Friday, March 31, 2017


It is possible that several of   the King's readers are  unaware that  General Michael Flynn has demanded immunity from criminal prosecution in return for "important testimony".

One is on his boat fighting hurricane Debbie in the Indies,another hiking between Vietnam and Malaysia,a third enjoying Cafe en Paris and several seem to be living in caves.

The rest of us are following this comedy soap opera,wall to wall cable news on six continents We are still 30 days away from the 100th!!

Some background:

General FLYNN,Trumpf loyalist,Putin confidant,Erdogan vendor and all round Great American Patriot, is determined to share all he knows about those pesky whistle blowers, WH Ruskie friends and the bank accounts of his erstwhile colleagues.

"Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!" Trump tweeted today .
Full hearted defence of his old friend ,wonder why?   --"he was just a campaign volunteer"

But first    An Aside:

   The heroic Paul Ryan, Leader of the House of Representatives,saviour of American health care and putative future President, is panicking.Having failed valiantly to replace Obamacare with Trumpfcare he is being blamed by Trumpf and all factions of his House caucus,he is terrified that the Donald will cooperate with the Democrats.

Donald,the master of the deal, is pursuing his usual  strategy of                                                                                          "demand,bluster,surrender,blame and declare victory "
and seems to want to make nice with Demoratic Senator Schumer.

Ryan in response on CBS : "What I worry about is if we don’t do this, then he’ll just go work with Democrats to try to change Obamacare ,,,. that’s hardly a conservative thing"
 "This is a can-do president .  . . I worry we'll push the president into working with Democrats."                                                                                                       Ryan told Norah O'Donnell
Trump is "reaching out ' to the democrats on other issues-infrastructure,tax reform--and they will extract a price on "THE WALL",immigration , Medicaid. and military spending.This will make the Pulican pay masters very unhappy..

There was real fear in Ryan's eyes.His health care debacle has alienated  the rePublican moderates and the tea party.The Freedom Caucus is hunting his head .

The King's intelligence from the Caucus is that they are planning a coup to replace Ryan with one of their intellectual leaders--LOUIE GOHMERT of Texas.

  Gohmert is a very strong Trump Partisan and early supporter.The White House is keen to have him become the Republican Speaker  -the second most powerful position in Washington and third in line for the Presidency.
They hope he would become a lightning rod for the lying press and assorted Trumpf enemies i.e.70% of the US population.

              His views very closely track those of the GREAT DEAL MAKER himself. As he has said:
  • Every time anybody in Washington talks about legal status, amnesty, anything of that nature, it becomes a magnet that lures people in quickly into the United States.
  • It's OK to burn a Bible, that's OK. OK to burn a flag, OK, that's all right. But just, you know, for heaven's sake, don't say anything that might offend someone of the Islamic religion
  • The truth is that anyone... that wants to subvert our Constitution to Shariah Law is an enemy of the United States. 
  • No country has ever fallen while it was truly honoring the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 
  • Socialized medicine never falls of its own weight because you put people on lists, and they die waiting to get the treatment and care. So you don't go broke.
  • We give the military money, it ought to be to kick rears, break things, and come home.
  • Don’t Ask Don’t Tell will make the U.S. more “vulnerable to terrorism” because gay soldiers will take after the ancient Greeks in bringing their lovers to the front lines so they can “give them massages before they go into battle.”
  •  It’s kind of like marriage when you say it’s not a man and a woman anymore, then why not have three men and one woman, or four women and one man, or why not somebody has a love for an animal? There is no clear place to draw the line once you eliminate the traditional marriage,
  •  It’s the same once you start putting limits on what guns can be used, then it’s just really easy to have laws that make them all illegal.

  • The dirty little secret on Wall Street: Eighty percent of the Wall Street executives' and their spouses' donations go to Democrats.-----[just cannot trust those people in jewyork]
His majesty predicts that this coup will be successful. Louie will become the rePublican Speaker & third in linet o the throne.

Ryan will take himself to a nunnery  monastery,close to the  kibbutz  investment bank  and bar where  previous victims of the tea party---Eric Cantor and John Boehner  -- reside.

Trumpf  will cheer the ascendancy of Gohmert.  BUT READ ON

                                    The Coups
Back at the ranch[White House]  there is panic over the Flynn "Revelations"'.

