Wednesday, November 9, 2016


The Democrats opted to build a coalition which failed to include white male idiots. In retrospect how could that have succeeded ?       

Rome survived Nero, China survived Mao, Russia survived Stalin, Germany survived Hitler, Uganda survived Idi Amin, Cambodia survived Pol Pot. So why the wailing and gnashing of teeth over Drumpf? He is almost harmless in comparison. A little bit of racism here, a bit of sexism there, a few deportations and a wall. Bigly deal! Plus an Eastern Bloc model, if not a role model, thrown in for free as First Lady.
And Secretary Clinton? Server right! Trivia counts.
For want of a nail the shoe was lost,
for want of a shoe the horse was lost,
for want of a horse the knight was lost,
for want of a knight the battle was lost,
for want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
So a kingdom was lost—all for want of a nail.
The Secretary should take up shorthand-typing, as the technology might serve 'er better.
                                                                                                                     Sub continental

The innocent assumption is Trump will not implement more than 10% of what he said (which is a lot!!). What if we are wrong and he is serious??? History has shown that these mistakes happen.

  SIT VIS VOBISCUM.                                                                                 Englishman

Had Hillary been a tad more likable, a tad less bathed in sudden wealth, or tad less teller of obvious untruths, she would have won by a landslide.  She didn’t listen to your “don’t blow this, Hillary!”                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                       American Male 

OY VEH AN SHANDA                                                                              London Chassid

Time for a Mencken (not an admirable character overall) quote: 

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”

                                                                                                                        British Male

Today (9th Nov) is the anniversary of kristallnacht
                                                                                                             British Male

Most stunned here as well.There were apparently far more ants and far fewer grasshoppers voting.          
                                                                                                                      New Yorker                                                                                    

  Oy va voy                                                                                               2nd New Yorker   

Devastated                                                                                       2nd American Woman     

 Your formula actually works—but negative MC in Florida and Arizona means you lost. Perhaps the TV pundits could use it to bluff erudition. As did you!
MC {Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado} ≤ Δ (2016/12) H      
                                                                                                              3rd American Male 

What the hell happened last night ?                                                         American Woman 
[Cyclops readers: she means the election smart asses]

I expected the pollsters might get it wrong,but the King ? ,never.    
                                                                                                              English Man  

WTF??                                                                                                         Ausssie

Don't worry Cyclops,I don't blame you! How many nightmares in one year?  
                                                                                                                 English Man 
Ah well Cyclops you can`t win them all.What a turnup or is that turnip? Where next?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Another English Gent

What about Trump!!! Death and Despair how did we anger the Gods so profoundly?
Heaven is weeping,its pouring with rain here this morning.                                                                                                                                                                   English Woman

Like many millions around the world we are hoping that by the dawn’s early light we will find out the Hillary has averted Trumpageddon                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mancunian                                                                                                

Hillary turned out to be weak candidate to run against Trump. How would Bernie have done if he had won the Democratic nomination?      

Does the Trump Post Office Hotel in DC have anything to do with Centenary of the Easter Uprising?  Cos this result looks like a once in a century disaster.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Irishman   

 Cyclops: problem with people who are intelligent, well educated, generous, not afraid of foreigners or people of different religions, like you and me--is that we persistently make the mistake that we are a majority, instead of a small minority! 

  Read: Fared Zakaria's piece in Nov-Dec Foreign Affairs, "Populism on the March, Why the West is in Trouble"   Trump was just the lucky right guy, right place, and right time. 
                                                                                                  New  Yorker                                                                                             



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