Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Russian Connections.

Below are some notes I made for the Russian Connections. Might as well read them in the light of the current mishigas.

In 1995, Trump declares a  $900+million loss on his casino developments.on his  income tax returns. U S banks “unwilling to lend him money due to what they termed ‘the Donald risk.'

With the help of Wilbur Ross he turns to Deutsche Bank and the Bayrock Group'

In 1998 Deutsche Bank provides Trump $125 million to renovate an office building at 40 Wall Street.
Deutsche Bank goes on to underwrite over a $ billion of loans to Trump.

Deutsche Bank has been at the centre of Russian money laundering schemes.

 In January 2017, it was fined “$630 million in penalties … over a $10 billion Russian money-laundering scheme that involved its Moscow, New York and London branches.”
That was by New York State.
The Feds are still planning their own indictment.

Deutche Bank CEO since 2002  Josef Ackerman "retired" from the bank under a cloud in 2012. He was not asked to stay on as part time Chairman.
Common in the courtly ways of large German financial institutions.

In August 2013 Ackerman resigned as chair of insurer Zurich Re  after being named in the suicide note of its CFO .

In early 2015 Wilbur Ross arranged for Ackerman to become Chairman of  the Bank of Cyprus --see blog of  3/02/2017--in which Ross was the major shareholder,along with a number of Putin's close oligarch allies.

Early 2000s :Trumpf goes to the Bayrock Group for cash.

  • The company was run by Russian immigrants with mafia ties and is headquartered in Trumpf Tower.
  • Bayrock and the Trump Organization goes on to develop properties in Florida, Arizona, and New York.
  • 2005: Trump and Bayrock agree a  deal to explore building a Trump Tower in Moscow.
  • 2007–2008:   Dozens of  Russians buy into trump NY apartments.
  • This is confirmed by Sergei Millian a Russian émigré  who served as a broker.between Trump and Ruskis.
  • Millian said the Trump Organization received “hundreds of millions of dollars” through deals with Russian businessmen.
  • This is  confirmed by Donald jnr--the bright one.

In 2008/9  Donald jnr.visits Moscow 6 times in search of deals.

November 2013 Trumpf  goes to Moscow for  Miss Universe pageant,meeting numerous oligarchs from Russia ,Ukraine and Azerbajan.


  • June 17: USA expels two Russian diplomats in retaliation for an attack on an American diplomat in Moscow.
  • July 7: Trumpf adviser Carter Page meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin confidants Igor Sechin and Igor Diveykin while in Moscow, 
  • July 11–15,Republican National Committee removes anti-Russia language in the party platform and water down language supporting Ukraine.
  • The only change demanded by Trumpf's team.
  • July 26: US intelligence informs White House that Russian government is responsible for  DNC hacking and wikileaks information.
  • August 17:Intelligence agencies  brief Trumpf and Clinton about the hacking incidents, including “direct links” of Putin’s government and the hacks and email leaks.
  • August 19:Trumpf campaign chairman Paul Manafort sacked  over his Russia ties  and past lobbying work for pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarchs.and exiled President Kuchma.
  • August 21: Trumpf confidant Roger Stone  tweets about  WikiLeaks’ release of John Podesta’s emails  “Trust me, it will soon [be] Podesta’s time in the barrel”.
  • September 26 : Trumpf questions intelligence community findings that Russia broke into the DNC,
  • points finger at 400 pound hacker in New Jersey.
  • October 7: U.S. Department of Homeland Security  and Director of National Intelligence  on behalf of 17 national security agencies confirm  Russian government stealing and leaking emails from the DNC and others.Say leaked emails “are intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.”
  • In the Presidential debates and elsewhere Trumpf continues to publically ridicule US intel reports on Russian interference in the election.
  • Inter alia ,  July 27,September 8,September 26,October 10 October 20, 2016:December 7, 2016,December 31,January 3, 2017,January 4, 2017,January 6, 2017 etc

February 14, 2017: NY TIMES & CNN report Trumpf campaign aides—including Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Roger Stone, and Michael Flynn-had repeated or “constant” contact with Russian intelligence officials during the presidential campaign.

                 Paul Manafort has not  been indicted--yet

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