The media believe that Flynn will dish the dirt on Trumpf.
But this loyal ,brave and upright General has another in his sights.
PENCE ,his nemesis and cruel,cold executioner.Pence will learn the lesson of millennia of war and politics :              KILL do not WOUND.

Flynn: battered ,bloodied,bruised and ruined --still lives.And is in the hands of COMEY's  dreaded FBI.

"Vengeance is mine saith the Lord  General"

His testimony will focus on Pence and scandals from his time as Governor of the Province of Indiana

As always follow the money --or maybe Pence is the true Conservative Saint

He and Robespiere  Bannon are determined to get Pence and Hercules Priebus.They will use the dupe, Court Jew Kushner as their useful fool.

Of course Pence and Priebus  can see this coming.Along with their allies Ryan, McConnel and  the Koch brothers they have been planning and waiting their opportunity.

The events of this week means time has run out and they must make their move .

The King predicts it is too late.Their coup will fail.Pence and Priebus will be found guilty of disloyalty and worse--residual sanity--and will be sacrificed to the FBI. Ryan will go to his monastery[see above]

Bannon will emerge as the only power behind the throne.Louie the Avenger will control the House and Flynn will continue to manoeuvre  Trumpf's foreign policy--Rex Who?

                   THE REPUBLIC IS NOT YET LOST!!

There is still that implacable defender of  DEMOCRACY,FREEDOM & TRUTH  --COMEY'S FBI

They will continue to pursue Flynn,the Russians ,Cortrumpftion and bad hair cuts.

The King predicts that by year end Trumpf  is taken away by the men in White coats,is indicted or dies in mysterious[polonium] circumstances.

Trumpf     Gone
Pence       Gone
Ryan        Gone
Bannon    Vanishes
Comey    Smiles

                                     ALL HAIL PRESIDENT  GOHMERT

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Trumpf,Russia,Money,Espionage and SEX

                                     That  SEX  word always seems to get the readers attention.

 A number of members of the Court claim to appreciate the comments on the Trumpf team's sleazy Russian connections,financial corruption and espionage but feel that i am holding back on the sex.

An accusation the King cannot take lightly.But he has always eschewed common gossip.The King believes the  sexual peccadilloes of Trumpf ,Paul Mannafort ,Michael Flynn,Mike Pence or Hercules Priebus -even Sean Spicer--et al are none of our business.

The King has  resisted commenting on the "Golden Shower".

He was unable to resist coming to the the defence of David Cameron's pig's head.[post 12April2016]. Other than that for the King sex is off the agenda[perhaps I should re phrase that?].

One man/woman's perversion or adultery, romantic tryst  or adventure is of relevance only to them and their partner[s]. There is only relevance if these dalliances create a national security risk.Or if they are part of a pattern of corruption that affects the public good.

Having said that : Are there cases of Russian/Ukrainian money buying collusion,influence or fealty that have not involved sexual  kompromat? 

My sources in Moscow and Kiev laughed at my question.

Mr.Putin's  "Russian prostitutes are best in the world" claim is no idle  boast from the KGB trained Despot.

So my more salacious friends,never mind this blog :watch the news/leaks next week from the FBI,CIA and various congressional intelligence committees .

In the UK "Private Eye"[a satirical magazine] readers  may read that which investigative journalists cannot get through their paper's legal team.

                                                           STOP DROOLING

  P.S.  I thought it best not to include pictures or videos in this blog post.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Kushner Boy

Given all the responsibilities being thrust upon Trumpf's son in law it dawned on me that I,nor any of my multitude of readers,emissaries and subjects had ever heard him speak.Not just on the substance of Middle east Peace nor any other of  of his many briefs BUT not at  all.                               

I turned to google and you tube and this is ALL I could find.

                                              At HARVARD CHABAD Jan 2017

                                                        The audience was clearly riveted.

  • If you listen he seems to be proposing peace between Orthodox Jews and Reform Jews.
  • A critical  precursor to an Israeli/Palestinian peace?
  • Or an ambition AFTER  he has accomplished the easier task?

This was a fine reading of a speech .Any BARMITZVAH boy's Bubba would be proud--"and so young"
Or so I would have thought ! 
 I then found this you tube clip of Bubba  RAE KUSHNER  עליו השלום alav ha-shalom[May she rest in peace]  She died in April 2004.

You do not need to watch all of this clip but the last 30 seconds will tell you what you need to know.

