You really cannot make this up.
Old Republican farts on Senate judiciary committee really are clueless to the views and sensibilities of younger generations---or even King Cyclops
U.S. Senate's Grassley sets Saturday deadline for Kavanaugh accuser--NY TIMES
Crassly sets another "deadline".Having had his bluff called twice already.
McConnell plays to his base as though nobody else is listening
'We're going to plow right through it'
Nothing impresses Cyclops more than the majesty of the "World's Greatest Deliberative Body" giving a fair and unbiased hearing to a an individual citizen of the female persuasion.
Their latest wheeze to appear "sensitive" to Professor Ford is to have their female staff or an external female lawyer do the Senate interviewing
Nothing condescending about that then
You would think that the Publican Senators [Professional Elected Politicians] could find some sensible PR advisers
Or maybe "sensible PR advisers" by definition would not work for this crew
This should all end so well for " decent,honest,upright, thoughtful" CORBYN Kavanaugh
That should cost them several lady voters...