Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Kushner Boy

Given all the responsibilities being thrust upon Trumpf's son in law it dawned on me that I,nor any of my multitude of readers,emissaries and subjects had ever heard him speak.Not just on the substance of Middle east Peace nor any other of  of his many briefs BUT not at  all.                               

I turned to google and you tube and this is ALL I could find.

                                              At HARVARD CHABAD Jan 2017

                                                        The audience was clearly riveted.

  • If you listen he seems to be proposing peace between Orthodox Jews and Reform Jews.
  • A critical  precursor to an Israeli/Palestinian peace?
  • Or an ambition AFTER  he has accomplished the easier task?

This was a fine reading of a speech .Any BARMITZVAH boy's Bubba would be proud--"and so young"
Or so I would have thought ! 
 I then found this you tube clip of Bubba  RAE KUSHNER  עליו השלום alav ha-shalom[May she rest in peace]  She died in April 2004.

You do not need to watch all of this clip but the last 30 seconds will tell you what you need to know.

She was a Polish holocaust survivor who lived for 3 years in an Italian refugee camp before,in 1949, joining her aunt's family in New York.It seems she knew where she stood on the plight of refugees  of any faith and her take on Bannon/Trumpf policies would be self evident.

.As to to Jared-- looking down : kvelling she is not, nachers she must get from the grand children --her boychickle she will forgive anything. Probably.

The King's Court knows of  the generation of holocaust survivours. Now nearly all gone.

You were born to great privalege thanks to their survival,hard work and tenacity.You owe them more than bromides and uncontreversial  donations to feel good Jewish charities .                                            
Your grandfather and Ivanka's would not have been besties.
You and Ivanka have the power to stop  Bannon and rein in  Trumpf's Teutonic heritage.

                                                                     USE IT

  think Chris Christie

1 comment:

  1. The King has nailed it again! #bubbasknowbest
