Wednesday, February 10, 2016

backup feb2 IOWA the Morning After


                                                   IOWA the Morning After


             As requested  an quick response to last night.
    I am now into this. and really touched by messages from friends I have not seen in almost 20 years.
    With email addresses added from recipient suggestions the list is up to 70+ and growing .Who knew?
                            The BIG winner is Marco Rubio ,despite major blitzes against him on TV from Bush.   

        Assiduous readers may note he barely got a mention in my previous  email !!  
        Another 1% and he would have pushed Trump(ed) into 3rd place .If he gets  2nd or good third in NH
        ahead of  Kasich, Bush  & Christie he becomes the most likely nominee. I can hear the sighs 
        of relief  from Capitol hill and the RNC  way out here in Great Falls .
               Trump is the big loser despite coming a respectable 2nd in the Evangelical dominated                           Republican part of Iowa .His aura of invincibility has gone, had Rubio caught him the bubble may have               burst. In any case he needs a big rebound in NH and for Rubio to be a weak third or worse. Otherwise                 it becomes a Trump vs Rubio race to the convention.  Cruze  just peaked . He really is uber nasty                     and  narcissistic even by Republican standards.
                  Bernie the overwhelming moral victor . He will win big in NH and do well in Nevada but he ain't                  gonna make it all the way . In the heart he is an inzera  but in my head I know he's dead --or will be. A               confident democratic primary electorate will not in the end nominate a 74 year old ,New York ,Jewish ,          Socialist, Independent from .Vermont. But the Clintonistas are really panicked. They need to calm down,she        wins in the end---PACE JOE BIDEN--what are the mechanics for a very late entry?   
                  HILLARY is a winner / loser. She won Iowa on 6 coin tosses and statistical error; but Bernie is probably smart enough not to demand a recount and be happy to split the delegates and take the moral victory into NH. Amongst democrats she lost some credibility and some affection last night ,but it won't matter. Iowa is behind her now and so will be NH soon.Her real loss was  Trump being outshone by Rubio . If Trump fades--he will-- then media attention  switches to Rubio and even more to Hillary's baggage. She had begun to dream of Trump or Cruze  as their nominee; and would win that handily.Rubio would be a different proposition. More on his problems anon.  
       Non-USA readers who are used to contests between parties with leaders ,may not realise just how much Presidential elections here are  more akin to battles between CHAMPIONS. Despite the Republican record in congress  and their grotesque primary circus ,in the end many Americans will just 'reset" for the general election. The media will cover it like a "title fight', big money PACS will run endless ads on the Clinton baggage and many Americans---by no means all--have the political cognizance of gnats; Not all, not even a majority but enough.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."
and he wasn't talking about Americans--a much faster lot ,would only take 2 minutes.
  But then again :

Winston S. Churchill

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

― Winston S. Churchill

  Its very rare that I quote this man but Americans revere him as some kind of political Icon--when in Rome
        speak with you all again soon

-----Original Message-----

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