Lindsey Graham Reduces Trump’s Border Wall To Just A ‘Metaphor’--Huffpost etc
Well that is a reliefCyclops would have voted for the beaded curtain version but a Metaphor will doGraham's relationship with Trumpfski reminds me of the logic of a Pretzel
Not a metaphor just a Simile
Lindsey Graham is a Pretzel--that's a MetaphorLets Fund the Metaphor
Nancy can now propose a funding bill with $2billion for the metaphor,reinstaement of DACA and a a 2+% raise for federal workers. Thats not a metaphor-- it's a compromiseTrumpfski could call it HIS DEAL. Whats one tiny little fake claimDonald.Go with the flow mein alter kuka.
By the way those fake green cards for your golf hotel workers are NOT a metaphor;they are a felony.Happy New Year.
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