Cyclops assures his Jewish followers that this is NOT part of a PURIM SPIEL
According to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
TRUMPFSKI, like Esther ‘may have been sent by God to save Jews from Iran’
You think that is weird?.......
Jim Bakker said that God told him He put Donald Trump on this earth to give the church time to prepare for the impending rapture.
Really weird?......
Last month Senior adviser and putz- in -law Jarhead Kushner leaked that he has the Middle Eat peace plan ready to roll 

- Having moved the US embassy to Jerusalem
- Cut aid to Palestinian refugees
- Unilaterally nullified the multilateral Iran Nuclear Treaty
- Absolved Saudi Strongman bin Salman of Khashogi murder and
- Of Yemeni genocide
- Taken credit for the "end of" Isis
Trumpfski has now announced that in defiance of international Conventions US recognizes Israeli Sovereignty of the Golan.
ED: I had not realised the Israeli's wanted that?
CYCLOP: Me neither
most don't care as long as its demilitarized and not a threat.

But Netanyahu is now behind in the polls and facing indictments so maybe Trumpfski is trying to help out
ED : OY VEY -- is that what you people say?
Cyclops: Sure.
By the way the things that Netanyahu is being charged with would not rise to the level of a minor misdemeanor in Washington.
Pesky independent law enforcement in that den of anti democratic imperialists in Israel.
Weirder yet....
Trumpfski tweeted the Golan news this morning as well as claiming that
” The Democrats hate Jews”
Schummer,Feinstein et al were stunned by this revelation.
Expect them all to switch parties,giving Trumpfski a veto proof Senate for his entire Mishigas .
Back to the "Peace Plan"
In Warsaw last month, Kushner said the White House plan would focus on border issues.
W.H.leaks indicate inter alia the plan includes
- Jordan would give territory to the Palestinian authority
- In return, Jordan would get land from Saudi Arabia,
- Saudi would get back two Red Sea islands it gave Egypt to administer in 1950.
- The Golan would be ceded to Israeli Sovereignty.
- Israel would determine its borders with the new Palestinian State
Well the Golan bit was announced by tweet today.
Netanyahu is in DC next week--a good time to announce the Israel/Palestine borders.
The whole thing will be wrapped up at a Grand Peace Conference of the "Three Abrahamic Faiths minus the Shia"
on the Temple Mount/Dome of the Rock.
So now its the 2 1/2 Abrahamic faiths
Catering for the conference will be done by New York’s Broadway Deli.
Kosher and Halal.
Bacon sandwiches cut separately
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