOOF small Labour swing to Tories in N.E.and N W.
- Strong swing Tory to Labour in REMAIN seats : LONDON & S.E..
- The Incompetent still beat the Incoherent.
- Unless they go mad[ a real possibility] and select the CLOWN ,Jezza will lose again
- FOURTH Labour loss in a row.
- Labour civil war.
- Jeremy will be "safe" until at least January if he can bring himself to embrace a form of remain--i.e. Party Policy.
- He has earned his time in the sun but more because of her than him.
- In the New Year let us see how a contest shapes up between a "moderate" TORY with a BREXIT platform so soft it is REMAIN ; and
- A Seamus Milne poppet[that is spelled correctly] dissembling about staying in the CAPITALIST CLUB,
- While believing VLAD the PUTIN is misunderstood and hard done by and
- That its time to wind up NATO.
There is no shame in compromising and standing down for the greater good.
He cannot win --pace Boris [not Goodunov].
He cannot win --pace Boris [not Goodunov].
ps if this is all wrong;
MAY stays or the TORY Brexiteers elect one of their own.
Besotted Labour sticks with Corbyn
A continued pursuit of a HARD[ish]Brexit
No MM olive branch.
Collapsed negotiations
Confused ,shambles at the exit
Then we [the Labour Party] will have effectively betrayed our people.
Denied our Children
and Various other Apocalyptic Prophesies
The UK will be poorer and much diminished
But that too will pass and we still won't have won a second World Cup.
ps if this is all wrong;
MAY stays or the TORY Brexiteers elect one of their own.
Besotted Labour sticks with Corbyn
A continued pursuit of a HARD[ish]Brexit
No MM olive branch.
Collapsed negotiations
Confused ,shambles at the exit
Then we [the Labour Party] will have effectively betrayed our people.
Denied our Children
and Various other Apocalyptic Prophesies
The UK will be poorer and much diminished
But that too will pass and we still won't have won a second World Cup.
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