AN ENGLISH PSEPHOLOGIST sent the following concern to the PALACE.
- California population 39,512,273 has 2 senators.
- Wyoming population 578,759 has 2 senators.
- Washington DC population 705,749 has ZERO senators.
To American readers---He labels this "Rotten States" as analogue with British Rotten Boroughs of 18/19th centuries.
- CYCLOPS understands his notion of British "fair play" being offended.
- But notes that USA has not been British for lo these 250 years.
- ED: in fact the largest US ethnicity is German
- 18%-over 30% in the Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan swingers
- But that's a diatribe for another time.
- These are all statistics.
- Which we must follow.
- They PROVE that a member of the militia from Fort Laramie is worth
- A thousand Hollywood Liberals and
- An infinite number of Government Bureaucrats.
- Wyoming has the densest concentration of billionaires-SIX-in USA
- It is believed none is an active member of a militia
- Also none of them is Donald Trump or James Wolfensohn
- Half of them are members of the Mars or Walton families.
- Confirming that Wyoming has the densest Billionaires
- Bison gestation period is same as for Homo Sapiens-- 280-285 days
- Bison IQ is same as the militia in the Grand Teutons
- Homo Sapiens dominate the great plains because Humans invented the carbine before the Bison did.
- Photo seen as metaphor for Democrat States allocation of Senate Seats.
- The Bison on the right is from Wyoming,
- On the left from California .
- There are 362,406 Bison in the USA .
- Wyoming is home to about 7,000 or 2%
- This statistic clearly justifies Wyoming's 2% share of USA Senators Bison are a protected species in USA
So are Billionaires