Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Can't take Princelings to the Royal Fishing Lodge for a few days w/o the world falling off its axis.


                                            Trumpf  continues to be a dangerous buffoon.

                         Congratulates  Turkey's wannabe Fuhrer  on stealing the result of referendum
                         State Department said the opposite.
                         Secretary  Tillerson says nothing.
                         Trumpf loves those cuddly "strong leaders" - Putin,Erdogan, XI Jinping.
                         Erdogan undoubtedly promised to keep Istanbul safe for Trumpf Towers

                        Grandstands on North Korea raising the rhetorical belligerence level.
                        US  "Armada" heading to Korea to send a message.
                        Trouble is it went the wrong way towards Australia !
                        So much for the geopolitical competence of Generals running Bellum Americana

                         Serves Xi Jinping the "best chocolate cake you have ever seen".
                         Preens to him about firing off 60 missiles into Syria "as a message "
                         The message being  -do not upset Ivanka  with pictures of gassed children.
                         Half a million Syrian dead,three million displaced - Trumpf would not know to                                paraphrase Stalin"half  million dead is a statistic,one child a tragedy".

                         Still Ivanka got her "Brand" copy wrights in China over the desert.                                                Xi no longer a "currency manipulator" let alone oppressive dictator.
                        The first Triumpf of chocolate cake diplomacy.

              But most consequential of all they screwed up the 139th White house Easter Egg Roll.
             21,000 Attendees  but 18,000 Chocolate Eggs.Probably budget cutting Paul Ryan's fault.

                                        Never get photo graphed with sad kids in the frame !

                         Still got some work to do do on the chocolate diplomacy strategy.

              Politics in France and UK  also spectacularly depressing.More to Follow in the Morn.




1 comment:

  1. Later Trumpf reported on TV interview that he had bombed Iraq. No one keeps the poor guy informed about anything;bombing targets, fleet mouvements...