She was a Polish holocaust survivor who lived for 3 years in an Italian refugee camp before,in 1949, joining her aunt's family in New York.It seems she knew where she stood on the plight of refugees  of any faith and her take on Bannon/Trumpf policies would be self evident.

.As to to Jared-- looking down : kvelling she is not, nachers she must get from the grand children --her boychickle she will forgive anything. Probably.

The King's Court knows of  the generation of holocaust survivours. Now nearly all gone.

You were born to great privalege thanks to their survival,hard work and tenacity.You owe them more than bromides and uncontreversial  donations to feel good Jewish charities .                                            
Your grandfather and Ivanka's would not have been besties.
You and Ivanka have the power to stop  Bannon and rein in  Trumpf's Teutonic heritage.

                                                                     USE IT

  think Chris Christie

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


The king has received several missives from his loyal opposition chiding him for his bias.
Two of them from the  Emerald Isle. They must be concerned for my negative influence on the Hell's Kitchen born Irish Queen.

Trust me boyos she can fend for herself.

I produce below the masked but unredacted gist of these.
Very succinct:

  " Fake news, Irving.


     Come on ,I expect better of you"

MY response:

Did you really? (expect better of you)  I'll take that as a complement--however unearned.
These are predictions .Which do you disagree with?
  • Disgraced  ex National Security advisor John Flynn will be indicted on tax evasion charges .
  • His military pension may be challenged for serious breach of regulations while chief of military Intelligence.
These two investigations have already been announced. Trumpf spokesman already thrown him under the bus at press conference and in briefings and phone calls to media.
  •  His son may be drawn into the tax maw.    
  Sins of the father I am afraid, but he seems to share his dad's conspiracy theories  and dodgy employment practices,
  • Paul Manafort will not be indicted for Treason but will have very serious Tax  and Money Laundering problems. 
Do you think he will be indicted for treason? He has already lawyered up for the other two investigations.
  • His sidekick Carter Page will be thrown to the wolves by Trumpf Whitehouse  
 Already happened this week along with another campaign advisor  Roger Stone who I forgot to include in original post.
 Each has now hired seperate lawyers.
  • A non partisan, independent probe will be authorised by a REPUBLICAN  congress.
 One hour ago on live TV watched 2008 Republican presidential candidate and Arizona  Senator John McCain call for precisely this.
 He and a number of other senior Republicans do not believe[trust] the Republican led House Intelligence [sic] Committee can do or be seen to do an impartial investigation.

 Press briefing by Republican Committee Chair Nunes one hour earlier served to prove the point.

  • As will Wilbur Ross[Commerce Secretary] and Rex Tillerson [rumoured to be Secretary of State} both of whom will resign in disgrace.
          We will see ,call me in November.
  •   Forgot about HHS Secretary Dr. Tom Price, leading the charge to impoverish the sick .
 "Trumpf fired federal prosecutor Preet Bhararain  in the middle of  investigating stock trades by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price." Bhararain has not yet been replaced and the Manhattan District Attorney's office staff will continue the probe. In addition   "He is subject of an SEC probe into insider trading."                 Kaiser Healthcare News March 20th,2017.
These probes can drag on. Expect resignation in November/December.
  The details of the rest are more speculative or [humorous] hyperbole. But we are only into day 62 so......
  • As will Wilbur Ross[Commerce Secretary] and Rex Tillerson [rumoured to be Secretary of State} both of whom will resign in disgrace.
  • Although Tillerson may go first because he is tired.
  •  Manafort or page  or both will seek exile in non extradition territory--Moscow?
  • Ivanka's Baku deal will be drawn into the probe.
  • Bannon will remain in bunker with adolph   the Donald --at least till November.
  • Paul Ryan will be  deposed as speaker of the House of representatives .
  • He will run for President in 2020,2024,2028.
  • So will Rand Paul
                     And you discount the palace coup and the men in white coats too lightly



The king will save his more indolent readers some effort by beginning with the predictions.Those interested in the substantiation can read the next blog which will be posted at the same time.

