Israel BANS Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib from visiting Jerusalem and West Bank an hour after Donald Trump calls for move and accuses firebrand Democrats of hating 'Israel and ALL Jewish people' DAILY MAIL 15 AUGUST 2019
Trip originally agreed by Israeli government.Israeli US Ambassador said the two allowed to visit Israel and the Palestinian territories:
"Out of respect for the U.S. Congress and the great alliance between Israel and America, we would not deny entry to any member of Congress into Israel," Then Trumpfski tweeted ‘‘it would show great weakness’’ if Israel allowed them in.
If CYCLOPS was a Zionist or a member of AIPAC he would be embarrassed at this idiotic, craven,crass,kow towing,cowardice.
He is a Jew,an American, a Brit and old; a believer in free speech,dialogue and rational convictions.Neither a starry eyed peacenik nor a cynical war monger.A realist who believes that the two aggrieved and persecuted peoples of Palestine ,each deserves/needs a homeland.Side by side.
Neither should put any faith in fickle friends;Evangelicals & Trump nor Iran and Islamists.
Neither should put any faith in fickle friends;Evangelicals & Trump nor Iran and Islamists.
He has in these posts criticised both Omar and Tlaib for their witless anti semitism and grandstanding narcissism.
The thoughtful,reasoned,principled Israeli response to this trip --or one by Corbyn, Seamus Milne and Chris Williamson --would be to invite them to meet with Israeli officials,civil society and politicians of all variants--Jewish,Palestinian and Druze,left,right and upside down--as well as with leaders and others in the West Bank territories.
By cozying up to Trump,Netanyahu has aligned with a sociopathic,racist, loser and played into the propaganda meme that Hanah Ashrawi will rightly exploit.
Needless to say the decision has already been criticised in Israel.
"Barring Congresswoman would greatly damage Israel's relations with Democratic party, Israeli diplomats warn" Haaretz 15 AUGUST 2019
The Israeli government position is a Shanda and weak.
Golda Meir must be spinning in her grave.
BUT after dramatic economic news, it seems Trump has changed the subject again

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