Sunday, June 10, 2018


Trump Refuses to Sign G-7 Statement and Calls Trudeau ‘Weak’  NYTimes
                                                                                                                                                  Read any or all of the above and then give me odds of whether or not the men in White Coats get there before Mueller

Within 48 hours Trumpfski insulted -personally and by country-all the USA's closest allies🙉

  • Demanded that the EU reduce its "enormous tariffs " against US goods           {NB:According to nobel laureate Paul Krugman the EU, "levies an average tariff of  three percent on US goods. Who says so? The U.S. government’s own guide to exporters."}
  •  Simultaneously vowed to raise tariffs against them and to "remove all tariffs and subsidies" everywhere.
  • [Ed; That would be interesting news for US coal miners,airplane manufactures and ethanol and farm producers]
  • Called for the Ruskis to be included in the club --even though not a democracy and the world's 15th largest economy world after Italy,India,Mexico,Brazil,Spain,Australia & S.Korea -all democracies.😇
  • About the size of Indonesia or Turkey and a 1/8th that of China.
  • He left meeting a day early tweeting rage at the Canadians--the Canadians😱
  • They could not even get to the Stanley Cup Ice Hockey finals this week.😭

Without oil and gas it drops out of the top 30 despite the 6th largest population.

                  But of course it DOES have the bomb--just like North Korea😠

No doubt after next week's triumphant meeting--which of you would doubt it?
[ED: well at least such in the White House announcement]
Trumpfski will demand Young Kim must join the summit of democracies🙋
  • Such a good idea of General Kelly to arrange the Korean Summit in Singapore.
  • Immediately after the Toronto G7.
  • A 12 hour flight and 13 hour time difference for a 70 year old narcissistic,ignoramous.
  • Kim,half Trumpfski's age, has a three hour flight and no jet lag.
  • That puts him just where the General would want him.😂
  • What could possibly go wrong?😓

Well at least Scott Pruitt,Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross can be trusted to look after the shop while he is away.

I trust  RUDY will be around to help out and to give mature and steady counsel to Melania.

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