  • Disgraced  ex National Security advisor John Flynn will be indicted on tax evasion charges .
  • His military pension may be challenged for serious breach of regulations while chief of military Intelligence.
  •  His son may be drawn into the tax maw.
  • Paul Manafort will not be indicted for Treason but will have very serious Tax  and Money Laundering problems. 
  • His sidekick Carter Page will be thrown to the wolves by Trumpf Whitehouse
  • As will Wilbur Ross[Commerce Secretary] and Rex Tillerson [rumoured to be Secretary of State} both of whom will resign in disgrace.
  • Although Tillerson may go first because he is tired.
  •  Manafort or page  or both will seek exile in non extradition territory--Moscow?
  • A non partisan,independent probe will be authorised by a REPUBLICAN  congress.
  • Ivanka's Baku deal will be drawn into the probe.
  • Bannon will remain in bunker with adolph   the Donald --at least till November.
  • Paul Ryan will be  deposed as speaker of the House of representatives .
  • He will run for President in 2020,2024,2028.
  • So will Rand Paul

    If the rePUBLICANS are too stupid to pass the grenade to an independent investigation,then the Democrats will do that after 2018 landslide congressional victory.

                       Before the 2018 mid term elections 

  • Donald will be replaced by Mike Pence in a Palace Coup .
  • He will depart in straight jacket accompanied by men in white coats.
  • Very Soviet!    

Friday, March 17, 2017

Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and Chancellor Angela Merkel visit White House

Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman 

Last Tuesday Saudi Arabia's deputy crown prince Mohammad bin Salman smilingly took Trumpf's  tiny hand in his own, marking an  “historical turning point” in US-Saudi relations and anointed Trumpf  a“true friend of Muslims”. 

A spokesman for the Wahabi ,Saudi decapitating, hand slicing,Al Quaeda incubating ,Monarchy said " Saudi Arabia does not believe that [the immigration ban]is targeting Muslim countries or the religion of Islam".
They were apparently told the ban only applied to the Shia. 

The 9/11 terrorist attack was carried out by 15 hijackers from Saudi Arabia,and two from the United Arab Emirates.

The Wahabi dominated Saudi Arabia and its wholly owned subsidiary Pakistan were not on the list of Trumpf banned countries.
  • Recently announced US/SAUDI arms sales  total $120 billion.
  • Rex Tillerson  CEO of EXXON  US  Secretary of State plans trip to Riyadh to discuss further oil deals.
  • Saudi pledged to advise Trumpf administration on border controls a la Yemen.
  • Also this week an Ivanka struck deals for two  new Trumpf hotels,in Mecca and Medina, 
  • Rumoured to be targeted to open for the 2018 Haj .
                             Chancellor  Frau Angela Merkel.

                       In town today was Leader of the Free world  chancellor  Angela Merkel.

Unlike for Mohammad bin Salman ,Fox news points out " no hand shake" for Merkel..No smile either.
It could be new found religion and Trumpf only shakes hands with Wahabi men?

A spokes man said it had nothing to do with a German intelligence report claiming “Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar are supporting extremist Islamic groups in Germany"

The two just do not like each other.

Nevertheless ,Merkel has promised  Mexico  the White House to provide technical assistance to
                                                 "tear down that wall"

The recent visit to 24 German cities by Donald Jr. has not resulted in any deals to build Trump hotels.     
It is believed Eric has been dispatched to find deals in Kurdistan. 
To be followed by a Saudi internship with bin Salman  to get an education on how to bolster OPEC power to raise prices,deal with awkward Shia neighbours , value a 5% stake in Uber,publicly list Aramco in jewyork and transform the Saudi Economy in 8 years--end of daddy's second term.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Russian Connections.

Below are some notes I made for the Russian Connections. Might as well read them in the light of the current mishigas.

In 1995, Trump declares a  $900+million loss on his casino developments.on his  income tax returns. U S banks “unwilling to lend him money due to what they termed ‘the Donald risk.'

With the help of Wilbur Ross he turns to Deutsche Bank and the Bayrock Group'

In 1998 Deutsche Bank provides Trump $125 million to renovate an office building at 40 Wall Street.
Deutsche Bank goes on to underwrite over a $ billion of loans to Trump.

Deutsche Bank has been at the centre of Russian money laundering schemes.

 In January 2017, it was fined “$630 million in penalties … over a $10 billion Russian money-laundering scheme that involved its Moscow, New York and London branches.”
That was by New York State.
The Feds are still planning their own indictment.

Deutche Bank CEO since 2002  Josef Ackerman "retired" from the bank under a cloud in 2012. He was not asked to stay on as part time Chairman.
Common in the courtly ways of large German financial institutions.

In August 2013 Ackerman resigned as chair of insurer Zurich Re  after being named in the suicide note of its CFO .

