jan 10
Be patient: At the end of this lengthy diatribe:
THE MOST SHOCKING CODA on last week's events
but first

But do not despair mein camaraden:
This was planned to be a short pithy piece ending with self congratulatory vindication of HRHKC's TRUMPFSKI exit prediction
BUT alas 

It seemed that there was no end to the dramatic and horrifying political events last week.
[ED: You are not going to mock last weeks events that truly brought the Republic to the verge of a fascist mob coup inspired by a deranged, obese.
blonde, Floridian,son of a Klan supporting bigot of Teutonic origin currently squatting in the Presidential palace—the son that is; the father has
gone to the 1,000-year Reich in the sky]
CYCLOPS: Moi? Anyway ED you seem to be a little excitable cos of these events
Much to the astonishment
of Cyclops [note to American readers: this is meant ironically!!]

- Der fuehrer continued to challenge the election results.
- Calling on his Republican Aufwieglers in the congress to challenge certification of the electoral college vote.
- No shortage of House volunteers—180—brave menschen stepped forward.
Not to be out flanked:
Senators Josh Hawley of Missouri and Ted Cruz of Texas leaped to support the Great Leaders Will.

- It seemed to these two down home country boys that there was something wrong
- with the dang election.
- The constitution surely gave Vice President
BormanMike Pence the right - Nay the duty, to not recognize the results from the electoral college.
- Let alone the popular vote
- At whatever personal cost they would defend liberty, democracy and the American Way.
- These two may be ignorant of the legality of these matters but they fearlessly leaped to defend our great Democracy.
Who are these great young patriots? 

- Josh [Jo boy]Hawley, Stanford, and Yale Law clerked for chief Justice John Roberts.
- Was Missouri Attorney General.
- His senate bio page claims “Senator Hawley is recognized as one of the nation’s leading constitutional lawyers.”
- Raised Methodist, now self-professed Evangelical.
- Rafael [Ted] Cruz, Princeton and Harvard Law clerked for Chief justice Rehnquist.
- He served as Texas Solicitor General.
- He is quoted as joking "I'm Cuban, Irish, and Italian, and yet somehow I ended up Southern Baptist”.
- Josh and Ted [Joshed] are humble servants of the peoples will
- Even when the people themselves are unaware that their will and their votes did not coincide
- While Joshed may not fully understand the role of Pence in declaring the result
- They were sure that others would guide them.
- In the past the great White Evangelical Truth had moved both to their Epithanies
- In their hearts they knew that the Great Helmsman on Pennsylvania Ave and
- The Proud Boys from the Ozarks would guide their actions. to the Glory.
What could possibly go wrong?

In the meantime, there were other extraordinary horrors.
- A black preacher from Martin’s Church in Atlanta was elected to the Senate.
- The next day:
- A Jew, [even younger than aw shucks J0 Boy Hawley] was declared victorious—
- Again in GEORGIA.
- This meant Chuck Schumer from Jew York would become leader of the Senate.
- Due to the casting vote of a WOMAN----
- A black woman from
SodomCalifornia!! - The signs, the signs—the signs.
Was the Rapture Nigh?
- Trump called on his patriots to march.
- Pence must Act or,
- like Ernst Rohm, be cast aside.
- Giuliani pleaded for a trial by combat * * [It's medieval Teutonic thing, very popular with the Germanic tribes and the Vikings up to the 16th Century. Fits the narrative remarkably well.] Ed: Do not get distracted Cyclops old boy.
- Trump vowed to "March" with his patriots
- From the White House Ellipse
- To the Capitol Chambers
- From the New York islands to.... oops sorry wrong genre
- They headed out and
- He went back inside for a burger,
- Diet coke and Donut.
- Watched it all on TV but did not join “his people”
—bone spurs probably.
Then ……. “stuff happened.”
In response to that STUFF:
- Ivanka took down her Tweet encouraging the "patriots"
- Elaine Chao resigned claiming to be appalled at Trumps behaviour
“gambling, there is gambling, I am shocked.” 

