Most evil, calculating politician in America finally ditches Mad King Donald
- He understands how fast and far the power of Mad King Donald will now recede
- The law suits--federal, state ,local, personal, criminal and civil will now devour the DRUMPFSKI CLAN
- The pardons, fund raising scams, the raging--- JUST Noise baying at the inevitable
- McConnell Rules
- Not the PROUD BOYS
This "gracious" acceptance of the real Publican leader comes in time for Christmas and
To roll the Senate Dems AGAIN on a 'blue state bailout.'
He has suggested "blue states" should go bankrupt.
He generously offers to
"put aside his push for an employer covid liability shield if ...
Democrats set aside insistence on funding for state and local governments. "
Offers something he never had in exchange for denying localities what is desperately needed.
Blames Democrat intransigence for denying relief and another check--just before "the Holy Days"
Merry Christmas Kentucky
In April 2020 during round1 of relief negotiations Dems dropped calls for local relief in exchange for MNUCHIN/DRUMPFSKI "promise" " it will be included next time"
CYCLOPS posted these two APRIL blogs :
“McConnell boxes in Democrats on latest coronavirus relief"
“Come the “next bill” McConnell plans to hold hostage funding for hospitals and local government support in Blue [Democratic] States .
For what? Publican Party Donor Priorities.
The democrats have been rolled in all negotiations for EIGHT months---because:
- The Publicans have Senate majority
- Democrats actually care about getting relief to those in need
- Mad King Donald is too self obsessed to understand his own political interest
- McConnell knows how power works and
- Who butters his bread--
- Look up for yourself the $$$ that went to Koch, Big Oil, Real Estate et al
- Compare with "small business" relief
- The Publican senate always does this--- ref: see
- WW1 Veteran Relief; Roosevelt New Deal;
- Social Security ; Medicare; Obamacare and
- On and On and On
Expect the same when we fail to get the two Georgia Senate Seats
ALL the Social Safety Net Reforms in #9/10 came with Democratic Senates outvoting the Publicans of their day

PS Most evil, calculating politician in the WORLD
Congratulates Biden After Electoral College Vote
"I have my own problems Donald but your Dacha in suburb of Novosibirsk is still available"
"Hope to see Melania and Ivanka soon--suggest Jared and the boys call Binyamin in Jerusalem"
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