Saturday, February 26, 2022

CYCLOPS On the Ukraine feb 22 2022

 SIX months since my last  blog Zipper mouth face

Many apologies and even more excusesWeary

But now almost fully settled into the new apartment and likely "last resting' place.Speak no evil

So straight in .       Many calls from family and a few  friends for the wisdom of Cyclops on the Ukraine and the latest Socio/Psychopath to threaten  devastation and lives  in this long suffering  heimlandt [Yiddish for homeland].
                              Why should anybody bother with the views of Cyclops on such a momentous subject?Angry face with horns
                               Well who else do you know who has actually been to Donetsk?Facepunch
                               Flew in on  a shaking, rattling Russian Tupolev death trap to bootSweat

Before we begin-I'm on a blogger's roll here-- a couple of heartfelt thoughts
  1. As a genuine cockney Londoner--truly born within the sound of Bow Bells--I am truly ashamed of the British government role in allowing/encouraging the creation of Londonigrad.
  2. Do not let Boris Johnson's current clowning around as  "tough on Vlad the Invader" fool anyone .
  3. He was Mayor of London when he and his chums prostrated and prostituted themselves in the pursuit of purloined Russian  patrimony.
  4. Enabling and encouraging the transfer of Oligarch stolen Russian Treasure to safe harbours in London's Property Market and Banks.
  5. All this while hypocritically signing up to declarations to stop money laundering through Panama and the Caribbean
  6. This enabling of kleptocracy continued unabated even after Putin's thugs murdered out of favour Russian Oligarchs on British soil 
  7.  and slopped Polodium around Dorset ,killing innocent British bystanders
  Boris demands the Germans stop Russian Gas Exports but does not enforce existing British Laws allowing the freezing and then confiscation of illicit Russian plunder.
  1.  He cannot be taken seriously until Chelsea and Arsenal football clubs are sequestered from Putin's venal Russian crony owners
  2.  Russian owned Billionaire's Row is taken over to house London's destitute homeless.
  3. Their bank accounts frozen 
  4. Their yachts chased from British Marinas  and 
  5. Their wives and children banned from Harrods
  6. Thus far just bluster and jingoistic rhetoric from Barmy [desperate]Boris
 As to current USA /Western diplomacy:
  1.                 Yeah Joe Biden and Tony BlinkenRaised hands
  2.                 Hands up those who thought we would be better off as Trump destroyed NATOThumbsdown
  3.                 Those who thought the world did not need Pax Americana--just a few rondels of KumbayaFlushed
  4.                  Any second thoughts matesSee no evil
Fox News and Tucker Carlson Hear no evil    

  1.     Putin knows a "useful idiot "when he sees one
  2.     Must be all that KGB training 
  3.     He actually does know that ethnic cleansing has nothing to do with Friday bath night in LVIV
                                                                                        Back to topic:

Some of my readers will be well aware that Stalin starved to death an estimated 20% of the population in the  deliberately Soviet engineered  farm collectivization and Great  Famine of the 1920's ;
and  that the Nazi invasion destroyed upwards of a quarter  of its population in the early 1940's.

  • Probably less familiar will be its long history of  oppression under the Romanoff Tsars. 
  • The bread basket of the Russian Empire  and much of Eastern/Central  Europe was kept in Medieval serfdom from the 17th to the the dawn of the 20th centuries.
  • Its population effectively enslaved on the land, forbidden education or the right to leave their villages ;
  • Lorded over by Russian Boyars[landed gentry and nobility] 
  • And Russian Orthodox Patriarchy ,
  • Enforced by Cossack mounted troops and  very harsh  repression from Moscow & Kiev
  • The serfs were not emancipated until 1861,under a "reformist" Tzar  Alexander  II 
  •  More a legal nicety than a reality in  much of the Ukraine.
  • Despite opposition from the Russian Orthodox church Alexander also softened  repression of the Jews.
  • Alexander was assassinated for his trouble in 1881

Least well known would be the fact that it is part of King Cyclops historic mother land.

From the late 18th Century until the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, Jews ,with very few exceptions, were not allowed to live, work or trade in Mother Russia.
They were restricted to "The Pale of Settlement " the area we now know as the Ukraine ,Eastern /Central Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, and parts of Latvia and Galicia.
This policy was instigated at the behest of the Russian Orthodox Church, which apparently had a problem with the Jews killing Christ , drinking the blood of Christian children and defiling Russian Women.
[ED: is there a joke in there somewhere Cyclops?}
[Cyclops: Probably Thinking face- --,those Jews do joke about everythingSee no evil]

King Cyclops is in fact the scion of the feted Rosenberg and Kukiolka clans from Chmielnik in modern central Poland.

This background is a smattering of King Cyclops' experience explaining his fabled expertise on Ukraine and the Psychopath Putin

Rather than rehash HRHC's judgements and prognostications on the current situation --which might seem like hindsight---I publish below  some email exchanges with family and friends .
This is revealed warts and allConfused

  Ed :               You have got carried a away on your return to opinionated diatribes Cyclops. This is already quite long.
 Cyclops :       True Mr. Editor I will publish the email chain separately in  1/ 2hour or so.

Give my adoring readers   Kissing heart   a breather

Irving Kuczynski Smiling face with halo     aka King Cyclops

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