ED: A Casablanca reference, do you have no shame Cyclops!!
In Cyclops Palace courtiers wondered :
- At the coincidence of her resigning a day after
- HRHKC had called for her corruption to be investigated by the new Senate.
- Had she done the same thing when resigning from the Enron Board
- Claiming ignorance of derivatives and malfeasance? Cyclops himself mused:
- That indeed it was a coincidence that she resigned a day after GEOGIA,
- When hubby Moscow Mitch lost his power ---
- Of protection and
- Patronage.
Nah cannot be. She is a LADY. It was a matter of principle.
All the same watch for a graceful exit by Mitch before Easter

Same as for Betsy de Ville Vos
- She too resigned on principle.
- The principle being that she was terrified [as was Elaine]
- Of having to go on the record one way or the other
- On the whether Pence should invoke the 25th amendment. It seems in Betsy’s case she genuinely cannot judge whether Trump is insane or not.
- No more than her little brother anyway.
- She is just pleased she managed to hang in [excuse the metaphor]
- Long enough to get those nice Blackwater patriot boys pardoned
- For murdering civilians
- She confided to a friend that they were only Syrian civilians and
- had any orphans been given political asylum
- they would have probably gone to public schools— a fate “worse than death”.
Her brother had told her it was all a misunderstanding .
She believed him as she had that he bumped into Deripaska in the Maldives by accident. [do keep up people or none of them will ever go to prison]
- Despite the erection of a scaffold to hang Pence,
- Assault weapons in the rotunda,
- Molotov cocktails
- Pipe bombs
- Zip ties for the elected reps to be held before execution or
- Ransom,
- A dreadful failure to protect,
- Three hour delay in the Defence Dept. sending rescue
- [well at least it was not Benghazi]
- Five deaths and
- The humiliation of the USA-- the Putsch failed Great Cousin Adolf could have told Donald Beer and Putsches do not mix
Trump’s Proud and Bully Boys are just as incompetent as he is.
- Praise be to…well whoever you give praise to. [grammar
to whomever you give praise ]
- Now the recriminations,
- Backtracking,
- Finger pointing, and
- Betrayals
will accelerate
- If history is anything to go by:
- the storm troop idiots,
- proud boys,
- drunks, and
- selfie taking meth heads
- will be rounded up and jailed. There will be a quiet cover up around the country to protect most of those “law enforcement” officers who came to town to save “our country” Not many but enough to give Cyclops folk memory nightmares
White Evangelical Leaders will forgive those who “return” to their Lord and
prepare for the second coming of their [white] saviour.
- Despite the calls to impeach Trump
- Expel Hawley and Cruz and
- Say ten or so sacrificial House Publican lambs
- When the dust settles:
- We can expect to see the publican legislatures Gerrymander their states and
- Intensify voter suppression.
- Barr will worm his way to the top of Opus Dei
- Bannon will have a talk radio show
- Wilbur Ross will be napping in Florida
- Jared will still be unextradited in Tel Aviv
- Melania will have married a Greek shipping magnate
- Rudy and Alan Dershovitz will still be Trumps lawyers---pro bono
- Donald jnr. will be auditioning as a gigollo
- Betsy de Vos will still be a billionaire
- As will Elaine Chao
- And Kelly Loefler
- But NOT Donald--not then, not now ,never was

- Already Fox News hosts,
- Qannon and
- Evangelical talk radio
- Are wondering whether the Capitol invasion was
- A ruse
- A provocation
- Cunningly created by Antifa. In Nancy We Trust. In Joe We Hope In Ourselves We Wonder In Our Fellow Americans We Doubt
When impeachment fails:
- Trump will be fully exposed to criminal prosecution
- By the DC District Attorney for Incitement to Affray
- By the Justice Department for Sedition.
- By New York City for Racketeering
- By his Florida neighbours for Bad Taste
- They may have to wait their turn in court after the trials for
- fraud,
- money laundering,
- tax evasion,
- obstruction of justice
- ……. And civil suits for
- ..well all kinds of things.
- And of course Melania's Divorce Settlement
- The lawyers will have a whale of a time arguing
- over who gets what part of the Trump fortune
- for forfeiture,
- penalties and
- to settle cases.
Only to find in the end dear Dorothy there is nothing left, just a midget behind the curtain.
Postscript: in putting this piece to bed I saw:
Republicans Are Calling For “Unity” After They Voted to Try to Overturn The Election Following The Deadly Capitol Attack. buzzfeed
- Kevin McCarthy calls for Unity to heal a divided nation.
- That is AFTER he voted to nullify the election of Biden.
- That vote taking place AFTER the deaths and mayhem in the Capitol.
- After the failed Putsch incited by Trump and his congressional Lickspittles
Now that is true CHUTZPAH
After so many years, a new definition of CHUTZPAH to TRUMP [pun intended]
"boy having murdered his parents throwing himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan"
Next week except Steve[s] Bannon and Miller to call for all immigrants to hold their hands in an exultant chorus of KUMBAYA.
All this has overshadowed the MOST SHOCKING CODA on las week's events
The failed Putsch has been greeted with dismay by the world's democracies and with Glee by Xi, Erdogan,Assad and especially PUTIN
But amidst the furore,anguish and confusion, the commentariat has lost sight of the most shocking international intervention of all.
On Thursday Presidente Macron de France gave a speech .........in ENGLISH
Irving Kuczynski 

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