No sooner had the King sent you the email on Saudi "Corruption Purge" and promised a follow up blog on that and Wilbur Ross than we received this in the Royal in tray
Sun, Nov 5, 2017 1:13 pm to KING CYCLOPS
"Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has profited handsomely from a shipping company with business ties to Vladimir V. Putin’s family"
This follows the news on Secretary Ross 2 weeks ago from Forbes magazine:
"between the November election and January inauguration, he had quietly moved a chunk of assets into trusts for his family members, leaving more than $2 billion off of his financial disclosure report—and therefore out of the public eye. Ross revealed the existence existence of those assets, and the timing of the transfer, when Forbes asked why his financial disclosure form listed fewer assets than he had previously told the magazine he owned."
Good ol Wilbur "whats two billion between friends?" Ross---who?
In the last hours I have seen NOTHING on TV news about the Saudi Purge but plenty about this Wilbur Ross story and about the coming indictments of General Flynn and his son
So Mueller is closing in.
Should make the Trumpski Asia trip go with a swing !!!
Wilbur's association with Trumpski goes back 25 years to Ross organising the bankrupcy bailout of Trumps's Taj Mahal Casino in New Jersey leaving the Donald in control.Trump attended Wilbur"s last wedding
Wilbur's association with Trumpski goes back 25 years to Ross organising the bankrupcy bailout of Trumps's Taj Mahal Casino in New Jersey leaving the Donald in control.Trump attended Wilbur"s last wedding

Some bullet points from past CYCLOP posts|:
17 June 2017 Watch the Russki Money Trail.
Wilbur will Wail--and Squeal "Prison at my age ?!?".
2nd March 2017
Wilbur Ross has not been much in the news. HE WILL BE.
"The Russian onion is only just beginning to unpeel
[the King wants credit for not using the Russian Matryoshka Doll metaphor] .
Banafort will go to prison not for treason but for tax evasion.
Flynn's gone . Sessions next . Carter Page plea deal."
Back to Wilbur:
- Ross is Vice Chair and a leading investor in the Bank of Cyprus,the largest bank on the Island.
- By coincidence Cyprus is well known as an offshore havens for illicit Russian finance.
- Since its bailout by the IMF and Cyprus government in 2014,Ross has been Vice Chairman.
- Alongside several Russians,one of whom is believed to be a Putin surrogate,he is a substantial investor.
- A major investor in that bank is a Russian mega-billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev.[more later].
- Ross and his team invested more than $1 billion in the troubled Bank .
- Ross named a new chairman,Josef Ackerman,the disgraced chairman of Deutsche Bank.
- On Ackerman's watch,Deutsche Bank paid $20 billion in fines and settlements..
- Including $650 million fine for laundering Russian money through Deutsche's offices in Moscow, New York and Cyprus.
- Dmitry Rybolovlev[see above] had the most expensive divorce in history
- Wife awarded $4.5 billion.
- He conspired to hide his money buying into foreign real estate.
- This included a $100 million estate in Florida.The seller---Donald Trump.
- A modest $60 million profit .
- They claim they never met and the deal was handled by an intermediary.
- Ross was co vice chair with Rybolovlev at the bank of Cyprus.
- He knew he was looking to hide his assets in real estate.
- He lived down the road from Trumpf at Mar-a-Lago
- He also knew that Trump needed an influx of cash to repay at debt to --who else -- Deutsche Bank.
Probably just a series of coincidences
For those interested in how the Mueller money trail will unfold;
please read the March posting :
Am I Reading a Bad John Le Carre Novel
This ties Wilbur Ross, Bank of Cyprus,Deutche Bank, Dmitry Rybolovlev and Putin to POTUS
Here be the trail to the Buried Bodies and Smoking Guns.
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