There is a hole in your wall dear Donald, dear Donald.
There is a hole in your wall dear Donald, a hole.
HRH cannot resist starting with the picture below
NBC has a government report report showing the results of a test on the preferred steel prototype currently erected in Texas.
The picture is from that test ,which required the tester to use only tools available from a local hardware store.
Cyclops has been informed that the Trumpfski White House is now seeking a Dutch Boy with VERY FAT fingers

As readers will know,since January 2017 Cyclops has been predicting that Trumpfski will not be impeached.
Nor will he run again.
He will be removed by the men in White Coats.
Just in the last few weeks: Pledges to pull out of Syria .
Reverses himself.
Loses General Mattis in the process.
Defence industry exec takes over.
Eisenhower turns in his grave.
Generals Petraeus et al do not return WH phone calls
General Flynn sweetheart deal with no jail time rejected by judge.
General Kelly resigns as chief of staff.
Trumpfski declares "everyone wants the job"
Everyone demurs so ends up with an "acting"
Not a General this time.
Seems Generals have peaked.
Agrees to budget resolutions to fund the government.
Publican senators vote for this unanimously.
Trumpfski reneges. .
Wants his ball -oops-wall.
Gets taken to the cleaners by Nancy[a woman]Pelosi
Threatens to close government and take full "ownership"
Closes a third of government
Blames the Democrats
McConnel washes hands.
Senate Publicans panic
Makes robotic asinine appeal from the Oval office
Senate Publicans panic more
Looks truly discombobulated at the prospect of House Democratic hearings.
On everything
Including Ivanka,Baku and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard General
Donald Jnr & Ivanka Moscow
Russian Comprimat and Golden Showers
Emoluments clause
Deutche Bank loans and the convenient retirement of Justice Kennedy from the Supremes
This on is a doozy and a personal favourite of Cyclops.
Half the attendees[another one yesterday] at the Trump Tower meeting on "adoptions" already indicted or convicted.
Jared and Donald Jnr await their turns
Mueller documents beginning to leak
Giuliani predicts the report will be "Horrific"
Mnuchin to give testimony to Senate today
Never mind the Donald what are Mnuchin's links to the oligarchs
Lets not forget Wilbur Ross--Bank of Cyprus,Deautche Bank CEO,Mar a Lago sale and those dang oligarchs again.
How does one define NEXUS?
And on and on
Faced with all this Cyclops would go crazy.
Trumpfski was already there when he ran.
Cannot find a reason to change HRH prediction.
Watch McConnel 

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