Thursday, March 2, 2017

Am I reading a very bad John Le Carre novel?

                              Its almost impossible to keep up with the Trumpf Clown  Regime.

 So far:
  •  The urgent executive order banning travelers from 7 Muslim lands etc;which could not wait a second or the judges should be blamed for the inevitable terror attacks. 
  • That was 3 weeks ago,Now  a revised draft is on hold while the WH press machine preens over Trumpf's 'incredibly brilliant" address on Tuesday night.
  • He did not drool,fall down or insult any disabled vets.He mouthed a series of platitudes,lies and half truths without losing his place on the teleprompter--which he "does not use".
  • The whole triumph has now been drowned by Jeff Sessions lying under oath in his senat
  • Confirmation Hearings. This Russia stuff has barely begun!

  • No plan to repeal or replace or repair or rescue Obamacare.
  • Did they promise that?
  • The tax reforms will be the Huuugest, Bestest ever etc etc etc.           
  • Just will not be "scored” by the OMB.
  • No coherent immigration policy.
  • Wall: Mexico not paying-so the Donald no longer asking. 
  • A brilliant negotiator.
  • Foreign policy at WH different to at the State Department.
  • Ditto Homeland Security.
  • Ditto Defence.
  • The failed mission in Yemen, decided over dinner at his Golf Resort,was a"great success”. 
  • Anyway "it was planned by Obama" and "his Generals" are to blame.
  • Still it allowed for "a great" photo op exploiting the dead Navy Seal's widow
We have already forgotten that:
  • Michael Flynn The National Security Advisor--no senate confirmation needed,Trumpf's personal appointment.Has resigned in disgrace.
  • His nominee for Labor Secretary withdrew rather than release his financials.
  • Ditto nominee for Under secretary for the Army.
  • Ditto second nominee for Under secretary for the Army.
  • Ditto nominee for Under secretary for the Navy
  • Anyone knows who is looking after the  Air Force?
  • White Supremacist still the most powerful man in the W.H.
  • We have not seen the promised tax returns.
  • Has not divested his business interests.
  • Still has a hotel with a government  lease not allowed by law.
  • He still tweets.


And now Jeff Sessions,his Attorney General, is in the firing line for lying in his senate hearings about --RUSSIA--and meetings with the Russian ambassador a known foreign agent.
Perjury by the nations chief law man.
Sessions is the other remaining white supremacist in the ruling clique.
The polite--but ruthless--bigot sidekick to Steve Bannon.

The Russian onion is only just beginning to unpeel [the King wants credit for not using the Russian    Matryoshka Doll metaphor]  .

 Banafort will go to prison not for treason but for tax evasion.
 Flynn's gone .
 Sessions next .

 After that a really serious one.
Bringing the money trail closer to Trumpf himself.


Secretary of Commerce billionaire Wilbur Ross is a partner with several Russian billionaire oligarchs in the Bank of Cyprus .

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