Subject: Re: The one Trump statistic that explains everything - BBC NewsA friend sent the following trumpeting Trmpfski 's approval rating with declared Republicans
The Republican Party is Donald Trump's party. If there were any doubts about this, recent polling - which shows the president with near record levels of backing from Republican voters - confirms the fact.
According to a recent Gallup Poll, Mr Trump's support among members of his own party at the 500-day mark of his presidency sits at 87%, second only to George W Bush's 96%, which came nine months after the September 11 World Trade Center attacks contd....

Second friend : Wait until the economy tanks.
Original reader: Seems to be humming away. For now.
Second term, here he comes!
third friend: Yup, along with the Apocalypse!!
fourth friend: What Republicans think doesn’t matter, they are a species on their way to extinction!
CYCLOPS: Darwin had a theory for this
Second term, here he comes!
third friend: Yup, along with the Apocalypse!!
fourth friend: What Republicans think doesn’t matter, they are a species on their way to extinction!
CYCLOPS: Darwin had a theory for this

Your problem is that self identifying Publicans has dropped to between 32-35% of electorate.
That means less than 30% of electorate meet your loyalty test and the poll does not show the "passionate" quotient.
Come the Mueller report/indictments; fallout from trade wars in the farm states and rust belt; and his deluded attempt to "pardon himself "and/or his family/friends ; allied to more and more cronies turning queens evidence,then we shall see what we shall see.
- After the primaries-end of this month-more Publican "leaders" will be emboldened to distance themselves before the cataclysm--especially retirees and primary losers.
- Given the prospect of lost committee chairs and therefore powers of patronage,fund raising and theft,the worms will turn.
- Lets see who steps forward to defend Jew York Jared Kushner when he is indicted.
- Not many
- Most will quietly enjoy their fraudenschaude.
But DADDY in LAW will go crazy[er] at this personal affront.
Tie this to a mid term debacle and the fun should really begin within the GOP.
- Wither Ivanka ? Azerbaijan awaits.
- Where Melania ? What is in the pre-nup?
- What happens to Donald jr.
- No big game hunting in Alcatraz
- Unless you define junior Donald as "big game"
Then the fight to succeed nature's hero Paul Ryan and charismatic Mitch McConnel.
So much turmoil to come.
- Maybe all those newly "employed" coal miners can be bused in to rally to his side!!??!!
- Just like Caecescu's Romania?
- Worked well for him.
- Maybe the White House can round up some Eagles fans.
- He will be reduced to his Double B-- Bigot Base
- And the multitude of the "pardoned"
One day even EVAL [the Evil Evangelical Leaders] will have to answer : "What would Jesus do?"
And that won't mean the the Mayor of San Juan.
How's good old Mannafort doing ? About as well as Cohen?
The double Bs ain't gonna march for a Cohen.After TRUMFSKI's electoral debasement he will expect favours to be returned.
- But there aren't enough buyers of second hand mattresses to rescue our proud Great Leader.
- Maybe when he loses,his mate Young Kim will give him a licence for a Trumpfski Tower in Pong Yang?
- Perhaps a sinecure can be found on the board of a bank in Cyprus.
- Pal Putin could invite him to reminisce over a damp mattress in Moscow.
- No doubt the Ayatollahs would give him a warm welcome in Tehran.
- But best he does not rely on Prince Mohamad bin Sultan for a crust--not likely to be around himself.
- Alas no more hugs from Macron. Obsequiesness from May. Nor smiles from Trudeau
- Netanyahu will have his own penal problems.
- And the Qataris have long memories.
- Probably only Kim Kardashian there to Komfort him--SaaaD
Well there is always the gratitude of the NRA.
Pewrhaps Trumpski and Wayne LaPierre can share a Bellvue "room".
pps. Still he will always have the comfort of his almost Nobel prize.
And the satisfaction of enabling both Iran and North Korea joining the ever expanding club of nuclear states.
Along with Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Hungary,Moldova and Bukina Fasao
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