Requests for comments on Britain Voting to leave EU ,will do but first:
Wins S.Carolina and now Nevada Caucuses with 45% of vote
Proudly won the " the support of the "poorly educated" and Latinos" --no doubt he got 100% of poorly educated Latinos who voted in the Republican Primary--all 4 of them.
Ahead by double digits in all next weeks states except Texas-where the population apparently believes that Canadian Ted is a paysanne.
No reason for Cruz or Rubio to drop out and Kacich not getting traction ;while he holds on for OHIO and the North & MIDWEST.
If you are not astonished you are asleep.
If you are not appalled--even as a cynical partisan democrat--you lack imagination.
If you claim to have seen this coming ,you are hallucinating.
Can he now be stopped? Not if Cruz & Rubio keep close in 2/3rd place and each dreams of being the TRUMPO alternative. And who says that if Rubio drops out that his vote would go disproportionately to Cruz ;and one could expect the Cruz vote goes to Trumpo more than to Rubio.
It looks as though that Clinton Electoral Magic---LUCK--may still be in play!
Bush gone;Kacich not getting the traction ;Rubio/Cruz staying close in the voting leading both to reasonably dream---while shedding each other's blood. 2 Cubans--really! She should do well and get momentum from the next clutch of Primaries mostly in the south.
Wonderful irony if Democratic Southern Primaries push her to the nomination before the votes in New York,California,Ohio and Michigan.That is :states with no chance of a Democratic win in the general election have disproportionate influence ahead of the major Democratic states .
Anyway Trump has to be the Republican Democrats want to face---beware what we wish for.
Hillaries Achilles Heel[s]
those darned emails
still dissembling about those Goldman Sachs transcripts
AND OH that Clinton Foundation Money Trail
but for now she has had a great week.
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