In early 2015 Wilbur Ross arranged for Ackerman to become Chairman of  the Bank of Cyprus --see blog of  3/02/2017--in which Ross was the major shareholder,along with a number of Putin's close oligarch allies.

Early 2000s :Trumpf goes to the Bayrock Group for cash.

  • The company was run by Russian immigrants with mafia ties and is headquartered in Trumpf Tower.
  • Bayrock and the Trump Organization goes on to develop properties in Florida, Arizona, and New York.
  • 2005: Trump and Bayrock agree a  deal to explore building a Trump Tower in Moscow.
  • 2007–2008:   Dozens of  Russians buy into trump NY apartments.
  • This is confirmed by Sergei Millian a Russian émigré  who served as a broker.between Trump and Ruskis.
  • Millian said the Trump Organization received “hundreds of millions of dollars” through deals with Russian businessmen.
  • This is  confirmed by Donald jnr--the bright one.

In 2008/9  Donald jnr.visits Moscow 6 times in search of deals.

November 2013 Trumpf  goes to Moscow for  Miss Universe pageant,meeting numerous oligarchs from Russia ,Ukraine and Azerbajan.


  • June 17: USA expels two Russian diplomats in retaliation for an attack on an American diplomat in Moscow.
  • July 7: Trumpf adviser Carter Page meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin confidants Igor Sechin and Igor Diveykin while in Moscow, 
  • July 11–15,Republican National Committee removes anti-Russia language in the party platform and water down language supporting Ukraine.
  • The only change demanded by Trumpf's team.
  • July 26: US intelligence informs White House that Russian government is responsible for  DNC hacking and wikileaks information.
  • August 17:Intelligence agencies  brief Trumpf and Clinton about the hacking incidents, including “direct links” of Putin’s government and the hacks and email leaks.
  • August 19:Trumpf campaign chairman Paul Manafort sacked  over his Russia ties  and past lobbying work for pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarchs.and exiled President Kuchma.
  • August 21: Trumpf confidant Roger Stone  tweets about  WikiLeaks’ release of John Podesta’s emails  “Trust me, it will soon [be] Podesta’s time in the barrel”.
  • September 26 : Trumpf questions intelligence community findings that Russia broke into the DNC,
  • points finger at 400 pound hacker in New Jersey.
  • October 7: U.S. Department of Homeland Security  and Director of National Intelligence  on behalf of 17 national security agencies confirm  Russian government stealing and leaking emails from the DNC and others.Say leaked emails “are intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.”
  • In the Presidential debates and elsewhere Trumpf continues to publically ridicule US intel reports on Russian interference in the election.
  • Inter alia ,  July 27,September 8,September 26,October 10 October 20, 2016:December 7, 2016,December 31,January 3, 2017,January 4, 2017,January 6, 2017 etc

February 14, 2017: NY TIMES & CNN report Trumpf campaign aides—including Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Roger Stone, and Michael Flynn-had repeated or “constant” contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential campaign.

                 Paul Manafort has not  been indicted--yet


                                                              TRUMPF TAXES

 Last night I was in the process of composing a a short blog on the Russian Connections.
 I got a call from one of the Princesses who told me to watch the Rachel Maddow show.
 Maddow had a scoop.The Princess knows that I am an admirer of Rachel Maddow .
She is an excellent journalist with a good team.A very effective presenter of a case.
She is forthright about her liberal biases,but does not let them  get in the way of her seeing things as they are.

The scoop was that journalist and Trumpf biographer, David K.Johnson, had received Trump’s tax returns in the mail


After milking the “scoop” for about 20 minutes the document was revealed. It was a paltry two pages.

 King Cyclops is in the process of helping the Queen prepare the royal tax returns for 2016.
They will run to 20 pages or so.  This for a straightforward personal tax filing.

TRUMPF has arranged his business affairs as an intricate series of personal companies in various tax jurisdictions.

  • Unusually for a business “empire” so large, there is no publical listed company which has raised third party moneys.
  • Past forays into the public,fiduciary arena have, like Trumpf University, not gone well.
  Therefore, among the peculiarities of the Trumpf return that was exhibited:

  •         The Donald's tax returns would require information on his personally owned entities and be very long and complicated.
  •           Several hundred if not thousand pages long.
  •          They would include information on the debts, income streams and companies which he has created as part of his personal and business activities.
  •         They would probably also reveal who has been doing business with    and
  •           Most interestingly who are his creditors?
  •         It was only the first two summary pages.
Why did the “leaker” not send the rest of the filing?

