Much demand for CYCLOPS commentary on the DEM debates and this morning on the Brecon bye election in the UK.Today the US.
U.S of A.
The pundits have had a wonderful time handicapping the debates as though the whole thing was a combined reality TV special combined with an Olympic figure skating points drama.

TEN ADULTS ... most over sixty, standing on their feet for three unbroken hours; limited to sixty second sound bites on the economy, racism, the justice system, health care immigration free college education etc; is a strange way to have a “substantive debate”.

A lot less here than meets the eye.
They and we will have to endure this for a little longer before the real contest starts.
THE DEMS.. can stop wringing their hands over the"circular flying squad" and "criticising the Obama legacy".

- Its August,over six months till the first primary.
- The fringe[in polling numbers] candidates are desperate to get attention.
- Going after the front runner[s] is all they have.
- This will pass soon enough as the field gets whittled down
- The "unpopular" impractical and pie in sky proposals will fall under their own weight
- Note the pretzel twisting that Kamila Harris[one of CYCLOPS positives] has gone through on universal health coverage and “losing your private plan".
- Most on those on the platform would make a fine cabinet or senate.
- We also have NANCY.
The Publicans have Trumpfski and Moscow Mitch .
Six Publican house members have retired in last two weeks
. Does "Canaries in Coal Mine" come to mind?
Not just Democrats but also the sane US majority have had it with Trumpfski.
- Why do you suppose he keeps up the crazed tweets?
- The rallies?
- The racist attacks?
- The rants on immigration?
- Why today’s rage over China trade and Tariffs?
- Berating of the Federal Reserve over interest rates?
- The belittling of Mueller et al?
- The acceptance of Russian election meddling?
- The acceptance of N.Korean missile tests?
HE HAS PICKED FIGHTS... he cannot win and does not know how to exit:
- China’s XI cannot give him a trade victory and also lose control of Hong Kong.
- Kim cannot give up his nukes and survive.
- Iran has nowhere to go and Trumps belligerence could trigger a catastrophe.
- Guatemala ,Honduras,Mexico cannot “protect” the US border even if they wished.
- Steel and manufacturing tariffs will not bring back manufacturing jobs taken by robots.
- Trying to destroy Obama Care has failed: a court “victory “making it illegal would be a disaster for Trumpfski,Moscow Mitch and the Republican Senate. TRUMP KNOWS HE IS IS LOSING..
- He is terrified the economy will not last through the election cycle.
- That's all he's got.
- He is desperate for something/anything to rescue him.
- Impeachment may be his best hope for a dramatic partisan distraction?
- Even w/o IMPEACHMENT congressional testimony will be a drumbeat, week after week.
- The tax returns are coming.
- So are further indictments of allies and flunkies.
- Epstein trial is on the horizon.
- Videos of the two of them cavorting will be aired again and again and again.
- When the crescendo peaks, Moscow Mitch and the rest will run for the hills.
AFTER A HUMILIATING .. 2020 election, will come the indictments.
His, Kushner's and other family members.
Then the civil suits.
Both the state and those he has wronged will go after his fortune.
Part Greek Tragedy, part a Whitehall[slapstick] farce.
Hands up those who would swap their own prospects for his.

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