 In addition:
  •          The two page return was from 2005.
  •         Twelve years ago.
  •          Why that year?
  •          What about the returns for the last 20+ years during which he has been dealing with Russian businessmen?
"Astonishingly" the two pages present Mr. Trump’s tax is in a relatively favorable light.

  • He paid $32 million or a little under 25% in tax on $130 million of income.
  • Given his boasting about his desire and ability to “work” the tax system, as a businessman, this is not particularly egregious.
  • This is much less aggressive than the tax returns of Mitt Romney released four years ago.
  •  If these two pages from 2005 are typical of his tax returns why not all of release them?

 The returns were prepared by a professional tax preparer, that preparer will have generated five sets of the documents.

  • ·         One for the Federal Government.
  • ·         One for New York State
  • ·         A third for New York City.
  • ·         Another for Trump’s lawyers      and
  • ·         Finally set for the taxpayer personally i.e. for Donald and Melania.

         EACH set would have a notation on page two as to whom it was sent or where.

  •  The copy that has been sent by mail to David Johnston is marked as Donald and MELANIA's personal copy.
  • Trump’s personal return. 
  • This would mean that someone had access to the Donald’s 2005 personal copy and chose to send two of several hundred pages
  •  To one of his greatest enemies.         
Why would Melania do this?

  •  If it was done to damage the Donald, where are the other pages?
  •  Why only the return for 2005?
  • Is it possibly the only return in the last 20 years that puts Trump in a less than dreadful light?
  • These two pages present the Pater Familias, Donald, in a “relatively” good light
  • This begs the question of who exactly chose to release this return.
 Just as important

  • It deflected from the imminent pronouncement from various congressional committees[all Publican controlled] that Trumpf Tower was NOT wire tapped by Obama.
  • Changed the subject from the disastrously bizarre TRUMPF/RYANCARE replacement for OBAMACARE.

  But not for long

By this morning it was becoming common currency on the talk shows that the surreptitious release of these two pages was engineered by the dark ops team in Trumpf Tower.

Sorry Rachel, much as I admire you I think yesterday you were had.

Never mind, sooner or later we will see all of the tax documents from the years since the Trump casinos went bust.King Cyclops found the whole presentation a little on and thoughts and the inference of a KGB sleight-of-hand stop I was simply this morning it transpired that I was not the only one puzzled and there was a strong strand of opinion that judge of the Trump family itself

Monday, March 6, 2017


King Cyclops is mortified to be criticized by several of his millennial female readers.
                                            It seems I am an elderly,gentleman sexist.
  • This is because I seem not to hold Ivanka to the same standard as the boys 
  • This is because she is a pretty,polite girl young enough to be my grand daughter.
  • I am accused of  signing on to the media “BS” that Ivanka is the smart decent member of the family.
  • The nice one .
  • The modest convert  to Orthodox Judaism. 
  • Who appeals to her father’s better angels.
  • The “liberal’ one who is pushing for paid  family leave.
  • Who is privately against the defunding of Planned Parenthood .
 My critics point out that ,sure she seems to be the smart one ,but that's compared to his boys!!!

We know how dumb they are because they actually  say things and boast about hunting, Russian money and deals.

 “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets"

"We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

"hunting and fishing makes you fall in love with the natural world. This is why hunters so often give back by contributing to conservation."

She never says anything except for the occasional fluff,girly stuff [their words] .

As the old adage goes: While she says nothing some may think she is not very bright.If she starts to really speak it may remove all doubt.

  The first item they had me note was Ivanka's role in the tasteless,cynical  exploitation of the Navy seal widow.

  • The victim of an ill conceived raid in Yemen apparently approved by Trumpf between courses at Mar-el-Lago.
  • You know the one "his Generals "screwed up. 
  • Inherited from Obama-not.
  • But certainly not his fault.
  • The object of the mission: boost the Donald's commander in chief credentials.
  • So Ivanka escorts her to her exploitation.

Nor do they buy into the observant Jewish Schtik.

It was used to give Dad some cover over his anti-Semitic dog whistles during the campaign.
But "frumkeit" did not prevent Ivanka and Hubby despoiling their Shabbat observations 
By driving to inaugural balls or
Their patronage of non kosher restaurants.

Now King Cyclops does not give monkeys about Ivanka's religious practices--but if you use it as part   of your PR persona then your consistency may be questioned.  

King Cyclops is a Yeshiva Bocher --went to rabbinical college until his bar mitzvah-- very precocious. 

So he can vouch to his Catholic friends: The Yids don't do "dispensations" even for der trump kinder.

  • There is no way, none, Nader, nicht a rabbi can "allow" you not to observe the Sabbath. 
  • Or for the breaking of any other commandment for that matter.
  • Shabbat is the holiest day in the orthodox calendar--EVERY WEEK.
  • Not for inaugural balls, not for a state diner, not even to go to an Arsenal game.
  • Only, to save a life: yours, anothers,even your fathers.
  • After much rabbinic discussion over several centuries-ok for child birth.   

Then there is the "fashion label" and the enabling of daddy's conflicts of interest.
  •  He, the president, tweets that's its unfair for Nordstrom et al to drop her clothes line.
  •  She does not demur.
  •  She says nothing.

As to the "family leave "stuff; 

my millennial ladies think that it is as genuine as Melania's campaign against "cyber bullying".
  • They note that she knows that there is no way that a Republican congress is going to mandate such a right let alone fund it.
  • They won't even do it for federal employees.
  • How do they know this ?
  • Cos the republicans have always blocked such initiatives.        

                                Well it seems my millennial friends may have a point.

                                I had no idea she is referred to as the “crafty one”.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Am I reading a very bad John Le Carre novel?

                              Its almost impossible to keep up with the Trumpf Clown  Regime.

 So far:
  •  The urgent executive order banning travelers from 7 Muslim lands etc;which could not wait a second or the judges should be blamed for the inevitable terror attacks. 
  • That was 3 weeks ago,Now  a revised draft is on hold while the WH press machine preens over Trumpf's 'incredibly brilliant" address on Tuesday night.
  • He did not drool,fall down or insult any disabled vets.He mouthed a series of platitudes,lies and half truths without losing his place on the teleprompter--which he "does not use".
  • The whole triumph has now been drowned by Jeff Sessions lying under oath in his senat
  • Confirmation Hearings. This Russia stuff has barely begun!

  • No plan to repeal or replace or repair or rescue Obamacare.
  • Did they promise that?
  • The tax reforms will be the Huuugest, Bestest ever etc etc etc.           
  • Just will not be "scored” by the OMB.
  • No coherent immigration policy.
  • Wall: Mexico not paying-so the Donald no longer asking. 
  • A brilliant negotiator.
  • Foreign policy at WH different to at the State Department.
  • Ditto Homeland Security.
  • Ditto Defence.
  • The failed mission in Yemen, decided over dinner at his Golf Resort,was a"great success”. 
  • Anyway "it was planned by Obama" and "his Generals" are to blame.
  • Still it allowed for "a great" photo op exploiting the dead Navy Seal's widow
We have already forgotten that:
  • Michael Flynn The National Security Advisor--no senate confirmation needed,Trumpf's personal appointment.Has resigned in disgrace.
  • His nominee for Labor Secretary withdrew rather than release his financials.
  • Ditto nominee for Under secretary for the Army.
  • Ditto second nominee for Under secretary for the Army.
  • Ditto nominee for Under secretary for the Navy
  • Anyone knows who is looking after the  Air Force?
  • White Supremacist still the most powerful man in the W.H.
  • We have not seen the promised tax returns.
  • Has not divested his business interests.
  • Still has a hotel with a government  lease not allowed by law.
  • He still tweets.


And now Jeff Sessions,his Attorney General, is in the firing line for lying in his senate hearings about --RUSSIA--and meetings with the Russian ambassador a known foreign agent.
Perjury by the nations chief law man.
Sessions is the other remaining white supremacist in the ruling clique.
The polite--but ruthless--bigot sidekick to Steve Bannon.

The Russian onion is only just beginning to unpeel [the King wants credit for not using the Russian    Matryoshka Doll metaphor]  .

 Banafort will go to prison not for treason but for tax evasion.
 Flynn's gone .
 Sessions next .

 After that a really serious one.
Bringing the money trail closer to Trumpf himself.


Secretary of Commerce billionaire Wilbur Ross is a partner with several Russian billionaire oligarchs in the Bank of Cyprus .